How to Curl Your Hair?

In this article, we will discuss how to curl your hair. Having just straight hair can be boring sometimes. You may want to try something new for a special occasion like birthday, wedding, dating and so on. Curling your hair is an easy task if you know how to do so. In this article, you will find a lot of ways to curl your hair without spending a lot of money in salons. Below we have listed some of the ways through which you can achieve this. You just need to follow the directions thoroughly to get the best results.

Ways to Curl your Hair at Home:

1.) Braiding to Curl Your Hair

It is one of the easiest ways to curl. If you want to have small curls take a small section of your hair one by one and start braiding them one at a time. Make sure that your hair is damp while doing this and keep them braided overnight. When you unbraid your hair in the morning you will have awesome curls. Also, note that once you wash your hair again the curls will go away.

Braids also work if you want to have big round curls. For this, you just have to make a loose braid on damp hair the number of braids should be just 3 to 4. By this, you will have gorgeous big wavy curls.

2.) Tie a High Bun to Curl Your Hair

Another easy way to get gorgeous curls is tying your hair high up in a bun. It is one of the convenient ways to get curls without using curlers. For this do the following

  • Pull all your hair up towards the crown of your head.
  • Now twist your hair then wrap it and tie.
  • Make sure you secure your hair with either elastic or U-pins.
  • Secure with elastic or pins
  • Tie only wet hair to get curls you can also apply hairspray to keep them in shape for long.
  • Keep them that way overnight.
  • Now when you open your hair you will have amazing loose beachy waves.
  • Set it with hair spray.
  • If you want big round curls you can also make 6-7 tiny buns on the crown area and keep them overnight.
  • In case you have very silky hair, this method would probably not work for you. But it does work for other textured hair.

3.) Making Hair Curl with Rags

Even a small strip of cloth can be a perfect tool for curling your hair. You can also use an unused sock for it. Or can use an old T-shirt to curl your hair without a curler.

  • Damp your hair using a spray bottle.
  • Separate your hair into the section, if you want tighter curls to take smaller sector if you want loose curls or wavy curls take a bigger section.
  • Put the cloth or the sock (This sock should be open from both end so that your hair can be wrapped easily) at the tip of your hair and start to roll that sock such that all your hair is wrapped in it and stop at the point where you want curls to start.
  • Keep this bun for overnight and when you unroll your sock or piece of cloth you will have some amazing curls.
  • You can also run your fingers through these curls to give it a bounce. After you are satisfied with the look put some hair serum and spray to it to enhance those curls.

4.) Using Velcro Rollers to Curl Your Hair

The next method is using velcro rollers. The velcro rollers are easily available at the cosmetic shops. It helps to cur;l your way without damaging and visiting saloons. All you have to do is:

  • Make sure your hair is free from any tangles.
  • Now dampen them using a spray.
  • Divide your hair into separate section depending upon the type of curls you want i.e loose or tight.
  • Take one section at a time and start rolling it inwards or outwards according to your preference. Hold them using a butterfly clip.
  • The longer you keep them the better curls you get or you can also blow dry them on hot air for around 15 minutes than on cold air for 3-4 minutes. Let them stay for 15 more minutes
  • When you open velcro rollers you will have perfect curls of your desire.

5.) Twist your Wet Hair Tight to Curl Your Hair

This is the easiest way to curl your hair without looking for any extra material. Here you  have to make sections of your hair. These sections would depend upon the type of curls you want. It can bet tight or loose. Now twist them completely and secure it with a rubber band. Make sure your hair is damp for this. Leave them for overnight or few hours. This method would help you achieve those perfectly soft and deep curls. At last, just run fingers through your hair to add volume.

6.) Using Tissue Paper to Curl Your Hair

This is another effective method to curl your hair at home. The tissues will bind your hair and give you nice curls easily.

  • Wash your hair with shampoo, condition them then towel dry, till it stops dripping. You can also apply a hydrating serum to make them shine more this is an optional step. Now untangle your hair using a wide-toothed comb this lessen the chance of breakage.
  • Now collect some tissues papers for the next step. You can also use thicker paper strips for alternative both will give provide you with same results.
  • Start rolling the tissue paper so that you have a cylindrically shaped tissue. This tissue will be the tool you will use to get those curls.
  • Now take a small section of hair and place the tissue roller at the ending tip of that section. Make sure your hair damp for this to work.
  • Start rolling the tissue paper roller till the point you want to start your curls. Make your hair are rolled tightly into it by using your fingers.
  • When you reach the highest point secure the tissue roller gently by either using a butterfly clip or you can take a strip of your hair and knot the roller using it. You will get cocoon shaped hair by doing this.
  • Repeat this step for all hair sections you have created. If you wish to have light curls keep the tissue roller on for only 2 to 3 hours. But if you want to have tighter curls you can keep them for overnight.
  • When you open the knots or butterfly clips you will have curled the hair of your desire.

These are some easy heatless and harmless ways by which you can have volumised and bouncy curled hair to rock any occasion. While using these methods keep some of these points in mind:

  • Make sure that your hair is not wet when you open them as brushing them or styling them at that point can make your hair weak and breakable.
  • Unless it is very important avoid combing wet hair.
  • When you are using a product like Velcro, you should be extremely careful and do it in a subtle manner. You can break your hair if you are outing the hair in a haphazard manner.
  • Keep in mind that your hair is not too tight while you fall asleep as it will create pressure on your scalp which might lead to damage and breakage of your hair.