Home Remedies for Bronchitis

Bronchitis is defined as the respiratory disease which causes inflammation, swelling or infection of the major bronchial tube between the wind pipe and bronchial passage of the lungs. It usually affects you when your immune system is weak and your lungs are already irritated. Bronchitis is caused in two forms, acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis usually lasts for one to three weeks and chronic lasts for 3 months to two years and requires regular medical treatment, it is a serious long-term disorder. Here are some home remedies for bronchitis.

Causes of Bronchitis:

As it is a respiratory disease, it is mainly caused by the bacteria or viruses which irritate the bronchial tube. These are the causes of bronchitis

  • Infections
  • Allergy
  • Changes in the atmosphere
  • A cough and cold
  • Pollution
  • Dusty air or fog
  • Smoking

Symptoms of Bronchitis:

  • Difficulty in breathing,
  • Chest pain
  • Nasal congestion
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle aches and fever
  • Nasal congestion
  • Tiredness

Home Remedies for Bronchitis:

1.) Honey to Treat Bronchitis

Honey is a natural way to get rid of a cough that occurs with bronchitis. It is a natural home remedy for bronchitis. The antiviral and antibacterial properties of honey are very useful to treat bronchitis. Honey helps to soothe your throat and gives you relief from pain, it also helps to build the strong immune system. You can use honey in many ways such as.

  • Add one teaspoon of honey with a regular cup of tea. You can also add half teaspoon of honey with a pinch of black pepper, ginger paste, and 1 to 2 clove powder.
  • Consume this paste to get rid of burning sensation.
  • To reduce throat congestion and throat inflammation, you can add a few drops of lemon in warm water.
  • Add one teaspoon honey in warm water and drink it after stirring well.
  • Slice an onion in a plate or any other utensils and cover it with honey. Then take one slice of onion and one teaspoon of honey four times a day to get instant relief.

2.) Breath Warm, Moist Air to Cure Bronchitis

When your lungs are irritated, hydrate them with warm, moist air. It will help to soothe your bronchial passageways. If you leave the throat dry they will become more irritated and will lead to the infection. You can follow these steps to breath humid air.

  • Buy humidifier. A humidifier is a machine that keeps moisture to the air in a room. You can purchase it from the drugstore.
  • Boil water in the jar and produce steam. Steam will help you to increase the room humidity. Or you can use a nebulizer to breathe in saline and purified water mists.
  • Another option to breathe warm, moist air is, place a bowl of water on the heater. The heat from the heater causes the water to evaporate and humidify the air.
  • You can also take a steamy shower or bath to get the benefits of breathing in the moist air. Make sure the bathroom door is closed so the steam will not get out from the door so that you can inhale moist air.

3.) Ginger to Get Rid of Bronchitis

Ginger is very beneficial not only for cold and cough but also to treat bronchitis. It has anti-inflammatory and immune building property which helps to give relief from the irritated inflamed or swollen bronchial tubes. It is one of the best home remedies for bronchitis. Ginger tea is also used to give relief to pregnant women experiencing morning sickness and post-surgery nausea.

  • You can prepare  the mixture by adding one teaspoon of each ingredient like ginger powder, pepper, and cloves.
  • Then add this mixture with milk or honey and take it thrice a day to get relief.
  • Prepare the mixture of cinnamon, cloves, and ground ginger. Add half teaspoon of this mixture in a glass of hot water and stir well before drinking.
  • Try this remedy for a few days to get relief.
  • You can also make herbal tea. All you need to add one teaspoon of each ingredient like black pepper, ginger powder in a cup of boiling powder and allow it to steep for a few minutes. Then add some honey and stir well. Drink this tea two times a day.

4.) Gargle Salt Water for Bronchitis Treatment

Gargle salt water in the time interval of 2 to 3 hours to get rid of bronchitis. It is a great way to treat various symptoms of bronchitis. Gargling salt water is a very simple and effective home remedies for bronchitis. It is easy and fast to make if you are running out of time. It is very cheap and available at everyone’s home. A study happened on 400 people found that gargle with salt water two to three times a day reduce infection of Bronchitis. It helps to slows down the swelling and gives you relief from discomfort. Thus this is one of the best home remedies for bronchitis.

  • Boil 8 ounces of water in the jar and add one teaspoon salt with water. Be sure to put the exact amount of salt, too much salt can cause burning sensation in the throat and will not be as effective. Gargle for 10 to 15 seconds and spit.
  • Repeat the process with the remaining water. There are two benefits of this remedy. First, it soothes the inflammation in the throat, and second, it will help to keep out the mucus causing irritation in the throat.

5) Drink Warm Fluid to Get Rid of Bronchitis

Keeping yourself hydrated is very important when your body is fighting infection. Drinking warm fluid can help to soothe your throat and loosen phlegm. Try these warm fluids to help you to get through bronchitis.

  • Lemon Water with Honey Heat up a water in the jar and add some lemon juice. You can also add some honey. Honey coats and soothe your throat and lemon provide vitamin C and nutrients to your body.
  • Peppermint with Chamomile Chamomile, peppermint is herbal. This tea serves the dual purpose, hydrates your body and treat your symptoms.
  • Warm Soup  Chicken broth or soup helps to soothe your throat and loosen the phlegm. Garlic soup is also a very good option to treat the symptoms of bronchitis. Sauté minced garlic and mix with a little olive oil, add vegetable broth or chicken, heat it to a simmer, and drink it hot.

 6.) Eucalyptus to Treat Bronchitis

Steam therapy is very effective when you are suffering from bronchitis. Add eucalyptus oil to soften the mucus in the bronchitis airways. It has antibacterial properties which  will help in healing process. Eucalyptus oil is very effective home remedies for bronchitis. Use it with steam therapy.

  • Boil a water and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil in it and cover your head with the towel.
  • Inhale the steam. If in case eucalyptus is not available, so you can also use pine oil or tea tree oil.
  • You can also externally apply eucalyptus oil on the chest. It will help you to soften the mucus and improve the functioning of the respiratory system.

7.) Hot Compress for Chest Pain

If you are suffering from bronchitis, it will make your chest heavy and painful, especially when you are coughing frequently. Applying heat pressure on your chest can help you to ease the pressure. You can follow these methods.

  • Fill a hot water bottle with hot water and lay it on your chest. You can also use a heating pad on your chest.
  • Place it over the cloth so it the temp of heat will be normal and it will not overheat your skin.
  • Take a warm water bath or shower.
  • Or, you can also cover yourself with warm water in a bathtub.

8.) Turmeric to Treat Bronchitis

This is one of the best home remedies for bronchitis. Turmeric has anti- inflammatory property which is good for treating cough associated with bronchitis. Use this home remedies for bronchitis and get relief from excess mucus, it also improves your immune system. This remedy is not suitable for people who have gallbladder stones, stomach ulcers, hyperacidity or obstructive jaundice.

  • Add one teaspoon of turmeric powder with one glass of boil milk.
  • Making this solution is very easy home remedies for bronchitis.
  • Drink it empty the stomach for two or three times a day for faster result.

9.) Sesame seed to Cure Bronchitis

Sesame seeds have medical properties that effectively treat bronchitis and help to relieve chest pain associated with it. For healing the symptoms of bronchitis.

  • Mix one teaspoon of each sesame seed, linseed or flaxseed and a pinch of common salt.
  • You can also add one teaspoon of honey and take this mixture before going to bed.
  • You can also consume this with half teaspoon of dry sesame seeds powder wit two tablespoons of water and consume it daily.

10.) Rest to Relieve Throat Pain

Bronchitis is an infection in your lungs so it will make you feel tired. Listen to your body and take enough rest, especially in the starting days of the infection. In the first few days, your chest feels heavy and it is difficult to breathe because your lungs need some time to heal.

At the beginning of the infection take a few days off from the school and work. Rest at your home and try not go anywhere because you take a leave for the rest. Exercising when you have a lung infection can make it worse. Try to avoid doing physical activity and exercise including swimming, biking, running and other activities because that requires the heavy breath.