How to Get Rid of a Bruise?

The bruise is also known as a contusion and characterized by skin discoloration, swelling and pain. It is an area of the ruptured blood vessel which caused by bleeding under the skin. Usually start as a pink color then turn into red marks and within hours, it becomes deep purple. The size of the bruise depends on the extent and force of the injury. Any tissue with blood vessel can be bruised, which include muscle, bone, and skin. A bruise can be more prolong, last for months, if you have a lack of nutrient, vitamin C and K, anemia, bleeding disorder, thinning skin. But you can get relief and speed up the healing process to get rid of a bruise by using these effective home remedies.

get rid of a bruise

Ways to Get Rid of a Bruise

1.) Apply Ice Pack to Get Rid of a Bruise

Try to apply ice as soon as possible after you hit yourself and think it might bruise. This will help to slow down the blood flow and reduce inflammation. Don’t directly apply the ice pack against your skin because it can cause a cold burn on your skin.

  • Wrap the ice pack in a cloth and limit how long you leave the pack on your skin because leaving it longer can cause low blood pressure and skin irritation.
  • Or you can apply the bag of frozen vegetables if you don’t have any handy pack you can wrap ice cubes in a towel.
  • Frozen peas or other small vegetable bag works very well because they easily come to your body shape. You can refreeze them after using.
  • If you have bruised or black eye you can also use a steak as well.

2.) Use Arnica to Treat Bruise

Arnica is a plant that belongs to the daisy family. It not only help to get rid of bruises but also from sprains and sore muscles. It is also used to reduce pain and the amount of bruising. Arnica also speeds up the healing process. You can buy it from the market in tablet form or cream and gel.

  • Take four to five tablet of arnica as soon as possible after bruising.
  • You can take arnica daily as long as you need to get rid of a bruise.
  • You can daily use cream or gel as long as the skin has not been broken.
  • Using arnica on the broken skin will sting.

3.) Massage to Get Rid of a Bruise

Massaging the bruise and the area around it will help to get the bruise to fade. It will increase the blood flow and healthy blood will carry chemical that will clean up your bruise. Stimulating blood flow will help to get rid of bruise quickly.

  • Gently massage on the affected area, hard massage will cause irritation and pain.
  • Try using a comb or brush to massage.
  • Take an unused, stiff toothbrush and gently massage the bruise in a circular motion.
  • You can also massage with the sock filled with three to cup of uncooked rice and microwave for one to two minutes.
  • Press the warm sock against the bruise, massage it with heat and gentle motion to stimulate blood circulation.

4.) Apple Cider Vinegar for Treating Bruise

This powerful remedy is helpful for all types of ailment, ranging from skin disease to weight loss. It’s properties and compound work in effective manner in treating scars, bruise, discoloration and almost all types of skin problem. Apple cider vinegar is not only helpful to get rid of a bruise but it also very helpful for your overall health.

  • Soak of cloth of paper towel in a mixture of apple cider vinegar and a little water.
  • Apply this solution on the affected area and compress for about 10 to 15 minutes.
  • You can also dip a piece of raw or roasted onion in the solution of apple cider vinegar.
  • Apply this solution on the affected area and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • It helps to reduce the pain and inflammation.
  • Be aware of not to apply this remedy on broken skin.

5.) Herbal Compress to Cure Bruise

Using a compress soaked in an infusion of daisy, arnica, comfrey and witch hazel can help the healing bruise faster.

  • Pour boiling water over the loose flower or leaves and let it steep for about 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Take a cotton ball or small towel and dip it into the herbal solution and gently wring it out.
  • You can even put some leaves/ flower between the towel to compress.
  • Hold it on the bruise and put some scarf, loose bandage etc to secure them.
  • If you don’t have a daisy, arnica or comfrey, you can also use witch hazel but it doesn’t work as fast.

6.) Rest to Treat Bruise

Rest is very necessary if you are suffering from bruise because if exercise increases your heart rate and pump more blood to your bruise. It causes it to get bigger. Let your body heal itself, the bruise will disappear more quickly.

  • Do rest for some time and give a chance to bruise to heal.
  • Hang out on the couch, play video games, watch movies, read books.
  • Do something that doesn’t require much physical activity. Your body need sleep to repair itself so take plenty of rest.

7.) Vitamin K to Get Rid of a Bruise Naturally

Vitamin K plays an important role in helping blood clot, and prevent excessive bleeding. Deficiency of vitamin K can increase the risk of uncontrolled bleeding. It works very effectively to treat bruise as it regulates blood clotting. Rub vitamin K cream gently on the affected area twice a day.

  • Vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, kale lettuce and green vegetables are rich in vitamin K.
  • You can also take vitamin K supplement or alfalfa tablets, but first, consult your doctor before taking it.
  • Do not take vitamin K if you are on blood thinning medication or you have a history of increases risk of blood clotting

8.) Essential Oil to Treat Bruise

Massage the bruised area with the essential oil after a couple of days, it helps to increase the circulation and disperse the pooled blood to getr rid of a bruise.

  • Mix two drops of fennel oil, five drops of calendula oil and one drop of cypress oil with a four teaspoon of grapeseed oil.
  • Gently run this mixture on the affected area.
  • Apply this mixture once a day for two to three days to see the positive result.

9.) Warm Compress to Get Rid of a Bruise

Using warm compress after a couple of days or after initial swelling is gone can be useful to get rid of a bruise. It helps to improve the blood circulation and dilate the blood vessel.

  • Soak a washcloth in the warm water and apply it on the affected area.
  • You can also use a heating pad.
  • But keep in mind, do not apply heat in the first couple of days after the bruise appear because it can cause increased bleeding under the skin.

10.) Bromelain to Cure Bruise

Pineapple has a protein-digesting enzyme called bromelain. It has anti-inflammatory properties which is used in treating arthritis tendinitis and pain related to muscle injuries and studies have found that it also heal bruises quickly. it decreases bruise by breaking down the protein that trap fluid in the muscle tissue after an injury. South and central American natives are using this remedy since centuries.

Bromelain is also useful for treating bone bruises. You can also take bromelain supplement between 250 to 400 mg, three times a day, but first, consult your doctor before taking bromelain supplement. Or you can eat fresh pineapple to get rid of a bruise.

11.) Vitamin C to Get Rid of a Bruise

Some people bruise takes the time to get away due to the deficiency of vitamin C. Take diet high in vitamin C, it helps to build your resistance to bruising. Vitamin C also helps to strengthen the walls of blood cells. Eat food rich in vitamin C like citrus fruit. You can also take vitamin C supplements which are easily available at grocery store.

12.) St john’s Wort to Get Rid of a Bruise

It has anti-inflammatory properties that help to heal the bruise. It also works as an analgesic for pain relief. Use st john wort oil several times for a few days to get rid of a bruise. Take a cup of hot water and steep two tablespoons of dried St john’s wort in it for 15 to 20 minutes. Drink it once a day for a week to see a positive result.

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