Fastest Way to Lose Weight

Fastest way to lose weight

Today many types of supplement for weight loss are available in the market. Some people take fat burner and pills to lose weight, but it is not an effective way. You need to cut off your calories with junk food and take healthy diet. Also, improve your metabolic rate at the same time. You should have a strong willpower because your low willpower could become a reason to give up your plan of shedding weight. Losing weight is not only about making a right choice but is about sticking to your plan and putting it into the action. There is a list of suggestion for the fastest way to lose weight, but it will not work until you want to work on it.

fastest way to lose weightfastest way to lose weight

Fastest Way to Lose Weight:

1.) Avoid Simple Carbs to Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight quickly, the first thing you need to do is avoid simple carbs because they are refined carbs and your body easily digest them and make you feel hungry. Simple carbs are not able to provide fuel to your body for a long time because they directly get converted into fat form. White bread, syrup cakes, white rice, and pasta etc. are the sources of refined carbs.

Replacing simple carbs with complex carbs is the fastest way to lose weight. It is a good source of fiber as and other nutrients as well. It digests slowly into your body and provides energy throughout the day. The scientist did research on two groups of people. Both had the same diet, same nutrient, protein, vitamins but different carbs. The group who was taking complex carbs lost weight quicker than the group that took simple carbs. That means one should consume complex carbs in order to lose weight.

2.) Cardio to Lose Fat

Cardio is beneficial not only for the fat person but for the thin person also because it keeps your heart healthy and increases your metabolism. Metabolism plays an important role in your body because it increases your digestion level. Cardio directly hit the fat stored in your body and use your fat as fuel. Thus, it is the fastest way to lose weight.

Walking is considered as the least effective cardio exercise. Whereas, running and cycling is considered to be the best exercise for weight loss. They are the best way because a high amount of energy is required in cycling and running. Cardio strengthens your heart muscle, which improves resting heart and pumping efficiency. It also reduces stress, tension and increases mental well-being. Cardio also increases the blood circulation of your body and helps to improves the production of red blood cells which enable greater oxygen facilitation throughout the body. It also strengthens the muscles involved in respiration and increases the pump of your lungs.

3.) Sports to Reduce Weight

Sports is considered the best and fastest way to lose weight. The best part of sports is that you will never get bored with it and will get learn something new. A sport is very competitive and it is the main part which will help you to lose pounds quickly because competition makes you push harder. The harder you will work more calories you will burn. It requires the high amount of energy and physical hard work. Therefore, sports is considered to be the best and fastest way to lose weight. There are few sports which are very effective.

  • Swimming It requires the high amount of energy than the other sports. A swimmer consumes more calories than the bodybuilder per day, but they have a better physique as compared to the body builder. This is because a swimmer uses every muscle of his body from head to toe. You can easily burn 100 to 500 calories in half an hour session of swimming which is very high.
  • Sprinting- It makes you breathe harder and increases the amount of blood flow in your body. It is a very easy sport. Moreover, like swimming it is not hard to learn. It boosts your metabolism rate and directly hit your fat instead of muscles as well.
  • Soccer- You can easily burn 300 calories in just half an hour session because your body is consistently active while running.

4.) Walk to Lose Weight

Due to a busy schedule, people forget about their health. A healthy body is a key to a healthy mind. If you don’t have enough time to go to the gym or could not exercise regularly than a brisk walk is a good option for you. Walk wherever possible because it is the easiest way to lose weight. Avoid using the lift and use stairs. If your office is on the 10th floor so use stair rather than lift. If you have to go to the grocery store, walk there rather than using bike or car. Take every walk as an opportunity to lose calories. Get a pedometer it will count the number of footsteps you take during a day and your burnt calories will encourage you to walk more.

5.) A Balanced Diet to Lose Extra Pound

Your diets should include a protein, low carbs vegetables and a good source of fat. Constructing your proper diet plan is the fastest way to lose weight. Your diet should be high in protein. Research has shown that it boosts your metabolism by 80 to 100 calories per day. High protein diet reduces the obsessive thought about food by 60 percent. It also reduces the desire munch snacks late night. It makes you full whole day and you will automatically eat fewer calories per day. Protein also helps to build muscles. Beef, chicken, pork, lamb, egg are the good source of protein.

  • A diet based on meat and vegetables have all the vitamins, minerals and fiber which you need to become healthy. However, if you are vegetarian then consume green leafy vegetables. They have a good amount of all nutrients. Broccoli, spinach, kale, Swiss chard, cabbage are the low carb vegetables.
  • You should not be afraid if eating fat because fat is also essential for your body, but you need to take a good fat. Monosaturated fat doesn’t raise your heart disease risk at all. Olive oil, coconut oil, peanut, and almonds are the best source of good fat.

6.) Lift Weight to Get Healthy

If you are trying to lose weight, lifting weight might not be very important. But it will help you to tone your body. You will gain some muscles and your body will come into shape. If you are new at the gym you can ask your trainer for some advice for the better result. You will also burn calories and prevent your metabolism from going down, which is the main reason of gaining weight. Studies have shown that you can even gain muscle on the low carb diet and lose an amount of fat. Thus, this is the fast way to lose weight.

7.) Six Meals for Weight Loss

Quitting food and taking one or two unhealthy meals is not a good option. Low intake of food makes you weaker and you cannot follow that routine for a long time. Some people eat only 1000 to 1500 calories per day, but they still gain weight. The main reason behind it is, your body is smart and knows which nutrition is required to keep your body healthy and to runs your organ smoothly. If you will not take enough food, your body will perceive that there is a shortage of food, your body doesn’t trust you to feed it and start storing your food as fat for the further energy to keep your body run. If you will start giving 6 meals per day, your body will recognize that food is given, and it will not store it as a fat.

8.) Interval Training to Reduce Weight

Interval training is the fastest way to lose weight. It is very effective to transform anyone from fat to fit. It burns your fat faster and even after the training it keeps burning. Interval training is where you really need to do intense activity for the shorter period of time. The Scientists have also found that those who do interval training lose weight more quickly. The example of interval training is, go as hard as possible for the shorter first lap and then jog after the remaining lap. The amount of fat you burn in the first lap, your body will keep burning that same amount of fat on the remaining laps.

9.) Juices to Remove Toxins

There are different kinds of juices which your body requires to lose weight. Juices have lots of micronutrient in them and they are very low in calories but a high source of energy. The best thing about juice is that it doesn’t contain any fat and extra calories. Juices are made up of raw vegetables and it helps to remove toxins from your body. It also provides your body essential nutrient, vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Orange juice is considered to be the best juice to flush out the toxins.

10.) Enough Rest to Shed Weight

Yes, you read it right, its rest for weight loss ! It is very important for your body because you will feel tired and sleepy in the other day if you will not take proper rest. It will help to maintain you sufficient amount of energy throughout the day. Your body needs sleep for the recovery of muscles you lose. Sleep deficiency is linked to an inability to lose fat. Getting enough sleep can really help you on your path to lose weight.
