How to Pop a Pimple?

Say ‘NO’’ to popping pimples as there lies behind a risk  of  prolonged scar which further leads to getting an infection. There are times when it’s impossible for a pimple to wither off.  Popping a pimple damages the skin in the long run and leaves a scar, making one’s face with a spot which is usually unpleasant in appearance. However, if you tend to pop a pimple, you must be wise enough to pop a pimple. Read more, to know how to pop a pimple without harming the skin.

Pop a pimple

Remedies to Pop a Pimple:

1.) Apply Lemon Juice to Pop a Pimple

Fresh lemon juice is a perfect remedy to pop a pimple. Lemon juice gives one’s  skin photosensitive effect as the sun could harm the skin do not expose oneself to the sunlight for long when lemon  has been applied on the face. A permanent  scar  remains on the face when a pimple is popped which is usually unappealing. Pimples are tiny pustules or small inflammation of the skin caused by the sebaceous glands also known as oil glands. When infected by bacteria a pimple as tends to swell up and fill up the pus.


  • Lemon
  • Bowl
  • Water Lemon juice, as an essential ingredient to pop a pimple.


  • Prepare lemon juice and keep it in a bottled container.
  • Apply it on the face at it is photosensitive to the
  • Leave it for some time and wash your face with  water then pat dry.

 2.) Mustard to Pop a Pimple

It has a salicylic acid which is proved to be very beneficial to pop a pimple. Mustard contains a good quantity of vitamin c, omega, 3 to 6 acids which aid in fattening and zinc.


  • Mustard powder
  • Honey


  • Add up to 1/8 of a tsp of mustard powder to 1 tsp of unfiltered honey and mix it well.
  • Apply it as a tiny little pimple mask.Wash your face after 15 minutes.

 3.) Ice cubes to Pop a Pimple

Ice cubes act as a cooling and anti-inflammatory process for a number of days. Popping a pimple is very painful, irritating and has an unappealing presence. Ice cubes are  known to cool one’s skin it acts a mild  agent especially on the pimple pop which is otherwise very painful.


One doesn’t need to spend much just gather ice from one’s refrigerator .


  • Apply ice on the pimple pop area as helps in cooling the pimple pop area and soothes the skin.
  • Leave for a few minutes and let it dry.
  • Pat dry your face and you will find great results.

 4.) Tomatoes to Pop a Pimple

Tomatoes act as an as an astringent and  is a wonderful high antioxidant. It is used in the form of a facial mask and is very helpful in healing acne scars. Also use an extra tomato which proves to be very helpful.


  • Tomato is the only essential element for this
  • Water for the preparation.


  • Make a paste of tomato by adding water to it.
  • Apply it to the affected area and leave it for 10-15 minutes.
  • Wash your face and pat dry you will find great results as your skin will feel fresh.
  • Apply it twice or thrice a week to see the outcome. Only treat your single pimple with this idea or else dilute and use it well

 5.) Use Toner to Pop a Pimple

The toner contains witch hazel helps in soothing and cleaning the skin upon the affected area. It will also help to remove the redness caused due to the pimple pop.


  • Basic toner
  • Cotton
  • Water for cleansing.
  • Soft Towel for drying


  • Apply basic toner upon the affected area to get pop a pimple.
  • Leave it for 2-5 minutes and then wash your face.

 6.) Toothpaste to Pop a Pimple

Toothpaste aids, to dry away the pimple and let out the pus. In order pop out a pimple these are the following steps:

  • Purchase a mint containing toothpaste.
  • Prefer using a white toothpaste instead of gel.
  • Apply water to a small amount of toothpaste with the help of your on the pus filled pimples. It stinging but is effective in the long run.
  • Practice the treatment twice a day prior to bath and before sleeping.
  • Wash the toothpaste and dry the area.
  • The pus of a pimple will wither out without being popped.

7.) Tea Tree Oil to Pop a Pimple

Tea tree is considered to be a strong anti- bacterial that kills germs of the and bacteria present in the pimple pus. This further helps in opening the skin pores in order to the get out drainage.

In order to pop a pimple with help of Tea Tree Oil, one needs to

  • Pat dry after washing the face.
  • Dab a small amount of pure tea tree oil onto the cotton and apply it on the pus filled with pimples.
  • Let it dry overnight.
  • Wash your face early in the morning wash, rinse it gently with tea tree oil containing face wash.

8.) Onion to Pop a Pimple

Onion is an easy ingredient found in the kitchen which contains a microbial substance in good quantity. Onions work best upon a pimple as it drains out automatically.


  • A thick slice of onion.
  • Treat the boil by applying onion slice on the pimples.
  • Let the onion slice stay for 10 to 15 minutes such that heat present in the onion reaches the skin.
  • Practice the same process thrice a day.

 9.) Epsom Salt to Pop a Pimple

Epsom salt could be found in a drug store which is an effective remedy for treat pimple pop. The direction for treating pimple pop are

  • Fill a large container with warm water.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt into it.
  • Steam your face and wash it with the solution later.
  • Dry and repeat the process unless the puss – filled pimple drains out.

 10.) Garlic to Pop a Pimple 

Garlic is used as an important home treatment for a pimple because it comprises of its antibacterial properties and sulfur content. It consists of antibiotic, antifungal properties.


  • Chop garlic clove into two and rub pieces upon your pimples. Leave it for 10 minutes and wash the face. Repeat the process more often for a number of days.
  • Eat one or two raw garlic cloves every day in the stomach for blood purity.This helps to reduce pimples.

 11.) Steam to Pop a Pimple

Steam aids to open the pores, by allowing the skin to breathe. Bacteria, dirt an oil are trapped inside the skin which will also be flushed out.

  • Boil a pot of water and pour it in a large bowl. Let the water temperature cool little bit so that the skin does not burn the skin.
  • Keep your face above the bowl and drape a thick towel onto your head to trap the steam.
  • Remove the towel and pat dry after 10 -15 minutes. Apply an oil free moisturizer.
  • In order to reduce a pimple and make your skin glow repeat the process for four to five days.

12.) Don’t Touch the Pimple

Keep your hands away from the pimple pop area order to avoid spreading the bacteria. Keep a bandaid on as it helps in keeping f away from dirt and infection. Do not squeeze a pimple as it damages the surrounding skin which will result in the form of scars. The process of pimple pop leads to more inflammation and redness.

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