How to Cure Diarrhea?

Diarrhea is a symptom of another health issue, such as infection or a virus. Diarrhea occurs when the digestive system is not function properly, resulting in frequent loose or watery stools more than two times a day. The main causes of diarrhea are bacterial infections and viral infections, consumption of contaminated food and water, food intolerances, anxiety and intestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis. Diarrhea can be accompanied by symptoms like bloating, abdominal pain, nausea and may cause complications like dehydration. In most cases, diarrhea takes two to four days but certain types of diarrhea can cause serious problems. more than 150,000 admissions to the hospital every year due to acute diarrhea. You can cure diarrhea with a variety of natural home remedies to fight the infection  and provide relief from the symptoms.

Ways to Cure Diarrhea:

1.) Drink Water and Other Fluids

When you suffer from diarrhea, your body sheds fluids that contain essential vitamins and minerals. It is very important and you need to get those minerals back in fluids, especially water and sports drinks.

  • Combatting dehydration is your primary foremost medical concern with diarrhea. If your diarrhea is associated with vomiting. Take frequent, small sips of liquid instead of drinking lots of liquid at a time.
  • Other liquids that you can consume to get rehydrate include beef or chicken broth, flavored mineral waters, or rehydration solutions such as Pedialyte.
  • Avoid the consumption of caffeine. Caffeine is a mild diuretic, means that it can have a dehydrating effect. If you are suffering from diarrhea it is very important, stick to liquids that don’t dehydrate your body.

2.) Peppermint to Cure Diarrhea

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, a study shows that 75 percent of participants using peppermint oil had significantly reduced the symptoms of gas, pain, bloating including  diarrhea. Peppermint oil also increases the production of digestive fluids and increase circulation. It is available in different forms such as tinctures and dried leaves.

  • It is also available in capsules. These capsules prevent the oil from releasing in the stomach and causing indigestion.
  • You can take 1 to 2 capsules of peppermint capsules up to three times per day.
  • Or you can make peppermint tea. Take one tablespoon of dried peppermint leaves and put it in a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 10 minutes. Once the tea has cooled, strain the tea and drink.
  • Take peppermint tea three to four times a day to cure diarrhea.

3.) Ginger to Treat Diarrhea Naturally

Ginger root tea has an ability to provide the relieve from the symptoms of diarrhea. It decreases stomach spasms and gasses from a fermented material that are responsible for frequent, watery stools. Ginger root also promotes the release of gastric juices and enzymes that aid digestion. It can also help to relieve from cramp and any abdominal pain associated with diarrhea.

  • Grate a small piece of ginger and add one teaspoon of honey in it. Eat this mixture of ginger and honey to promote the release of gastric juices and improve digestion. Don’t drink water immediately after eating it.
  • You can also make ginger tea. Slice one small piece of ginger. Add this in a cup of boil water. Strain the solution and add some honey. Drink this tea two to three times a day to cure diarrhea.

4.) Fenugreek to Get Rid of Diarrhea

Fenugreek is very effective to cure diarrhea due to the high mucilage content present in it. It helps to bulk up your stool and thereby improve the condition of severity and discomfort of diarrhea.

  • Mix one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds with one tablespoon of yogurt. Then swallow this mixture.
  • Or you can mix one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds and two tablespoons of yogurt with one tablespoon of roasted cumin seeds. Eat it two or three times a day.
  • This remedy is not suitable for small children suffering from chronic or acute diarrhea.

5.) Bananas to Cure Diarrhea Overnight

Bananas can also help to solve the problem of watery stools. Pectin present in bananas is responsible for all its benefits, it is a kind of soluble fiber that helps to absorb the liquid in the intestines and reduces the amount of liquid in the stools. Banana is also a rich source of potassium which helps to replace electrolytes that lost while you suffer from diarrhea.

  • You can always take ripe bananas with your breakfast to maintain digestive health.
  • Mash one banana and add one teaspoon of tamarind pulp and a pinch of salt. Mix it well. Then eat this mixture twice a day until your upset digestive system get settle.

6.) Chamomile to Treat Diarrhea

Chamomile tea has been used for centuries to treat digestive and stomach related problems, including diarrhea. It was considered as a universal remedy by the ancient Egyptians. Now the  researchers have found new evidence that chamomile can actually help to relieve a wide range of health ailments. It has antispasmodic property along with the high amount of tannins which provide great relief from symptoms of diarrhea.

  • You can buy a pre-packaged tea bags to make a tea.
  • Take one teaspoon of peppermint leaves and one teaspoon of chamomile flowers and mix it in a cup of boil water. Let it steep for about 10 to 15 minutes. Drink this herbal remedy three to four times a day to speed up the healing process.

7.) Blueberries to Cure Diarrhea

The element present in blueberries called anthocyanosis has antioxidant as well as antibacterial properties. Blueberries also contain a high amount of soluble fiber pectin that can help treat diarrhea symptoms.

  • You can chew dried blueberries several times a day to cure diarrhea. This will help to kill the germs causing diarrhea.
  • Or you can take blueberries tea. Crush dried blueberries and put it in one cup of boiling  water for about 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Drink this tea three to four times a day.
  • You can also make soup with dried blueberries.

8.) Yogurt to Cure Diarrhea Fast

You need to consume Yogurt, especially with live bacterial cultures such as bifidobacterium and lactobacillus acidophilus. It is a great home remedy for diarrhea.

  • These live cultures help restore the ‘good’ bacteria in your intestine and destroy the ‘bad’ bacteria causing diarrhea.
  • According to the study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2009, researchers found that probiotics can help to reduce antibiotic-associated diarrhea
  • Only two bowls of yogurt can give you noticeable result and cure diarrhea.
  • Add banana with yogurt to enhance the effect of yogurt.

9.) Orange Peel to Treat Diarrhea

Orange peel is a very effective home remedy that can help to control symptoms associated with diarrhea and aid the digestive process.

  1. First, you need to  wash the orange thoroughly to remove any pesticides.Then remove the peel and gently chop it into small pieces.
  2. Put the chopped peel in a cup of boiling water and let it steep for 10 to 15 minutes. When it  get cool, then add some sugar and honey to sweeten it.
  3. Take this tea two or three times a day.

10.) Take BRAT Diet to Get Rid of Diarrhea

Bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast are the components of the BRAT diet. This diet can help to bulk up your stool and provide gentle nutrition that would not upset your stomach.

  • Choose whole grain toast and brown rice because these contain more fiber and nutrients like vitamins and minerals.
  • Applesauce contains pectin, which can help to firm up stool. Don’t consume apple juice because it  has a laxative effect that can make your diarrhea worse.
  • Avoid any solid food if you are continuously vomiting. Stick with broths and other fluids.

11.) Marshmallow Root to Treat Diarrhea

Marshmallow has also traditionally been used as an inflammation reducing herb. It has wonderful properties that help to cure the symptoms of diarrhea.

  • Put two tablespoons of marshmallow root in one cup of water and leave it overnight.
  • Drink this solution when you get up in the morning. But strain before drinking it.
  • This herb can react with some medications such as lithium. so first, consult your doctor before taking.

12.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Cure Diarrhea

Apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties. It acts as an effective agent against bacteria that cause diarrhea. Thus it is one of the best remedies for diarrhea.

  • Add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water.
  • Use this remedy once or twice a day until your diarrhea gets Cure.
  • If you are taking apple cider vinegar with other probiotics, wait for several hours in between drinking the apple cider vinegar and taking probiotics.