How to Burn Fat Naturally?

In the right amounts and in the right places, fat is the stuff that helps to make your life worth living. But the problem begins when your curves start crashing over your beltline. It is the time to think about reducing body fat seriously. Burning off the soft and jiggly stuff and replacing it with firm and lean muscle is important. Too much fat affects your health. It leads health problems like heart disease and diabetes to liver failure, dementia, and depression. So it is important to burn fat. Read this article and get some useful tips for burning fat.

Fat under the body is not a big problem but excess fat in the belly and the abdominal cavity is an alarming sign of obesity. There are several factors that affect your body fat such as genetics, age, sex, menopause, unhealthy food etc. Healthy food is very important for burning fat. There are some foods which will help you to control your hunger and will give more energy. Some exercises and yoga will help to reduce your fat very quickly.

Causes of Fat:

  • Genetics
  • Certain medicines
  • Lack of sleep
  • Pregnancy
  • Age
  • Smoking
  • Emotional factors

How to Burn Fat

Best Ways to Burn Fat Fast and Naturally:

1.) Fish to Lose Fat Naturally

Fish is one of the best foods for burning fat. A diet rich in omega-3s will help to boost heart health, improve your moods and lower the risk of dementia. For weight loss, there are many omega-3 carriers which are rich in protein. Lack of protein will make you feel dull. If you are not getting plenty of omega-rich foods such as walnuts, flax seeds, salmon, halibut and green leafy vegetables then you should take them. You can take fish or flax-seed oil supplement as well.

2.) Nuts to Get Rid of Fat Fast

Nuts are the fatty legumes and are a great source of mood-boosting magnesium. If you are not getting enough magnesium in your body, then the part of your brain will help to regulate melatonin which will disrupt your sleep. Lack of magnesium plays a role in seasonal affective disorder, carb craving and the depression. Foods high in magnesium are extremely weight loss protein such as nuts, black beans, soy, fiber-rich grains like bran and protein rich fish.

3.) Milk to Reduce Fat Naturally and Fast

Milk is the best source of calcium and very helpful for losing weight. Fat is reduced efficiently in those who consume the most calcium rich foods. You should consume 100 milligrams of calcium each day. Include half cup of soft serve frozen yogurt in your day. It will lose an inch of intra-abdominal fat. It will help in higher rates of heart disease and cancer. Calcium and magnesium will also help you to sleep if you tend to be awakened by cramps or muscle soreness. Mineral will help to relax muscle nerves and fibers. Dairy products are best to get calcium, as well as tofu, sardines, fortified orange juice and dark green leafy vegetables.

4.) Tart Cherries to Burn Fat

Tart cherries are one of the best plant-based sources of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Bananas and corn are also best sources of melatonin. There are some foods that can raise melatonin levels in your body. It will not only help you sleep but it is a powerful antioxidant that will protect your cells from free radical damage. If you don’t like cherries than drink the juice. You should drink 8 ounces of tart cherry juice in the morning. Drink it also in the evening for 2 weeks.

5.) Green Tea to Lose Fat Naturally and Fast

Green tea is best known for its cancer-fighting benefits. It will also help to boost your metabolism. Green tea extract 3 times in a day helps to increase metabolic rate by 4 percent. You can burn an extra 60 calories in a day.

  • Prepare a cup of green tea by adding green tea leaves in a cup of hot water.
  • Boil it again 2 to 3 minutes and then strain it.
  • Drink in the morning daily.
  • It will really help to burn fat.

6.) Cardio Exercise to Burn Fat

Aerobic exercises are best for your heart pumping. It helps to burn calories and fat loss all over the body. When you exercise, belly fat is the first which loses. Notice your progress by timing how it will take to run a mile. Cardiovascular will help to improve stamina and you will notice the time going down.

  • When you run, you may get painful shin splints and you may be over- pronating. There are shoes which are specifically designed to eliminate this.
  • Start with 3 cardio workouts in a week. Push yourself hard each day. It doesn’t allow your body enough time to build up muscle and it can lead to injury.

7.) Drink Water to Reduce Fat Fast

Consistently drinking water whole day may lead to a more active metabolism. Drinking more water will help your body flush out toxins/waste and will improve your overall health.

  • Target to drink 8 oz. glass of water 8 times a day or 64 ounces total.
  • Always carry a water bottle  so that you can drink water whenever you feel thirsty.
  • Keep yourself sufficiently hydrated. You will know that you are drinking sufficient water when your urine is almost clear. If urine is yellow, then drink up.
  • Reduce sugary drinks, carbonated beverages and reduce alcohol.

8.) Strength Training to Lose Fat Naturally

It is the best way to increase your muscle mass while losing fat. Strength training can be done with resistance bands, weights or using your body weight. Try to mix up strength training exercises that will work different muscle parts in the body. Start with a slightly difficult weight or resistance and do 3 sets of 10 for each exercise. When you do that weight 3 workouts in a row without failing, it will increase the weight or resistance by 1 level.

  • Exercise for the lower body includes lunges, leg press, squats, calf raises, and deadlifts.
  • Upper body exercises include sit-ups, overhead press, push-ups, triceps dips, chest press, bicep curls and lateral pull downs.

9.) Get More Sleep to Burn Fat

Adults over 17 should get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Whereas, children from 6 to 17 should get 10 to 11 hours. Lack of sleep or sleep disturbance is more likely to be obese. Lack of sleep causes changes in fat-burning and metabolism. These tips will help you to get a good night’s sleep.

  • Make your room completely dark with dark sheets or dark curtains over the window.
  • Don’t eat for at least 2 hours before bedtime in order to prevent heartburn or to increase in energy when you go to sleep.
  • Only use your bed for sex and sleeping. Don’t do other activities such as reading, watching tv, working on the computer or listening to music while you are in bed.

10.) Make Certain Lifestyle Changes to Lose Fat

Make small lifestyle changes throughout the day will help to make your new habits stick. In the end, you have to make a positive change to a healthier lifestyle that you can maintain a long term. Make small gestures throughout the day to make a healthy lifestyle change.

  • Use stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Start a hobby that includes moving around, biking or hiking.
  • Visit weekly farmer’s market to buy fresh produce.

11.) Cut Out Processed Foods to Burn Fat

Processed foods are usually found in boxes, bags, cans or another packaging. They are high in sugar, fat, and salt that can prevent you from burning weight. Slowly cut out processed foods from your diet by cutting 2 to 3 processed items in a day. Replace them with whole foods like nuts, vegetables, seeds, and fruits. Choose only low processed foods. Homemade soups with a variety of vegetables are a great freezer option.

12.) Eat Small Meals Throughout the Day to Burn Fat

Instead of having 3 large meals each day, eat 6 smaller ones. Your body will process food better in smaller amounts which result in less excess food being stored as fat. This will help to steady your blood sugar levels and will improve your absorption of minerals and vitamins. These smaller meals should make up of healthy and whole foods instead of processed food.

  • You should include 1 medium banana with half cup of oatmeal around 8 a.m.
  • Later, after 2 hours include smoothie which is made with a cup of spinach, 4 medium strawberries, 1 tbsp of flaxseed, 1/3 cup of raspberries and 8 oz of unsweetened almond milk.
  • After 2 hours include 1 slice of whole wheat toast topped with 1 boiled egg and ¼ cup of mashed avocado.
  • Then after 3 hours include 1 cup of salad topped with half avocado, 2 tbsp of sunflower seeds, ¼ cup of cottage cheese and a balsamic vinaigrette dressing.
  • After 2 hours, include 4 oz of baked chicken with half cup of brown rice and a side of green beans with baked chicken.
  • After 2 hours, include a half cup of cooked quinoa mixed with sautéed mushrooms and pepper.

Additional Tips:

  • Never skip your meals. This will make you eat more the next meal and result in weight gain.
  • It is all about energy balance. When you consume in calories, it must be burned off with exercise.
  • If you are overeating when you feel emotional or during the time of stress then you may need to examine these habits with the help of a therapist or counselor.
  • Focus on low carb diets that can reduce your carb intake especially starches and sugar.
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