How to Detox Your Body?

In this article, we will discuss the best way to detox your body. Do you love parties and picnic with friends and family? Well, you aren’t alone, we all love partying. And we usually over consume foods, drinks and make at least a few dietary mistakes on such occasions.Well, you do not have to guilty about it. Instead, concentrate on getting back to eating healthily. A healthy diet will help your body purify and detoxify itself after the holidays.

Natural Way to Detox Your Body:

1.) Kale Soup to Detox Your Body

Kale is considered as the best remedy to detox your body fast and naturally. You just need to add this ingredient in your soup recipe. Kale alone cannot be much effective but when you combine it with other ingredients present in the soup like spinach, and tomatoes, beans, etc. then it can help the body and mind effectively. It also provides the body several essential minerals and vitamins. You just need to add three teaspoons of olive oil in a soup pot and heat it on a medium flame. While using olive oil you should keep a fact in mind that olive oil loses its properties when you heat it on high flame. Now, add one yellow onion and one tablespoon of chopped garlic in this oil. Cook for five minutes and then add one bunch of kale. Cook for two minutes and then add eight cups of water in it. Also, add one blanched tomato, five cubes vegetable bouillon, two cans beans, five white potatoes, one Italian seasoning, and parsley. Let the potatoes cooked completely and then add some salt and pepper to taste. Have this soup to detox your body.

2.) Try Yoga and Meditation to Detox Your Body

Performing yoga and meditation are one of the best ways to detox your body. Yoga can help you internally fit and healthy. Meditation has a great tendency to keep your mind peaceful and it helps you in controlling the pointless thoughts in your mind. You can perform several yoga asanas. They will keep the body fit and stress-free. So, do not think much. Regular yoga and meditation not only detox your body but also keep you internally and externally fit

3.) Water to Detox Your Body

Adding lots of water to your diet is the most important ingredient in any detoxifying routine. In fact, you should always have access to water during your walking hours. And of course, having access to water is not enough but you must actually drink it. In order to detoxify your body, you may want to consume up to a gallon of water every day. The exact amount of water depends on the weight of your body and the amount of other liquid diets you are used to consuming during the day.

4.) Lemons to Detox Your Body

Consuming lemon juice can be beneficial for your liver, gallbladder, and colon. Lemon juice helps your body to increase the production of digestive juices. That results in more flushing of toxins through your colon. Besides increasing the formation of digestive juices, the chemical structure of lemon juice acts as many of those juices as well. The cleansing of the gall bladder and liver are other detoxifying properties of lemon. It helps in upper respiratory issues and flushes out the toxins through the pores. Lemon makes water much more palatable as well.

5.) Brussels Sprouts to Detox Your Body

One of the best way to detoxify your body is to eat foods that boost the functions of the organs that ‘carry out the trash.’ These are beneficial for your body specifically the skin, the liver and the kidneys. Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and other cruciferous veggies contain lots of fiber. This helps to keep your colon working effectively and efficiently. The result of this is that your liver has to do less work, because your body is eliminating more toxins via the colon. If you don’t like steamed or boiled brussels sprouts, then try them roasted or grated raw into salads.

6.) Oats to Detox Your Body

Oats have lots of benefits for your body. The fiber riched oats functions as a diuretic. This gives you the double advantage of having toxins flushed through your kidneys and colon both. Besides this, oatmeal also contains the kind of fiber that aid to reduce cholesterol and plaque coating your arteries. Don’t worry if oatmeal isn’t your idea of a snack or fun meal. Oats can be consumed in various ways by ground into flour for pancakes, blended into smoothies, and even eaten stirred into yogurt.

7.) Lentils to Detox Your Body

Lentils are a great diet for detoxifying your body. First of all, they are an excellent source of vegetable protein, which gives you full feeling without the fat, calories and toxins found in the meat sources. Lentils also regulate your glycemic index. This protects you from the negative impacts of fluctuating blood sugar levels. If you are still not convinced that lentils should be in your diet, consider these  two points. It is the one of the cheapest food available there. These are also a great focal ingredient for many kinds of soup and stews.  In this way, not only will you enjoy the advantage of lentils, but you’ll also be increasing your daily fluid consumption without even trying.

8.) Artichokes to Detox Your Body

In spite of being delicious and versatile, Artichokes are a detoxifying powerhouse. First, artichokes make your liver function more efficiently. This leads to more bile production. More bile production indicates that the foods you eat are broken down more efficiently, hence increased nutrition absorption as a result. Finally, the fiber in artichokes stimulates your colon to function better. It’s better to stick with steamed, grilled, or baked versions of the veggie. Than to enjoy artichokes in fried form, or dipped in rich aioli.

9.) Dandelions to Detox Your Body

Dandelion greens are great food for detoxifying your body. This boosts your liver function and eliminates the toxins from your body. In old ages, dandelion greens were understood as these greens were cheap, if not free, plentiful, and delicious when cooked the right way. But nowadays it has become a very important part of healthy diet and is beneficial in liver function boosting, detoxifying the body and helping in colon function effectively. If you are not able to find dandelion greens easily at your local grocery store, you may be able to find them at a health food store or you may consider buying them online. While looking for a plant make sure to stay away from any field that gets sprayed with chemical fertilizers or bug sprays. If you have never tasted dandelions, treat them as you would another bitter green such as rocket.

10.) Green Tea to Detox Your Body

Free radicals are the elements that cause the damage to your cells that results in premature aging and cancer. Antioxidants in green tea help your body to fight off these damaging free radicals. Antioxidants are basically the warriors that seek out and destroy free radicals. The health benefits gained from drinking green tea are incredible, hence many people consume several cups a day.  If you want to add more power to the cleansing abilities of  lemon juice and water, add in a bag of green tea, or some matcha tea powder to it.

11.) Seaweed to Detox Your Body

Yes, seaweed! This flavorful ingredient has some amazing nutritional benefits besides of being used to encase your favorite sushi roll. However, if you are really concerned about the best cleansing benefits from seaweed, go for kelp and avoid the sushi rolls and the little roasted seaweed snacks. You can use seaweed to make salads, dried and sprinkled on soups and other recipes, or encapsulated in pill form. Having low-calorie, it is good for your body, and extremely solid in phytonutrients.

12.) Turmeric to Detox Your Body

Some people may think that how a simple spice can help them detox their bodies. Many people drink turmeric in teas, or they like eating the spice in a variety of Indian dishes. If you aren’t quite familiar with the ingredient, turmeric is one of the spices that gives many Indian and other eastern dishes a strongly yellow color. When it comes to cleansing, turmeric specifically benefits the liver. Some health practitioners are so convinced of the benefits of turmeric that they believe you can detoxify solely by drinking lots of water and adding more turmeric into your diet.