How to Get Rid of Skin Tags?

In this article, we will discuss how to get rid of skin tags. Skin tags are tiny and soft skin outgrowths  medically termed as acrochordon. These skin tags appear on different parts of the human body, usually, these skin tags are not dangerous and cause no pain. Primarily they pose a cosmetic problem since they do not look nice. Characteristically skin tags are soft, fleshy colored and could be wrinkled or smooth and differ in size. They are made up of collagen fibers and blood vessels  bordered by the skin.

The main cause of skin tag formation is not known, but it is supposed that it is related to the friction of skin on skin. Rubbing of skin against the skin is the main causative factor of skin tag development. So, it occurs mostly in the neck, stomach, breasts, eyelids, underarms and groin.

According to a study by the National Institute of Health, forty-six percent of the people have skin tag problem  because of  the genetics. So, heredity or your genes could be another main reason for skin tags development in your body.

There are other reasons which also play an important role in the growth of skin tags  like  diabetes, changes in hormones at the stage of pregnancy , the existence of definite forms of HPV( human papillomavirus). You can go for the medical procedures like cryosurgery, ligation, excision and cauterization to get rid of skin tags. All these procedures are performed by dermatologists or  qualified medical experts. On the other hand, you  can opt for home remedies to get rid of skin tags. Home remedies are easy and effective in treating skin tags.

Before applying these home remedies you need to sterilize your skin with warm water and soap. Then tap dry the affected part. We will suggest you to consult your doctor before you proceed for removal of these unwanted skin growths.

Get Rid of Skin Tags

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Skin Tags:

1.) Apple Cider Vinegar as a Home Remedy for Skin Tags

ACV is one of the most tested and trusted home remedies for skin tags treatment. The Apple Cider Vinegar contains an acid which destroys the extra cells in skin tags and eliminates them naturally.


  • Take some apple cider Vinegar and immerse a cotton ball into it.
  • Place the wet cotton  swab  directly on the surface of the affected area. You will feel a strong sensation for the first few minutes, but  it will stop soon.
  • Do not remove it for next four hours at least. Later, rinse it off with the help of warm water.
  • This remedy can take two to four weeks to get rid of the skin tags, repeat this remedy minimum thrice a day.
  • NOTE: If your skin is sensitive, mix some water with apple cider vinegar before you apply it on your skin. It is suggested to prevent your skin from scarring, regular use of vitamin oil or olive oil on the affected is effective.

2.) Tea Tree Oil  for Skin Tag Treatment

The acidic properties of tea tree oil make it one of the most effective home remedies for skin tags. Tea tree oil makes the skin tag dry. The rich antiseptic properties of tea tree oil will protect your skin from infection after the removal of skin tag.


  • Dip a cotton ball in water and get rid of excess water.
  • Now, add three or four drops of tea tree oil on the saturated cotton ball.
  • Rub it over the skin tag, massaging gently in circular motions.
  • Let it sit for a couple of hours before rinsing it off.
  • Repeat this process three times daily for a few weeks.
  • NOTE: If you have sensitive skin, make sure that you dilute the oil with the same amount of water before applying.

3.) Castor Oil to Get Rid of Skin Tags

Castor oil is enriched  with several nutrients, which is effective in keeping your skin healthier. It  helps in breaking up and removal of skins unwanted growths without giving you a scar. So castor oil is also considered among effective and trusted home remedies for skin tags removal.


  • Make a paste with one part of baking soda and two parts of castor oil.
  • As an option, you can add some drops of peppermint or lemon oil into the paste.
  • Apply the same paste to your skin tags.
  • You should cover it with the help of a bandage,and leave it for the night.
  • In the morning, rinse it off with some warm water.
  • Keep repeating the process for around fourteen days or until you get rid of skin tags.
  • You also can choose to apply and rub some castor oil over the skin tags few times  a day to get more effective results.

4.) Garlic to Remove Skin Tags

The use of garlic as a medicine is very helpful in treating a number of skin issues which includes skin tags also. The presence of enzymes in garlic helps to remove the skin tags usually.


  • Mash a few cloves of garlic to make a paste
  • After making a paste, apply the same over the  skin tags.
  • Protect it with the help of a dressing or bandage.
  • Next day in the morning, rinse the affected area with warm water.
  • Repeat the same process for a few days until the skin tag gets removed completely.

5.) Onion Juice to Treat Skin Tags

Onion juice is known to have excellent acidic properties which are considered very useful in eliminating the skin tags naturally.


  • Take an onion and cut it into small pieces.
  • Keep it in a closed container for the night after mixing with one-half  tablespoon of salt to it.
  • In the morning, squeeze out the juice from  the pieces of onion and place it aside.
  • Before you go to sleep, apply the extracted juice over the skin tags and protect it with a dressing or bandage.
  • Next morning, rinse the affected area with warm water.
  • Repeat this process daily at night for seven days or until the skin tag falls off.

6.) Banana Peel for Skin Tags Treatment

Banana peel is enriched with very effective antioxidants and contains enzymes which help to destroy the skin tags in a natural way. It is good for overall health of the skin as well.


  • Take a piece of banana peel and keep it over the skin tag facing inside part of the skin tag.
  • Cover it with a bandage for the night.
  • Next day in the morning, take out the peel and rinse the affected area with water.
  • Repeat the same process for a few nights until you get rid of skin tags.

7.) Aloe Vera to Treat Skin Tags

It is very effective in the treatment of many skin related  problems which includes skin tags as well. Aloe Vera plant is well-known for its, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities which help in the healing process also.


  • Apply Aloe Vera gel directly over the skin tag.
  • Massage softly the skin tag with Aloe Vera gel in a circular motion for few second.
  • Let the skin tag absorb the gel completely
  • Repeat the same process for at least thrice a day for about fourteen days.

8.) Vitamin E Oil for Skin Tags Treatment

Vitamin E has skin generation potential and is also well-known for its antioxidant qualities. These qualities make Vitamin E oil one of the best home remedies for skin tags treatment.


  • Puncture a vitamin E capsule and extract the oil from it
  • Apply directly a slight layer of oil on skin tags.
  • Protect and cover the affected area with dressing or bandage and leave it for the night.
  • Repeat the same again with a new bandage next day morning, and in the night as well.
  • For instant results, keep repeating the process for ten days.

9.) Fenugreek Seeds to Get Rid of Skin tags

Fenugreek seeds are known to be quite rich in antioxidants, which helps in the removal of dead skin cells including skin tags also. These seeds will help you to minimize and drying out the skin tag naturally until it disappears.


  • Take a glass of warm water and add three teaspoons full of seeds. Keep it aside for soaking overnight.
  • Next morning, strain the seeds and transfer the solution gently into a cup.
  • Drink this solution every morning on an empty stomach.
  • You can also opt to apply the solution on skin tags and you can chew the soaked seed as well.
  • Repeat the same process for one to two weeks.

10.) Oregano Oil to Treat Skin Tags

As oregano oil is rich in antiseptic properties, it helps to make your skin tag dry and easy to remove. It also works as a  freezing and cleansing agent for skin.


  • Take four drops of coconut oil and mix it with two drops of oregano oil to get a mixture.
  • Apply this oil mixture over the skin tags.
  • Leave it to become dry completely and then rinse it off with warm water.
  • Repeat the same process thrice daily or until the skin tag disappears.
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