How Do You Get Strep Throat?

In this article, we are going discuss the factors through which you get strep throat. It is a very common problem that can affect one at any time and place. The problem is common but that can be really irritating and annoying. This is a very common problem and has the potential to spoil your special event. This throat problem is marked by swelling of lymph nodes that can cause difficulty in swallowing food. The worst thing about the problem is that it is sometimes followed by fever. The condition is really irritating and thus, you should get rid of it as soon as possible. Well, there are different factors that lead to this condition. Read more, to know factors through  you get strep throat and remedies for it.

Factor Through Which You Get Strep Throat:

Strep throat is generally caused by the viruses, most commonly a cold or flu virus. If you have a viral sore throat than it usually gets better by itself, and it has a quite low likelihood of complications. On the other hand, if a sore throat is caused by the bacteria then it can lead to higher complication. You have to take extra care and may need medical attention. There are some visible symptoms if a sore throat is in children that are usually accompanied by a headache, stomach-ache, high fever, and vomiting and/or severe tiredness, with or without a red rash.

There is not a single bacterium that is responsible for a severe sore throat but there are many types of bacteria that can cause throat infections, Streptococcus, or strep. No doubt, that the strep throat is contagious. It can easily spread by the close contact with an infected person, usually by inhaling airborne drops from an infected person. It easily spread in close-quarter living conditions, such as a home, and school, university hostels, and offices provide an ideal environment for the transmission of the problem from one person to another. A normal person has around 40% risk of getting strep throat from the infected family member.

Children between the ages of 6 and 16 years have the highest incidence of the strep throat. A strep throat infection can also lead to inflammation of the tonsils (bacterial tonsillitis). However, the treatment of this condition is different to that for viral tonsillitis.

Signs and Symptoms:

You will start getting symptoms of strep throat in one to four days after exposure to the bacteria via direct contact with an infected person. The characteristic symptoms of the problem are a sore throat and pain while swallowing. Some other symptoms include:

  • Swollen and tender glands on the sides of the neck
  • Yellow patches or spots may be visible on back of your throat and on the tonsils
  • Red and swollen appearance in the throat
  • A headache, nausea, and vomiting
  • Chills and fever

Some people also develop a red skin rash that feels quite rough to the touch. A strep throat accompanied by the distinctive rash is known as scarlet fever. The main reason for this is toxins produced by the streptococcus pyogenic bacterium.


If strep throat usually persists when the bacteria is left untreated. And, the infection lead to middle ear infection (otitis media), pneumonia, meningitis, sinus infection (sinusitis), kidney disease, and rheumatic fever. Out of all other problems the rheumatic fever and kidney disease are of most concern.

Rheumatic Fever

Rheumatic fever is a serious complication that arises due to untreated strep throat. The inadequately treated strep throat infection may result in the bacteria remaining in tonsils stimulating a persistent immune response. Now, this immune response leads to the inflammation in other parts of the body including the heart, joints, brain, and skin. This condition is termed as rheumatic fever and it usually occurs three to four weeks after a strep throat infection.

Kidney Disease

Kidney disease is also caused by the response of a person’s immune system to a strep throat. It is also called post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis. This type of kidney disease is generally common but less serious than rheumatic fever. The good thing is that it usually occurs three weeks after a strep throat infection. It typically resolves on its own within a week without causing any long-term kidney damage.


Well, as we have discussed earlier that treating a strep throat is important to avoid complication. You need to diagnosis strep throat at starting and start taking antibiotic treatment within 48 hours lessens the duration of symptoms. This will cut down the risk of rheumatic fever and kidney disease and also reduces the risk of transmission to other people.  There are several home remedies for a strep throat you can take to treat the problem naturally. A throat culture is a definitive test for a strep throat but the results usually take 36 hours to come back to the GP. A Rapid Antigen Detection Test (or RADT) is the fasted test which gives results within minutes. The problem is it is not as precise as a throat culture.

How do you get strep throat

Home Remedies for Strep Throat:

1.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Get Rid of Strep Throat

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best home remedies for strep throat treatment. It possesses anti-bacterial and healing properties that help eliminate the bacteria and boost the immune system to fight the infection naturally. If you get strep throat mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water. Now, gargle with the solution few times a day for three days. You can also add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey to a small glass of warm water. Now, drink this solution twice in a day for a few days to treat strep throat.

2.) Cayenne to Get Rid of Strep Throat

Cayenne is yet another very effective natural remedy for strep throat problem. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that will help you reduce inflammation and combat the growth of bacteria that causes strep throat infection. The compound called capsaicin helps in flushing out toxins and other infection-causing agents out of the body. You just need to mix together a small amount of cayenne powder, a tablespoon of honey and two grated garlic cloves when you get strep throat. Eat this mixture every half to one hour, several times a day. You should not drink water immediately after taking this mixture.

3.) Garlic to Get Rid of Strep Throat

Garlic is considered as the best treatment for strep throat as it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is also used as a home remedy for many other infections, including strep throat. As we have already discussed that strep throat complication arises due to immune system response so for that garlic is the best treatment as it is high in sulfur content. The sulfur improves the immune system functioning and also helps the body fight off the infection naturally. Furthermore, the manganese, vitamins B6 and C, and selenium present in garlic promote general health. When you get strep throat peel a fresh garlic clove and slice it in half and then suck on a piece of a candy. You should crush garlic clove occasionally to release its juice. Repeat this treatment several times a day for a few days for best outcomes.

4.) Salt Water for Strep Throat Treatment

Salt water or saline is one of the most popular treatments for strep throat. By just gargling with salt water several times a day soothe pain and inflammation associated with strep throat. The warm water basically soothes the throat and the salt helps kill the bacteria that cause strep throat infection. When you get strep throat drinking a glass of  salt water is a best remedy. You just need to add a teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water. Stir the mixture well to dissolve the salt completely. Gargle with this solution several times a day at regular interval for one or two days.

5.) Lemon and Honey to Cure Strep Throat

Lemon and honey, when combined together, can be a really effective treatment for strep throat infection. It contains vitamin C which helps combat the growth of the bacteria that causes the strep throat infection as well as promotes overall health. Honey has a natural healing property and helps keep your throat well moisturized. It also relieves aggravating soreness and inflammation. The process of using lemon and honey is quite simple, you just need to mix a tablespoon of each of honey and lemon juice in one cup of lukewarm water when you get strep throat. You should sip the mixture slowly to get all the benefits. You should drink this solution as often as needed for several days to cure strep throat.

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