Acne Face Map

In this article, we shall explore the acne face map. Acne is a skin problem that forms when hair follicles are trapped under oil and dead skin cells. It is very common amongst teenagers, and with some young adults as well. We’ve all gone through the phase of puberty where we break out in pimples and acne.

In some cases, people who are well past their puberty, too obtain acne. There are a number of reasons for this “adult acne” to occur. This acne usually forms in conjunction with oily skin, dead skin cells, clogged pores, and bacteria. An individual prone to acne can find them to typically appear on the face, neck, back and shoulders.

What is an Acne Face Map?

We may chalk up an acne breakout as puberty, but what do we say when the individual is past the stages of puberty? Traditional medical practices attribute the location of the acne on one’s face to be connected to inner health. It is believed that skin, especially the skin on our face, reflects the health of one’s body. Much like the region under our feet can be linked to various problems, the skin of our face is linked to reflect various problems within our body. An acne face map is quite literally the mapping of the regions of our face.

Acne Face Map – Meanings and Solutions:

Now, we know what an Acne Face Map is. Let us look at the significance of the acne that pops up in the regions of the acne face map. The regions of your face can be divided into 8 parts on the face map. Read on to see what your acne is indicating according to the part of your face on which it appears.

1. Forehead on Acne Face Map

This region is linked to the digestive system. This indicates a buildup of toxins in your body. If you divide your forehead into more specific areas, then acne in the upper forehead is reflective of the bladder, while the lower forehead is reflective of the intestines. Forehead acne could mean digestive issues, liver issues, sleep deficiency, constipation, UTIs, dehydration or stress. Solutions to this:

  • Make sure you get enough sleep. Try to go to bed early, and wake up early. Maintain a regular sleep schedule as best as you can.
  • Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water to flush out toxins. Cut out carbonated beverages and sugar-rich drinks from your diet.
  • Get your blood flowing by keeping yourself active. Increased blood circulation will help to flush the toxins out of your system more effectively. Do this with 20-30 minutes of light exercise every day.
  • Maintain a healthy diet to improve your digestion. Check to see if you are allergic to any foods, like processed foods. Sometimes your body may be having allergic reactions to the excess hormones in meats, poultry, and vegetables that you can buy in the markets today. For this reason, try to stick to organic and pesticide-free foods.
  • Sometimes acne is simply because of external factors. Check if any other factors could cause allergies or irritate the skin, like shampoos, conditioners, and other hair products.

2. Temples/Eyebrows on Acne Face Map

The T-zone of our face. This area is generally prone to pimples and acne breakouts as it is the oiliest region of the face. Acne breakouts in this region of the face are heavily attributed to reflect on the health of your liver. Breakouts can be because of a diet rich in processed fats, alcohol consumption, poor circulation, or gall bladder issues. Solutions to this:

  • Bring down the amount of processed food, junk and fast foods in your diet.
  • Cut out processed fats from your diet and instead focus on getting the necessary fats from natural alternatives, like avocado and fish.
  • Incorporate more cooling foods into your diet, like bitter melon, cucumbers, and gourds.
  • Do light exercises to stimulate blood circulation.
  • Avoid – alcohol, smoking, late night snacks.
  • There can be external factors that aggravate acne breakouts. Make sure you clean your face properly after a long day, or before and after wearing makeup. If you wear makeup, make sure all the applicators are clean. Try not to touch your face after touching unclean surfaces as that spreads bacteria.

3. Ears on Acne Face Map

The ears are reflective of the health of your kidneys. It isn’t that common to have acne breakouts on the ears, so it could be a sign that you may be quite dehydrated. Solutions to this:

  • Drink plenty of water, the minimum being 8 glasses in a day. Stay hydrated and cut out high-caffeine, high-sugar beverages. These just serve to dehydrate you further. A fun way to stay hydrated, but also have something tasty is by making your own flavored water.
  • Cut down on the sodium you add into your diet. Excess sodium in your system can lead towards dehydration. Table salt is the biggest culprit in this.

4. Upper Cheek on Acne Face Map

The top portion of your cheeks is said to be reflective of the health of the lungs and sinus area. It could also be linked to liver and stress issues. Inhaling polluted air or smoke can be a factor that adds to lung issues. Unfortunately, it isn’t really possible to avoid polluted air if you live in a city or polluted area. One external factor to breakouts in this area can be the transfer of bacteria from unclean surfaces you’re your fingertips or your cell phone. Solutions to this:

  • Cut down on sugar intake in your diet. Try to stick to natural sugars. If you must have processed sugar, keep it to a minimal level.
  • Take steps to de-stress yourself. After a long day, sip on a cup of fragrant tea (without the sugar!) or green tea and relax. The antioxidants released from the tea will help to flush out toxins as well as promote circulation. Take up stress relieving activities such as Yoga, Tai Chi, or simply meditate regularly.
  • Wash and cleanse your face as soon as you reach home. Use tea tree oil as a toner to cleanse your face.
  • Avoid smoking, or inhaling second-hand smoke. One way to avoid polluted air in the city is to adopt the habit of wearing a face mask. Due to the increased levels of pollution in the air, face masks are a popular choice of a barrier. In fact, there are many fashionable face masks that exist in the market now.
  • Wipe your phone down periodically with anti-bacterial wipes.

5. Lower Cheek on Acne Face Map

Acne breakouts on the lower cheeks of your face may be indicative of poor dental hygiene, and a poor stomach as, perhaps, a reaction to overeating. The external factors that contribute to breakouts in this region can be bacteria that transfer from your cell phone, or from other surfaces like a dirty pillowcase. Solutions to this:

  • Make sure to keep your teeth and gums healthy by brushing and flossing regularly. Get an appointment with your dentist to check on the state of your dental hygiene and to make sure everything is on track.
  • Include more cooling foods into your diet, such as winter melons, green beans, and gourds. And more water-filled foods like strawberries, cucumbers, celery, and tomatoes.
  • Cut down on dairy products. Some people are sensitive to dairy and they do not even realize it. Acne could be your body’s way of indicating that dairy is wrong for you.
  • Keep your phone clean by periodically wiping it down with antibacterial wipes. Don’t touch your face as much as possible to prevent the transfer of bacteria onto your cheeks.
  • Change your sheets regularly. Check to see if you may be allergic to certain detergents or materials.

6. Nose on Acne Face Map

A poor diet, constipation, bloating, indigestion and poor circulation are some problems that could cause an acne breakout on the nose. The nose is heavily attributed to being linked to the heart. Acne breakouts, and even irregular oiliness, over this region, could be connected to circulation, blood pressure, and cholesterol. Solutions to this:

  • Cut back on foods high in saturated and trans fats. Include more fiber-rich foods into your diet and fruits and vegetables. By doing so, you can maintain healthy cholesterol levels. But make sure you get the required fats to function through natural sources like avocados or fish.
  • Limit your alcohol consumption. Try to stay away from energy drinks. These beverages will wreck havoc on your blood pressure.
  • Try natural remedies to keep your blood pressure in check. Some of these are cinnamon, basil, cardamom, flaxseed, garlic, ginger, and cat’s claw.
  • Sometimes, when eating a lot of spicy food, your body “heats” up and this can result in a breakout. Cut back on spicy foods, and eat more cooling foods.
  • Keep your body active to maintain healthy levels of cholesterol and blood pressure. Do more aerobic exercises. This will promote better circulation. Jogging, biking, or swimming are good exercises that get your heart pumping.

7. Lip Area on Acne Face Map

This area is not as prone to acne breakouts. Acne breakout in this area, especially the upper lip, is a reflection of a poor digestive system. This can be caused by spicy or fried foods or constipation. Solutions to this:

  • Eat more fiber-rich foods. Include more fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Some foods to include are the dark, leafy greens like spinach, kale, broccoli, asparagus, and fruits like oranges, apples, grapefruit and other citrus fruits.
  • Eat less spicy and fried foods.
  • You can stimulate circulation in this area to flush out toxins. Massage the area around your mouth and also your abdominal area in a clockwise motion.

8. Chin on Acne Face Map

The chin is said to be linked to your intestines; the small intestine in particular. Breakouts here could indicate either a poor digestive system or a hormone imbalance. Sometimes the hormone imbalance is natural, for example, at the time of menstruation in females. At other times, this hormone imbalance in females could be related to PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Some solutions to acne on the chin:

  • Try to drop the habit of eating before bed. Don’t consume alcohol before bed either.
  • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Include foods rich in omega3 fats in your diet, like fish.

Remedies to Treat Acne:

1. Aloe Vera to Treat Acne Overnight

Now you know what the acne on your face may be trying to tell you. As long as you have acne, there are very simple home remedies to treat breakouts. Aloe Vera is an excellent natural home remedy for acne. Fresh Aloe Vera is packed with essential vitamins to help heal wounds on the skin. In addition, Aloe Vera contains proteins and amino acids necessary for repairing and building up collagen. This will aid in fading acne scars.

  • Break off a small part of one Aloe leaf and peel away the outer green skin.
  • Extract the clear gel. Use this to gently massage into your skin.
  • Leave this on for 30 minutes while the Aloe works its magic. Wash it off with cool water and pat your skin dry. Optionally, you can use an aloe based face moisturizer after this.

2. Cinnamon and Honey Remedy for Acne

While we’re in the kitchen, why not pick up those cinnamon sticks and add it to a little honey? Honey and cinnamon together make for a very effective home remedy for acne. Cinnamon is known to have natural antimicrobial properties, and adding honey to this home treatment only boots the benefits.

  • Mix together 1 teaspoon of fresh cinnamon powder and 2 tablespoons of natural honey.
  • Apply this paste over the acne-ridden parts of your face.
  • Leave it on overnight. In the morning, rinse this off gently with lukewarm water. It is advisable to use a mild face moisturizer following this treatment.

3. Papaya to Cure Acne Naturally

This fruit is not only delicious but also a very good natural cure for acne and pimples. Papaya contains properties that work to eliminate dead skin cells and excess fat from the surface of the skin. Raw papaya contains a natural enzyme called papain, which helps to soothe inflammation and halt the formation of pus.

  • Get one fresh, ripe papaya. De-skin and de-seed this papaya.
  • Once you have just the ripe flesh, mash it into a smooth paste.
  • Apply this paste to your face and leave it on for 30 minutes.
  • Wash this off after 30 minutes with warm water.
  • Repeat this every other day till your acne recedes.

4. Sugar for Acne Treatment

When it comes to acne, harsh exfoliation is not the answer. In fact, hard scrubs can irritate your sensitive skin and aggravate the acne to break out more. Making your own mild scrub is a good remedy for acne. A homemade sugar scrub is one good way to treat acne on your face. Unprocessed sugar cane contains glycolic acid – this helps to remove dead skin cells and promotes the regeneration of skin cells.

  • Prepare a scrub solution with 2 parts of raw, organic cane sugar and 1 part virgin olive oil.
  • Add a few drops of fresh lemon juice and mix well to blend this paste. Make sure the scrub is not too watery.
  • Apply this to the acne and acne scars, and let it dry for 15 minutes.
  • Gently wash this off with warm water.
  • You can repeat this treatment once every 3 days till your acne and acne scars recede.