How to Cure a Stomach Ache?

When we feel short-lived ache between ribs and hips is often called as a stomach ache. People usually get confused between the term stomach ache and stomach pain. Stomach pain has always longer duration than ache. As we are a part of the large population stomach ache may differ from person to person and their reasons too. Many people use the different terms for stomach ache like tummy ache or abdominal ache etc. However, before knowing how to cure a stomach ache one should aware of the fact that our body is made up of 65 percent of water. This means if you drink at least 10 to 16 glasses a day you do not need anything to cure your ache. It is just not apple but also water which keeps the doctor away. To cure a stomach ache you should first know the causes so that you know the things better.

 Causes of Stomach Ache

  • Stomach virus
  • Less eating
  • Over eating
  • Gas
  • Viral infection
  • Stress
  • Oily food
  • Mensuration
  • Food poisoning
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Constipation

It may also depend on upon your gender and age or may be your lifestyle. For example, if you are a male, you might feel it because of your appetite and if you’re female it can be an indication that your monthly cycle is about to start. Whatever is the reason we will let you know how to cure a stomach ache with home remedies.

Remedies to Cure a Stomach Ache:

Below we have listed 10 remedies that will surely help you get rid of stomach ache in a natural way. As home remedies are the cheapest way  to treat stomach ache. Moreover, these remedies do not have harmful effects on your body. Nature has given us so many gifts then why not use them.

1.) Cure a Stomach Ache with Ginger

So the first thing you can try is Ginger. It has anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger is the cheapest source to cure a stomach ache. It is also easily available in the market and your home as well. So what you can do is finely chop some ginger or crush and make a tea. It works best when you are suffering from gas or indigestion. Ginger gives a soothing effect and calms your stomach just in no seconds because it relaxes the muscles because of its anti-oxidant properties.

2.) Apple Cider Vinegar for Upset Stomach

Everyone knows the quote ‘an apple a day keeps a doctor away.’ So it is apple what you think is helpful for keeping away the doctor, no it’s not. One should give a try to apple cider vinegar if his stomach is upset. Take one spoon of apple cider vinegar daily your stomach never gives you any trouble.

 But for some people, it can be too acidic, so it is preferable to take it with water.

3.) Lavender Oil to Cure a Stomach Ache

Sometimes we feel the ache in our stomach due to stress. If you are in stress, then just put a few drops of lavender oil around your navel and massage it for a few minutes. You will see the change in your stress as it works as a stress buster.

If you do not have lavender oil than in that place you can try almond oil which also works the same.

4.) Carom or Bishop’s Weed for Ancient Treatment

If someone suffers from any health issue at home, automatically our grandmother becomes our first doctor. However, they have scientific reasons behind their remedies. So if you have ever carefully listen them, you might hear the word carom. It is one of the best medicines for stomach ache. If you ever caught by the stomach ache, just take one spoonful of carom and one spoon rock salt and have it with warm water. Grandmother’s remedies always work.

5.) Heating Pad to Get Rid of Stomach Ache

Sometimes ache also troubles you the same as pain does. So it is better to take something to avoid it. If you are at home, you can try this. The heating pad is an easy option for ache, especially for ladies who are in their days of the month. Ladies usually avoid any medicine during their periods so it is a better option to cure a stomach ache.

If you do not have heating pad what you can do is take a glass bottle, it can be a whiskey or vodka and fill it with hot or warm water according to your need. Wrap a cloth or a towel around your bottle if it is too hot. You can try this hack not just to cure a stomach ache, but for body pain as well.

6.) Soda to Prevent Stomach Ache

Sometimes all you need is just a plain soda to treat the ache. Buy a bottle of plain soda, not a flavored one and add little black salt to it and drink it before all the fizz ran away from soda. Because fizz is the thing which is going to treat you.

Or you can also try lemon soda, which is equally effective. Just add lemon juice and honey to soda and enjoy the drink. You can also easily find this drink in a restaurant as people take it after their meal to avoid indigestion or gas.

7.) Pomegranate Seeds as Trouble Buster

Everybody eat pomegranate and still do not know the value of the fruit. This fruit has the capability to fight many diseases like heart, breast cancer, obesity, etc. If your stomach is troubling you, sprinkle some black pepper and salt to pomegranate seeds and have it raw. The direction your ache came from will run through the same direction. And in a few minutes, it will be out and you will be trouble-free.

8.) Tamarind Leaves to Treat a Stomach Ache

From the ancient times, tamarind is used as a medicine in various fields for various purposes. Tamarind is the best source of vitamin C which is not only good for your skin, but tamarind also purifies your blood. From malaria fever to jaundice and piles it is good for everything.

You must be thinking how can one cure a stomach ache with tamarind leaves. All you have to do is just take tamarind leaves and grind it to a thin paste and add rock salt and have it. This will surely help you.

9.) Fenugreek Seeds to Cure Stomach Ache

Spices not only enhance the taste in the meal, they have other benefits as well. Every spice has their own quality and features. Fenugreek does not stay behind when it comes to the benefits of it. It helps to treat stomach ache and other problems such as gas, food poisoning etc associated with it.

Grind some fenugreek seeds and make an even paste, then mix some curd which has a good bacteria. The bitter taste of the fenugreek seeds and the bacteria present in the yogurt helps to treat the stomach ache.

10.) Rosemary Oil as a Stress Buster

What a first word come to our mind when you hear the word oil, it is massage. Here is totally different use of oil to get rid of your stomach ache amazingly. Take few drops of rosemary oil and add it to warm water and then take a bath from that water. When we are stressed we often take a shower to avoid it as it relaxes the body and gives a soothing effect. This method is best for the girls especially during menses. It vanishes your pain without even letting you know. And who does not like to cure a stomach ache with just a simple taking a bath?

11.) Asafoetida a Delicious Treatment

In simple terms, we call it as asafoetida. You may ask your mother how useful it is when it is about the stomach. Or you might know it yourself as there are so many asafoetida tablets which are delicious, mouth-watering and easily available in the market at a very cheaper price. Since it has so many health benefits, therefore, you must add a pinch of asafoetida while cooking so that even overeating does not bother your stomach.

12.) Yogurt Delight to Cure a Stomach Ache

Yogurt is just not delicious but helpful with lots of health benefits. It not only helps to get rid of stomach ache but for a healthy and wealthy diet of a body as well. It is a need which every body demands. Just like plants need fertilizers for a good and healthy growth, we need yogurt as it is full of good bacteria. You can enjoy it anywhere or have it according to your choice and taste.

So whatever are the reason try this method once to cure a stomach ache, you will never going to regret. And the most important thing, you can treat your ache with this method. But sometimes small aches can convert into major issues, for example, people suffering from stones never realize what they are in and what it can become. So never take a risk whenever you feel something wrong, ask for doctor’s advice before something becomes serious or goes wrong.