How to Get Rid of Scars?

Scars are common beauty concern for many girls. It affects your pretty look. Scar tissue is the tissue that replaces normal skin when your skin’s first layer has been damaged. This may occur for several reasons like cuts, scrapes, burns, a fungal infection, bites, acne or some kind of surgery. A scar is not bad if it is small or in a place that is easy to conceal. It is very difficult to live with scars, especially if the scar is in an exposed part of the body such as hands or face. Scar tissue doesn’t cause any pain but it is a beauty concern for many people who look for various options. There are some over the counter medications and some natural home remedies that will help you to get rid of scars.

Causes of Scars:

  • Accidental injuries and cuts made during surgery
  • Scratches
  • Bites
  • Burns and scalds
  • Nose or ear piercings
  • Injections
  • Tattoos

How to Get Rid of Scars

Best Remedies to Get Rid of Scars:

1.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat Scars Fast

Apple cider vinegar is the best home remedy for treating scar tissue. The acidic nature of ACV will exfoliate the affected skin and remove dead skin which in turn will decrease the appearance of scars.

Directions to Use Apple Cider Vinegar:

  • Apply apple cider vinegar on the affected area by using a cotton ball.
  • Keep it for 10 to 15 minutes and then clean it with water.
  • Use moisturizer lotion after cleaning it.
  • Use this remedy a few times daily for a few weeks.
  • If apple cider vinegar causes irritation then use diluted apple cider vinegar.

2.) Coconut Oil to Get Rid of Scars Naturally and Fast

The fatty acids in coconut oil act as antioxidants which prevent reversing free radical damage. This oil also stimulates collagen production and soften the skin for quick healing. It has moisturizing and healing properties as well.

Directions to Use Coconut Oil:

  • Heat up 1 tsp of extra virgin coconut oil in the microwave.
  • Gently massage with this warm oil to the affected area with small circular motions until it gets absorbed.
  • Repeat it many times daily until you get relief.

3.) Lavender Oil to Remove Scars Naturally

Lavender essential oil has skin cell rejuvenating properties that help to treat scar tissue. It will increase the skin cell turnover rate and prevent scars from becoming permanent.

Directions to Use Lavender Oil:

  • Massage with a few drops of lavender essential oil on the scars. Do it in circular motions for 15 minutes so that the oil penetrates into the skin.
  • Another method is, mix equal amounts of olive oil and lavender oil and apply it on the scars and massage gently for many times in a day.

4.) Vitamin E to Get Rid of Scars Fast

Vitamin E is the popular remedy to treat scar tissue. It is an effective antioxidant and it has a moisturizing property that will help to revitalize and nourish your skin. It also helps to stimulate the formation of collagen which will improve skin texture and strength.

Directions to Use Vitamin E:

  • The easiest way to use vitamin E is to simply puncture the gel capsule and squeeze the capsule to get the gel.
  • Apply it on the scar twice or thrice daily for several weeks.
  • Vitamin E cream is also helpful.
  • You can also include vitamin E rich foods in your diet like hazelnuts, peanut butter, safflower oil, and almonds.

5.) Aloe Vera to Get Rid of Scars Naturally and Fast

Aloe Vera is best known for its ability to regenerate the skin tissue and will help to reduce the size and appearance of scars. The soothing and moisturizing properties of Aloe Vera will reduce inflammation and will increase the elasticity of scar tissue.

Directions to Use Aloe Vera:

  • Squeeze out the gel from an Aloe Vera leaf.
  • Apply this gel on the scar and massage for several minutes.
  • Let it dry on its own and then wash it off with warm water.
  • Do it many times in a day for 1 to 2 months.

6.) Lemon Juice to Cure Scars Fast

Lemon juice is one of the best remedies for dealing with scar tissue. It contains alpha hydroxyl acids which help to remove dead skin cells and regenerate and repair damaged skin. It also works as a natural bleach to lighten the scars and blemishes.

Directions to Use Lemon Juice:

  • Apply some extracted lemon juice on the affected area.
  • Let it dry for ten minutes and then clean it thoroughly and pat it dry.
  • Apply little moisturizer.
  • Do this remedy twice daily for many weeks until you are satisfied with the result.
  • If  lemon causes skin irritation then dilute it with water before using.

7.) Tea Tree Oil to Get Rid of Scars Naturally and Fast

Tea tree oil has strong and effective scar removing and skin healing properties that will make it an ideal remedy for removing scar tissue. It is very strong so use it by diluting it with water.

Directions to Use Tea Tree Oil:

  • Mix 2 drops of tea tree oil to 1 tsp of almond oil or olive oil. Apply it on the scars and leave it for a few hours before rinsing it off. Do it once daily for many weeks.
  • Another method is to mix 2 to 3 drops of tea tree oil to half cup of warm water. Use this solution to wash the affected area 2 times in a day for several weeks.
  •  You can also wash the scars with soap made with tea tree oil daily.

8.) Sandalwood Powder to Get Rid of Scars Overnight

Sandalwood powder is the best home remedy for removing scars. Since it has many skin regenerating properties thus, it helps to reduce and lighten scars.

Directions to Use Sandalwood Powder:

  • Prepare a paste by adding 1 tbsp of pure sandalwood powder and rose-water.
  • Apply this paste on the scars before going to bed.
  • Leave it until it dries completely and then wash it off in the morning with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this remedy for 1 to 2 months.

9.) Cocoa Butter to Treat Scars Fast

Cocoa butter also helps to treat scar tissue as it contains natural moisturizing properties that can moisturize the skin layers. It also contains vitamin E that helps in skin repair.

Directions to Use Cocoa Butter:

  • Rub the scar area with a wet and coarse washcloth and dry it with towel
  • Massage with pure cocoa butter into the skin in circular motions.
  • Repeat this remedy up to 3 times in a day for several weeks.

10.) Honey to Get Rid of Scars Naturally

Honey is a natural moisturizer which is used to treat scar tissue. It helps to stimulate tissue regeneration and prevent excess collagen growth and dead skin accumulation.

Directions to Use Honey:

  • Applying raw honey on the scars is very effective. Massage the area for ten minutes. Leave it for an hour and then wash it off with warm water. Apply it 2 times a day for several weeks.
  • Another method is to make a mixture with 2 tbsp of raw honey and 1 tbsp of baking soda. Apply it on the scars and massage the area for 2 to 3 minutes. Hold a hot washcloth on the area. When the cloth becomes cool, wipe the area.
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