How to Cure a Sore Throat?

A sore throat generally refers to the pain, irritation and itchiness felt in the throat. This condition usually precedes a cold or flu. It can be extremely uncomfortable to bear. And you may not notice the sheer number of time you swallow in a day. But when you get a sore throat, then each swallow may feel like you are eating a bag of nails. In this article, we shall see how to cure a sore throat with easy home remedies.

Ways to Cure a Sore Throat:

1.) Pomegranates to Cure a Sore Throat

This may seem like an unusual remedy to cure a sore throat. But pomegranates contain antioxidants and astringents that effectively work to get rid of a sore throat. The astringent properties will help to tame the swelling in the throat. And in turn, the pain you feel from a sore throat will also diminish. The antioxidants and vitamin C naturally present in the pomegranates will boost the immune system to fight the virus from within. There are many ways to use pomegranate to cure a sore throat.

  • A good way is to make pomegranate tea. You will need 1 pomegranate for this method.
  • Wash and dry the pomegranate. Now peel it and collect the rinds.
  • Boil these rinds for 15-20 minutes in 4 cups of water. Once the tea is done, pour yourself a cup and sip it while it is still warm.
  • You can collect the rinds of the pomegranate and leave to dry away from the sun. Store these dried rinds in a glass jar. They will stay for up to a month. You can use this to make the tea, in times of an emergency.
  • You can use this tea to gargle as well. Gargle with this tea 3 times a day.

2.) Honey to Cure a Sore Throat

Honey is a common household ingredient that can be used for a number of ailments. It possesses natural antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral properties. In addition, the anti-inflammatory properties of honey make it an excellent cure for a sore throat. You can use honey in a number of methods to treat a sore throat.

  • Simply make a light black or green tea, and add a little honey to it. Drink this warm to soothe a sore throat.
  • Another way to harness the power of honey is to have it along with some warm water and lemon.
  • Heat 1 cup of water, but do not boil. It should be just hot enough to drink comfortably.
  • Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a mug and add the warm water.
  • Now add a tablespoon of honey and stir well to dissolve.
  • Slowly sip this tonic to ease the pain of your sore throat.

3.) Salt to Treat a Sore Throat Fast

A salt-water gargle is another tried and tested home remedy to cure a sore throat. When there is a pain in the throat this is usually caused when the cells in the mucous membranes become swollen and inflamed. Salt water will decrease this swelling. The primary function of salt is to draw out water. This will, in turn, shrink the swollen cells and ease the pain as well. This can also wash away the excess mucus, which will drain a stuffy nose to give relief.

  • For this remedy simply take 1 cup of water and 1/2 a teaspoon of table salt.
  • Heat the water till it becomes warm, but not hot enough to burn the mouth. Mix in the 1/2 teaspoon of salt and mix well.
  • Take a small mouthful of the solution and tip your head back. Gargle this in your throat.
  • Repeat this only up to 3 times in a day. Otherwise, you risk drying out any healthy, soft tissue and further aggravating your throat pains.

4.) Cure a Sore Throat with Ginger

Ginger can be very useful to chase away the pain of a sore throat. It contains natural properties that help to cure a sore throat. In addition, a sore throat is almost always accompanied by a cold. And since ginger is a spicy herb, it acts as an expectorant which helps to loosen up mucus build up and clear the airways. The best way to make use of the powers of ginger is to have it as a tea.

  • You will need a 2-inch piece of ginger, 2-3 cups of water and some honey to taste.
  • Wash the ginger root well and peel it.
  • Using a sharp knife slice this up into small chunks. To extract more of the benefits of ginger you may crush it with the flat side of your knife.
  • In the meanwhile, bring your water up to boil and then reduce the heat. Add in the cut and crushed ginger and allow it to simmer for 3-5 minutes.
  • Strain this tea into a mug and add a dash of honey to flavor. Sip on this while it is hot.

5.) Garlic to Cure a Sore Throat Fast

This is probably one of the most effective treatments to cure a sore throat. As a kitchen staple, it is an inexpensive and easily available remedy. Garlic contains properties that make it a natural anti-viral. In particular, a compound called allicin is present in garlic. This compound kills the bacteria that causes strep. It also fights away the germs causing pain and irritation.

  • For this remedy, you will need 2 fresh cloves of garlic.
  • Peel and wash the cloves of garlic well. Place 1 in either cheek and suck on it like a lozenge.
  • You do not need to bite into it entirely. Rather, simply graze the garlic cloves against your teeth to release the allicin compound. Do this once a day to cure a sore throat.
  • If you cannot stomach the taste of raw garlic, then try this. Peel 3-4 fresh cloves of garlic and then boil in a cup of water. Add ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder to the boiling garlic water, stir once and take off the heat. Once the solution has cooled, you may strain it and drink it.

6.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Cure a Sore Throat

Just like garlic, apple cider vinegar does not rank in the top of tasty home remedies. But it works very well to treat and cure a sore throat. The acidity levels of apple cider vinegar can kill bacteria very efficiently. Mix it with a little honey to ease the pain of a sore throat. In addition, this ingredient is inexpensive and very easily available. Try and use organic apple cider vinegar for this remedy. (Organic ACV is usually murky brown in color.)

  • You will need 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 cup of water and 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • Heat the water till it is very warm. Add the honey and apple cider vinegar. Stir it well until the honey dissolves. Drink this solution while it is still warm.
  • Alternatively, make a solution to gargle. Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with ½ cup warm water. Gargle with this solution just once a day till a sore throat is cured.

7.) Treat Sore Throat with Hydrogen Peroxide

One thing you may have noted when needing to cure a sore throat is that many home remedies recommend gargling. Hydrogen peroxide is a surefire way to kill off bacteria and prevent further infections. This solution is a staple in any home, especially if one has children. So go ahead and harness the power of hydrogen peroxide with a gargle.

  • To make this solution, you will need a bottle of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, warm water, and a mug.
  • Into your mug, pour 1 cap full of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Make sure the water is warm, but not hot enough to burn your throat. Fill the mug halfway with this warm water, and dilute the hydrogen peroxide.
  • Gargle with this thoroughly and spit it all out. Remember not to ingest this solution. Do this once a day.

8.) Get Rid of Sore Throat with Cinnamon

Usually, when one has a sore throat it is advisable to stay away from spices. But cinnamon can help to relieve the pain of a sore throat. It is especially relevant for a sore throat that is caused by a cold, or the flu. The high content of antioxidants boosts the immune system. In addition, simply the warm scent of the cinnamon can open up the sinuses and reduce the production of mucus.

  • To prepare this remedy you will need 2-3 sticks of cinnamon, 1-2 cups of water, your favorite mug, and a teabag of your choice (herbal or green).
  • Boil the cinnamon sticks in the water for 3-4 minutes. Strain the cinnamon water into your favorite mug.
  • Then place the teabag into this water and let it steep till you get the strength of tea you desire.
  • Simply sip away at this concoction while it is still warm. You can add a dash of honey for flavor.

9.) Steam Treatment for a Sore Throat

Use this method to cure sore throats caused by a cold or flu. It helps to relieve any congestion. However, steaming can also provide relief to a dry sore throat. It is easy to try this method at home.

  • You will need a bowl, some hot water, a bath towel, and eucalyptus essential oil.
  • Pour the hot water into the bowl and fill it halfway. Add 1-2 drops of the eucalyptus oil.
  • Lean over the bowl and inhale the steam. Drape the towel over your head and the bowl to slow down the escaping steam.

10.) Rest to Cure a Sore Throat Naturally

While you have a sore throat it is a good idea to rest and allow your body to fight off the infection. Combine this with any of the above natural remedies. Another tip to keep in mind is to drink a lot of fluids. Staying hydrated gives your immune system that much-needed boost to defend your body. All you need is a comfortable place to rest and a book or movie to keep you company.