How to Remove Ear Wax?

Good intentions to keep the ears clean may be risking the ability to hear. The ear is an intricate and delicate area that includes the eardrum and skin of the ear canal. Everyone has to deal with ear wax problem. The human body produces ear wax and it works as a protective measure like it helps to keep out bacteria, bugs, and dirt but sometimes too much ear wax can be a problem. You may suffer from deafness in which the ear wax can clog your ears and reduce hearing. Read this article to learn how to remove ear wax or clean your ears.

When your ear canal produces the waxy oil called cerumen, which is known as earwax. This ear wax will protect your ear from foreign particles, dust, and microorganisms. It will also protect ear canal from irritation due to water. Normally, the wax will dry out and remove out of the ear along with trapped dust or debris. Ear wax may lead to several problems such as hearing loss, pain in the ear, drainage from the ear and buzzing sound in the ear.

Symptoms of Ear Wax:

  • Partial hearing loss
  • Ringing or buzzing in the ear
  • A feeling of fullness of ear
  • Pain in the ear
  • Fever
  • Drainage from the ear

Causes of Ear Wax:

  • Use of Q-tips which can remove superficial wax but will push the rest of the wax deeper into the ear canal.
  • Use of earplug and hearing aid are more prone to earwax blockage.

how to remove ear wax

Best Remedies to Remove Ear Wax:

1. Warm Water to Get Rid of Ear Wax Fast

Flushing out your ear with warm water will help to clean excess earwax. The force of the water will dislodge the wax and make it easier to remove. Always use filtered and clean water.

Directions to Use Warm Water:

  • Take some warm water and fill a rubber-bulb syringe with it.
  • Slightly tilt your head and pull the outer ear so that you can put a few drops of water into the ear canal.
  • After putting some water, leave it for a minute and then remove it out by tilting your head to the opposite side.
  • Use a clean cloth to clean the water and earwax.

2. Vinegar and Rubbing Alcohol to Remove Ear Wax Fast

Vinegar and rubbing alcohol is the age old remedy for removing excess wax from the ear. This solution will help to dissolve the ear wax. The alcohol will act as drying agent and evaporate at a low temperature. The vinegar will fight against fungi and bacteria and hence prevent the fungi and bacteria and hence prevent the ear infection.

Directions to Use Vinegar and Rubbing Alcohol:

  • Mix equal parts of rubbing alcohol and white vinegar in a bowl.
  • Soak a cotton ball in this vinegar solution.
  • Tilt your affected ear toward the sky and then squeeze 2 or 3 drops of this solution into the ear.
  • Wait for 5 minutes and tilt your head to the opposite direction so that the solution and wax can remove out easily.
  • Clean the earwax from the ear with an ear bud.

3. Baby Oil to Remove Wax Fast and Naturally

Baby oil is one of the best home remedies for removing ear wax. This oil helps to soften the earwax and facilitate its removal.

Directions to Use Baby Oil:

  • Use baby oil to fill an ear dropper.
  • Tilt your ear toward the skin and put 2 to 5 drops of the baby oil into the ear.
  • Now put the cotton ball on the ear opening to prevent oil from removing out.
  • Leave it for a few minutes.
  • Remove the cotton ball and remove the extra oil by removing the opposite direction.
  • Clean your ear opening with the help of a soft cloth.

4. Olive Oil to Get Rid of Ear Wax Naturally

Olive oil is one of the best ways to remove excess ear wax. This oil will help to soften the wax and make it easier to remove out of the ear. The antiseptic properties will help to reduce the risk of the ear infection.

Directions to Use Olive Oil:

  • Take some olive oil and slightly warm it.
  • Use a dropper and put 3 or 4 drops of warm oil in the affected area.
  • Let it settle for ten minutes so that the ear wax can become soft.
  • Now tilt your head sideways and remove the wax and oil with ear buds.
  • Instead of using olive oil, you can use mustard oil.

5. Hydrogen Peroxide to Remove Ear Wax Fast

Hydrogen peroxide is the very effective remedy for excess accumulation of ear wax. The effervescent quality of hydrogen peroxide helps to remove the ear wax and debris from the ear canal easily.

Directions to Use Hydrogen Peroxide:

  • Mix equal parts of water and hydrogen peroxide.
  • Put this solution into an ear dropper.
  • Slightly tilt your head and put a few drops of this hydrogen peroxide solution into the ear.
  • Remove the earwax with a clean cloth.

6. Salt Water to Get Rid of Ear Wax

Salt water is one of the best earwax removal solutions that can be used at home. It will help to soften the ear wax which is accumulated inside the ear, making it easy to remove earwax.

Directions to Use Salt Water:

  • Dissolve 1 tsp of salt in one-half cup of warm water.
  • Dab a cotton ball in this saline solution and squeeze the cotton ball to put a few drops of this solution into the ear.
  • Stay in the same position for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Move your head downwards to remove the saline water.
  • Use the cloth to clean the softened wax from the outer part of the ear.

7. Baking Soda to Remove Ear Wax

Baking Soda is one of the effective home remedies for removing excess ear wax. This water-based solution contains 10 percent of baking soda will help to soften the hardened wax.

Directions to Use Baking Soda:

  • Mix 2 tsp of water in one-fourth tsp of baking soda.
  • Put a few drops of this solution into your ear with the ear dropper.
  • Wait for ten minutes and then remove warm water into the ear with a rubber-bulb syringe.
  • Remove the excess solution from the ear by tilting your head.
  • Clean the outer ear with a clean and soft cloth.

8. Almond Oil to Remove Ear Wax

Almond oil is the best oil in the removal of ear wax. This oil acts as a lubricant and soften the wax and make it easy to clear the accumulation of wax in the ear.

Directions to Use Almond Oil:

  • Use room temperature almond oil and fill the dropper with this oil.
  • Tilt your ear upwards and then put 5 drops of this oil in the ear with the dropper.
  • Stay in this position for 10 to 15 minutes and allow the oil soak into the hardened wax.
  • Place a tissue over your oiled ear and tilt your ear to the other side to remove the excess oil and wax.
  • Remove the wax with a soft cloth.

9. Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Remove Ear Wax

Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the most common causes for excessive ear wax production. Increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids that will help you to solve the problem of excess accumulation of wax inside the ear.

Directions to Use Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

  • Consuming a high quality of omega-3 fatty acids supplements is effective for removing ear wax.
  • You can also include foods that are rich in omega-3 like salmon, walnuts, mackerel, avocados, and ground flaxseed and herring albacore in your diet.

10. Glycerin to Get Rid of Ear Wax

Glycerin is the most common method for removing hardened ear wax. The moisturizing and lubricating nature of glycerin will help to loosen the impacted wax.

Directions to Use Glycerin:

  • Put 3 to 4 drops of glycerin in your ear by using a dropper.
  • Place a cotton ball at the opening of your ear and keep it for a few hours.
  • Remove the cotton ball and gently drain out the warm water in your ear.
  • Use a towel to dry the outer ear.
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