How to Clear Sinuses?

Sinuses infection usually occur due to the virus, but it can also be caused by fungi and bacteria. It is also triggered by cold that causes inflammation and swelling and lead to building up mucus, blocking the sinuses. Sinuses are cavities in your face and forehead that serve various functions, include moistening the air you breathe and producing mucus to expel and trap pathogens from your body. When sinus can’t fight to pathogens, then it leads to the symptoms of a sinus infection: swollen sinuses, increased mucus, congestion, headache, and fever. Allergies, a deviated septum, nasal sprays and exposure to pollutants and tissue irritants like over the counter sprays, cocaine and cigarette smoke are the causes of sinuses. Here are some remedies to clear sinuses.

Ways to Clear Sinuses:

1.) Inhale Steam to Treat Sinuses

Inhaling steam will help you to breath easier by keeping your sinuses moist. Taking the hot shower and inhaling the steam is the way to clear sinuses. Using a mentholated shower bomb can help.

  • Pour boil water carefully into a temperature safe bowl. Don’t inhale the steam from the water which is still on the stove. First, put the bowl on a table so you can lean over it.
  • Lean your head over the bowl but don’t get so close to the water or steam, it can cause burn your face.
  • Cover your head with the towel and inhale the steam for about 10 to 15 minutes. You can also add eucalyptus oil or other decongesting oil for the better result.
  • Use this remedy 2 to 3 times a day to get a better result.
  • While using this remedy don’t leave children near the hot water treatment for the safety purpose

2.) Nasal Irrigation to Clear Sinuses

Nasal irrigation is very helpful to clear sinuses as it helps to clear out the mucus and other debris from your sinuses, and it also keeps them moist. You can do this several times a day with minimal side effect.

  • Mix one-half tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and one teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of warm distilled water.
  • Tilt your head about 45-degree angle and take this solution for nasal irrigation using a syringe or other irrigation device.
  • Apply this remedy several times a day for a few day until you get relief.
  • Alternatively, you can also mix one teaspoon of canning salt and a pinch of baking soda in a cup of lukewarm water. Place the mixture on the neti pot or the tip of your syringe. Gently pour the solution into your nostril, so that it should run out of your nostril. Repeat it on the other side. Use this remedy 2 to 3 times a day for a week to get the better result.

3.) Turmeric to Treat Sinuses

Turmeric has been used since ages due to its antiviral, antibiotic and anti- inflammatory properties. It helps to treat sinus infection and congestion. Curcumin is an active compound present in turmeric that helps to heal swelling in the sinus cavity and clear the nasal airways.

  • Mix one teaspoon of garlic powder in a glass of warm water.
  • Gargle with it two to three times a day for a few days.
  • You can also drink a glass of hot milk and add one teaspoon of turmeric powder and a little honey if you want. Drink this solution once a day for about a week to clear the infection.
  • Turmeric also helps to treat the body internally.
  • Or you can make a turmeric smoothie by blending two to three pieces of turmeric root, one tablespoon of honey, juice of one lemon, one banana, a pinch of cayenne pepper and one-half cup of water. Drink this smoothie for a few days as it is very effective to clear sinuses.

4.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Prevent Sinus

Apple cider vinegar not only helps to treat sinus but it is also useful for your overall health. It has antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and anti- inflammatory properties that helps to get rid of sinuses. Taking apple cider vinegar at the very start of colds, allergies and flu can help to prevent a sinus infection from developing.

  • Warm a cup of water and add two spoons of apple cider vinegar in it.
  • You can also mix one teaspoon of honey if you want.
  • Drink this solution three times a day for about four to five days.

5.) Garlic for the Treatment of Sinuses

Garlic helps to fight sinuses infection caused by viruses and bacteria. It works as a natural antibiotic but it is particularly effective if the infection is caused by bacteria. It also has antifungal properties.

  • Boil some water in the pot then chop two to three clove of garlic.
  • Put the clove of garlic in the boiling water and inhale the steam for a few minutes.
  • Repeat this remedy few times a day for a week to clear sinuses.
  • Alternatively, you can also eat two to three cloves of raw garlic. Or you add cayenne pepper, horseradish, onion, and garlic in your soup and meal to get off excess mucus.

6.) Oregano Oil to Clear Sinuses

Oregano oil has an antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory property that helps to reduce the inflammation. It also helps to boost the immune system and works as a great antioxidant.

  • Boil half cup of water in a pot and add a two to three drops of oregano oil.
  • Inhale the steam to clear congestion and open up sinuses.
  • Use this remedy until the infection is gone. You can also add two to three drops of oregano oil in a cup of warm water and drink this solution twice a day to clear sinuses.
  • Or, you can simply put two drop oil under your tongue twice a day for about week and see the positive result.

7.) Ginger to Cure Sinuses Naturally

Ginger had antibiotic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce the inflammation and help to treat the sinus infection. The polyphenol present in ginger help to inhibit the secretion of mucus and also helps to maintain normal nasal ciliary motility. Healthy cilia are very important for sinus health because they filter allergens and prevent sinus infections.

  • Take small pieces of fresh ginger root into slices.
  • Boil them in a cup of water over low heat for about 10 minutes.
  • Strain the solution and mix some lemon juice and honey in it.
  • Take this tea two to three times a day for about a week to clear sinuses.

8.) Onion to Get Rid of Sinuses

Onion works a decongestant to clear sinuses. It contains sulfur compounds that help to fight fungi and bacteria.

  • Chop an onion into small pieces and put the pieces of chop onion in a pot of water.
  • Boil the water for about five minutes and inhale the vapors for a few minutes.
  • Strain the liquid, then you can drink it.
  • Use this remedy few times a day for about a week to get the desired result and relieve congestion

9.) Humidifier to Clear Sinuses

Dry and hot air can irritate sinus passages. Run a mist humidifier will help to make breathe easier while you sleep. A warm or cool mist humidifier works equally well. You can also add few drops of essential oils like eucalyptus or other oil into the water in the humidifier, which will help to reduce congestion. Be aware of watching mold because if the air will be too humid, mold will start to grow on around your humidifier. Clean the humidifier to prevent mold.

10.) Stop Smoking to Treat Sinuses

Cigarette smoking even passive smoking can cause irritation of the sinus lining and promote sinus infections. Smoking causes 40% increase in the sinuses cases according to the research. You should stop smoking and even avoid passive smoking while you have a sinus infection. To prevent sinus infection and for good health, stop smoking entirely. Smoking affects almost every organ in your body and takes years off your life expectancy.

11.) Cayenne Pepper to Clear Sinuses

It is a very effective home remedy to drain and open up the sinuses. It also boosts immunity, reduces inflammation and swelling and improves circulation.

  • Take a cup of hot water and mix one teaspoon of cayenne pepper in it.
  • Drink this solution two to three times a day to relief from congestion.
  • You can also make a mixture of honey and cayenne pepper and eat it few times a day.

12.) Horseradish to Treat Sinuses

Horseradish is a very popular remedy for sinuses infection and helps to remove mucus from the nasal passage. It is high in sulfur and works as a natural antibiotic. You can directly put a pinch of freshly grated horseradish in your mouth. You need to hold it in your mouth until its flavor dissipates and swallow it. Repeat this remedy 3 to 4 times a day for about a week to clear sinuses infection.