How to Lose Thigh Fat?

This article is about remedies to lose thigh fat. There is no one food or exercise that specifically helps you to lose weight in your legs. The fat from the thighs can be reduced with a combination of exercise and diet. Even though full thighs and hips are such a beautiful thing but many girls don’t like excess fat on thighs. The thigh weight can become a big problem for many people, especially for girls.

There are many factors that cause thigh fat like genetics, hormones, and an unhealthy lifestyle. Losing fat in the leg area, boost the self-confidence and the best thing is you will be able to wear shorts, skirts and tight jeans without worrying about how your legs look and what will others think about it. It is quite difficult to lose the thigh weight. There are many exercises and diet that will help you to lose thigh fat and you will get well toned and shaped thighs.

how to lose thigh fat

Best Ways to Lose Thigh Fat:

1.) Hydrate Yourself to Burn Thigh Fat

Water is important to lose weight. Water is cheap, healthy,has plenty of benefits and tastes good. It helps to remove harmful toxins and carries nutrients to cells. It is recommended that drinking 8-10 liter of water in a day is very helpful.

  • Avoid energy drinks, sodas or concentrated juices etc. All these drinks contain sugar which contains approximately 300 calories.
  • Green tea is a great source of antioxidants and almost negligible calories.
  • Drink a cup of green tea or a glass of water just before you eat a meal. It will help to lower your cravings and you will eat less.

2.) Aerobic Exercises to Lose Thigh Fat Fast

It is very important to do aerobic exercises to tone your thighs. These exercises will help to burn fat from your thighs and the rest of the body as well.

  • Stair climbing is one of the simplest aerobic exercises that you can do daily. This exercise helps to raise your metabolism and works best for your thigh muscles. It will keep your back straight.
  • Cycling is also a great form of aerobic exercise that works best for your legs, especially for your thighs. It will help to build your stamina and strength.
  • A Brisk walk is another excellent toning exercise for your thighs. It will also help to burn overall body fat. Enjoy brisk walk for half an hour five days in a week.

3.) Cardio and Strength Training Exercises to Reduce Thigh Fat

A proper exercise is the best way to lose fat from your overall body. Certain strength training exercises and cardiovascular exercises work best to remove fat from your thighs. You can do the strength exercises at home without any equipment.

  • Enjoy work out on cardio equipment such as a treadmill, stationary bike or elliptical trainer for 40 minutes at least 5 days in a week. These machines are available in every gym.
  • Do strength training exercises such as one-legged squats, regular squats, leg curls, leg extensions and jumping squats for 40 minutes five days in a week.

4.) Yoga to Get Rid of Thigh Fat Fast

Yoga is the best exercise to reduce fat from thighs and tone the muscles in your thighs and hips. Apart from reducing fat, yoga will help to increase flexibility, strength, and calm your mind.

  • The Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) is known as asana in yoga to tone the overall body, including your thighs and hips. It is very useful for reducing thigh fat. Practice Surya Namaskar two times a day in the morning.
  • Other yoga poses include Warrior 3 pose (Virabhadrasana), Bridge pose (Setu Bandhasana), Cobbler’s pose (Baddha Konasana), Seated forward bend pose (Utkatasana and Paschimottasana).
  • If you don’t know any yoga asana, then learn yoga postures by consulting a yoga practitioner.

5.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Lose Thigh Fat Fast

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best home remedies that helps to break down fat and hence prevents the accumulation of thigh fat. Due to high minerals like magnesium, potassium, and calcium present in ACV, it helps to flush out toxins and prevent water retention.

Directions to Use Apple Cider Vinegar:

  • Mix 3 parts of raw and unfiltered ACV with 1 part of coconut oil or olive oil.
  • Use this solution to massage your thighs and hips for 10 minutes. Keep it for half an hour, then wash it off with water. Do this remedy 2 times a day.
  • Another method, mix 2 tsp of raw and unfiltered ACV and a little honey in a glass of water. Drink this liquid daily in the morning, before having breakfast.

6.) Play Any Sport to Get Rid of Thigh Fat Quickly

Joining a competitive league or playing with friends will help you to burn calories. Try to participate in sports for any reasons. If you don’t like playing sports then you can go to the gym every week. You can also do some exercises at home.

  • If you can’t do anything else then simply go for a walk. Depending on your weight and your speed, you can burn 100 to 400 calories per hour walking.
  • You can also go for biking, running or swimming.
  • Remember, your body also need some rest. Getting enough sleep will help you to lose weight. When you don’t sleep, your body has a bigger appetite. So you eat more and put on weight.

7.) Consider a Ketogenic Diet to Get Rid of Thigh Fat

Keto diets are low-carb diets. To get rid of the thigh fat substitute proteins with carbohydrates by substituting proteins and fats into your diet. Keto diets are lower in protein and higher in fat. Include butter, avocado, chicken fat, ghee, beef tallow and macadamia nuts in your diet.

  • Aim to get about 70 to 75% of calories from fat, 5 to 10 % from carbohydrates and 20 to 25% from protein.
  • Try to eat carbs between 20 and 50 grams in a day.
  • Being strict about how many carbs you eat is an important part of the keto diet.

8.) Low-Calorie Diet to Lose Thigh Fat

Burning more calories than taking is helpful to lose weight. You need to reduce the intake of low calory diet between 1200 and 1500 calories per day for girls. Include grains, brown rice, oatmeal, whole grains, watermelon, soup, green tea etc.

  • Reduce the amount of fat that you eat to between 35 and 60 grams in a day.
  • Eat about 55 to 95 grams of low-fat protein such as fish, meat, and poultry per day.
  • Eat about 170 to 240 grams of complex carbohydrates like vegetables, fruits, and whole grains daily.

9.) Consider a Low-Carbohydrate Diet to Burn Thigh Fat

Overweight people eat too much carbohydrate. A diet rich in carbs causes accumulation of fat. The low-carb diet meals include proteins, soy products, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. However, don’t cut carbs completely out of your diet. Try to eat carbs about 20% of the time.

  • Unprocessed, high-protein meats, such as lamb, beef, turkey, pork, and chicken.
  • Unprocessed, high-protein fish, such as trout, salmon, mackerel and tuna.
  • Low-carbohydrate vegetables and greens leafy.
  • Full-fat, unprocessed cow or sheep or goat milk cheeses.

10.) Eat Healthy to Lose Thigh Fat

You don’t need to go on a diet to eat healthy. Simply considering what you eat will help you to slim down and get fit. Try to eat balanced meals each day.

  • Include carbohydrates such as oats, unprocessed grains, and whole wheat products in your diet.
  • Add protein such as lean meat, soy products, beans, and nuts.
  • Include fruits and vegetables such as blueberries, swiss chard, and kale.
  • Omega 3 fatty acid and monounsaturated fats are best for your body and will actually help you to lower your cholesterol. Nuts, seed oil, olive oil and fish all contain these ‘good fats.’
  • Include low-fat dairy products such as yogurt.
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