Best Way to Lose Weight

In this article, we will discuss some of the best way to lose weight. The accumulation of excess fat in the body is one of the most serious problems in the USA. It not only hampers the appearance of a person but also makes him/her vulnerable to many health diseases. Fat build up around stomach area which is known as belly fat is the most dangerous type of fat. It is an indication of an underlying health problem. Also, belly fat is the first to appear in our body and gets diminished at the last. Such fat may make you look unpleasant and can also be quite embarrassing sometimes. Other than this overweight or obesity can cause severe harm to your body by increasing your vulnerability towards diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, fatty liver acid, obesity etc.

You may have seen people trying a number of methods to lose weight like going to gym, dieting, taking expensive medicines. All these methods may take a lot of time, efforts, and money and still may not give you desired result. Although it is necessary to do some physical activities, have a proper diet, but it is not necessary to join a gym or take supplements. Instead of such methods, you can lose weight by doing some simple activities from the comfort of your home. All you have to do is to understand the nutritional value of the food you eat and how much calories you are burning in order to get rid of body fat. Below we have made a combination of exercise, food and some lifestyle changes that you need do to live a happy and healthy life.

Exercises to Lose Weight:

1.) Crunches to Lose Weight Fast

Crunches are considered one of the best exercises to lose that stubborn belly fat. You will get the desired result by having a good diet and doing this exercise right.

Steps to Perform Crunches:

  • Keep a mat on the floor lie flat on it. Now bend your knees while touching your feet on the ground at the same time.
  • Rest your palms behind your head.
  • Now inhale and bring the area above your hip off the floor and exhale while lifting it.
  • Again lie down to your original position while.
  • Repeat this step 10 times and make sure you do two to three sets of it in a day.

2.) Reverse Crunches to Get Rid of Belly Fat

This exercise takes less time to perform than other ones and is also very effective. This will help you to burn the extra fat and give you a nice body shape that you desired.

Steps to Perform Reverse Crunches:

  • Lie down on the mat with your back on the ground.
  • Now lift your knees up while keeping the feet on the ground.
  • Relax your hands and put them straight on either side of your body.
  • Straighten up your legs in such a way that your thighs and feet are in a line now lift them off the ground.
  • Lift your back so that your knees are inclined towards your chest while they are straight.
  • Take a deep breath when your feet are on the ground and exhale while lifting your back towards the chest.
  • Do this for 10 times also do at least more sets of this exercise in a day.

3.) Twist Crunches to Lose Weight:

This exercise is almost same as the crunches but it involves the movement of shoulders too. Make sure, you do them religiously to reduce the fat.

Steps to Perform Twist Crunches:

  • Like in above exercises rest on the mat lying straight with palms behind your head.
  • Lifts your legs, bend your knees and make sure your feet are not touching the ground.
  • Move your back towards your knees similar to crunch exercise mentioned above. Now instead going forward you move your left shoulder towards your right then move the right shoulder to your left.
  • Make sure your torso stays in place while doing so.
  • Repeat the moves 10 to 12 times.
  • Do at least 2 sets of this in a day.

4) Vertical Leg Crunch to Lose Fat

This exercise is also beneficial for reducing the desired fat from the body. Plus, it will keep you active and tone your body. So do this regularly.

Steps to Perform Vertical Leg Crunches:

  • In this exercise, you will need to lie straight on a mat, now take a deep breath pull your legs towards the roof keeping in mind that knees do not bend.
  • Cross your knees and exhale while lifting the other half of your body towards the knees while keeping torso in place.
  • Do this 10 to 15 times.
  • Take at least 3 sets of this exercise daily.

 Make Healthy Diet Routine to Lose Weight

Other than the exercise mentioned above it is also very important that you are cautious of what you eat and how much you eat otherwise all your efforts might go to waste.The food mentioned below will help you get rid of the belly fat with proper diet.

1.) Fish to Lose Weight

Fish is a well-known food which is high in omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids. Both these healthy fatty acids help provide your body with good fat which reduces extra fat from the body. You should also intake almond, flaxseed oil, walnut, olive oils, peanuts, hazelnuts as they contain a similar nutritional value.

Also, reduce intake of excess carbohydrates just for the sake of cutting fat because it would cause more bloating and increase a size of your belly. Unhealthy carbs are crackers, preserved jams, bread, dried fruit, and the like.

2.) Almonds to Get Rid of Body Fat

Almonds are very rich in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids which can make you feel fuller and reduce the weight. They are also rich in magnesium which increases metabolism of your body by building muscle mass. The higher your metabolism is, your body fat will burn at a higher rate.

3.) Beans to Lose Belly Fat

Beans are full of proteins and its regular consumption will help you reduce overall body fat, improve digestion, and develop muscle mass. This could also make you feel fuller for long while providing energy at the same time.

4.) Celery to Burn Belly Fat

Green vegetable is a good source of few calories and lots fiber, vitamin C, calcium. You can have its intake in juice, salad or soup from. Just drink 1 glass of juice before meal time this will make your stomach flatter within a short span of time.

5.) Watermelon to Burn Fat

Watermelon contains 91% of water and is also full of vitamin B1, B6, c, potassium and magnesium all these help you achieve a perfectly healthy body. Its consumption helps you lose weight without making changes to your muscle mass which is a good thing for many people.

6.) Cucumber to Lose Weight Fast

Cucumber contains very less amount of calories with benefits of minerals, vitamins, dietary fibers, which makes it perfect for detoxifying the body, improving digestive system and decrease weight in the process. It also gives a dewy glow on the skin.

7.) Tomato to Lose Belly Fat

Tomato is another great food for a body which gives you only 33 calories and is also an excellent source of potassium, iron, vitamin A and C. Other than this, its compound helps decrease lipids in the body which in turn reduces the belly fat. Include tomatoes in your daily diet to get rid of that stubborn body fat and diseases related to it.

8.) Apples to Get Rid of Fat

Apples have dietary fiber, beta-carotene, and flavonoids, all these nutrients will help keep your stomach full and prevent you from overeating. The fruit is also known to have a fat-burning compound known as pectin. So, you should eat 3-4 apples a day to achieve your weight loss goals fast.

9.) Drink Enough Water to Burn Fat

Excess consumption of soda, alcohol and any other beverage with high sugar content is one of the prime reasons for accumulation of fat around the stomach area. You can see a great difference in your body if ou just replaces these drinks with plain water by drinking at least 64 ounces of water daily. This will not only make you feel full all day but also remove toxins from your body and help in overall weight loss.

Make Some Lifestyle Changes to Lose Belly Fat

“Early to bed early to make a person healthy wealthy and wise”, we all have heard this saying many times but only some of us follow this thoroughly. Making some right changes in our lifestyle also plays an important role in keeping a healthy body weight. Go through the following tips for maintaining a healthy life pattern.

1.) Choose a Right Meal Time

It is very important that you do not skip any meal during the daily especially in the morning as this will make you more starved for the next meal and you will end up eating excess food and gaining fat. Your body needs time to digest your food so try to have dinner at least 2 hours before bedtime otherwise you will end up collecting more fat in your body.

2.) Have Small and Frequent Meals

Instead of eating 3 big meals in a day, you should eat 5 to 6 small meals in a day. This will help provide you energy for the whole day and also reduce bloating and belly fat.

3.) Avoid Exercise with an Empty Stomach

Although exercise is great for reducing fat from the body but it should not be done on an empty stomach. Exercising on an empty stomach will have a very bad effect on your metabolism. If you do so, your body will not find any source of energy and will get into starvation mode making it difficult for your body to burn calories.

4.) Get Sufficient Sleep

It is very important that you take at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night to lose weight fast. When you sleep, your body recharges your energy levels. This result in enhanced metabolism, easy digestion, also and reduced stress levels. On the other hand, lack of sleep will trigger your body to store more fat and calories causing you to gain more weight.