Foods High in Magnesium

Foods High in Magnesium

Magnesium is an important mineral that your body needs to function properly. It produces energy and regulates blood sugar and chemical reaction in your body. It also helps to maintain the proper level of other important minerals such as potassium, zinc and calcium. Your main organs like heat, kidney and muscles need magnesium to work properly. The mineral also helps to build teeth and bones. Crohn’s disease, celiac disease and gastrointestinal diseases like irritable bowel movement, diabetes, kidney disease, stomach virus that cause vomiting and diarrheal are some of the health condition caused by the deficiencies of magnesium. Magnesium found naturally in many different foods, although the deficiency of magnesium is rare. The average adults get only 66% magnesium of their daily recommendation. Here is the list of foods high in magnesium.

Foods High in MagnesiumFoods High in Magnesium

List of Foods High in Magnesium:

1.)  Avocados- High Magnesium Food

Avocado is an incredibly nutritious fruit, which is a tasty and healthy source of magnesium. One medium avocado provide about 58mg of magnesium which is about 15% of your daily recommendation. It is one of the best food high in magnesium.

  • Avacodas is also high in vitamin B, vitamin K, and potassium. It is also a good source of healthy fat called monosaturated fat which is goof for your heart.
  • Avocado is also a good source of fiber. 13 of the 17 gm of carbs in an avocado come from the fiber and make it very low in digestible carbs.
  • Studies have shown that it helps to reduce the inflammation and improve cholesterol level that increase the feeling of fullness after meals.

2.) Dark chocolate- Foods High in Magnesium

Dark chocolate is the healthy and delicious source of magnesium.  It contains about 64mg od magnesium in one ounce of serving which is about 16% of your daily recommendation.

  • Dark chocolate is also high in copper, manganese, and iron and it contains prebiotic fiber that feeds your friendly bacteria in your gut.
  • It is full of beneficial antioxidants. These are the nutrient that neutralizes free radicals and harmful molecules that can damage your cells and can lead to disease.
  • Dark chocolate is beneficial for your  voguish braided vheart because it protects the cells lining your arteries and keeps your LDL cholesterol from becoming damaged
  • To get the most of its benefits, go for the dark chocolate that contains at 70% of cocoa solids.

3.) Legumes- Rich source of Magnesium

Legumes come from the family of nutrient dense plants that include beans, lentils, chickpeas, soybeans and peas. It also contains other nutrients including magnesium. Legumes are considered one of the best source of magnesium.

  • A one cup of cooked black beans contain about 120 mg of magnesium which is about 30% of your daily recommendation.
  • Legumes are a rich source of iron and potassium. they are good for a vegetarian who seeks for protein in vegetables.
  • Legumes are rich in fiber and have a low glycemic index and can low your cholesterol, can improve your blood sugar control and decrease the heart disease risk.
  • A fermented soybean which are known as natto is considered as the best source of vitamin K2, which is good for your bone heath.

4.) Nuts- Foods High in Magnesium

Nuts are very nutritious and tasty and good for your health. There are several types of magnesium which are as good source of magnesium such as cashews, almonds, and brazil nuts.

  • It contains about 82 mg of magnesium in 1 oz serving which is about 20 of your daily recommendation.
  • They are also a good source of monosaturated fat and fiber and have been shown to improve the blood sugar and cholesterol level in diabetics.
  • You can choose brazil nuts as they are also high in selenium.  Only just two brazil nuts can provide more than about your daily recommendation for selenium.
  • Nuts are considered as anti-inflammatory foods and highly beneficial for your heart and can reduce your appetite and help you to lose weight. you can eat them as a snack.

5.) Seeds- High Magnesium Food

They are incredibly healthy and contain a high amount of magnesium such as pumpkin, flax, and chia seeds.

  • Pumpkin seeds are particularly a good source of magnesium, they contain about  150 mg of magnesium in 1 oz of serving which is about 37% of your daily recommendation. They are the foods high in magnesium.
  • Seeds are also high in iron, omega 3 fatty acid and monounsaturated fat.
  • They are also high in fiber and nearly all the carbs in seeds come from the fiber.
  • Seeds also contain antioxidant which protect your cells from harmful free radicals produced during metabolism. Studies have shown  that flaxseeds can reduce cholesterol and have benefits against breast cancer.

6.) Tofu- Foods High in Magnesium

Tofu is often considered as the vegetarian diet due to its high protein content. It is made by pressing soybean milk with soft white curd and also known as bean curd.

  • Tofu contains about 53 mg of magnesium in about 3 oz of serving which is about 13% of your daily recommendation.
  • One serving of tofu provides about 10 gm of protein and 10% or more calcium, magnesium and selenium of your daily recommendation.
  • Some studies suggest that eating tofu can even protect the cells lining your arteries and reduce the risk of stomach cancer.

7.) Whole Grains- Magnesium Rich Foods

Grains including oats, wheat, and barley including pseudocereals like quinoa and buckwheat. Whole grains are an excellent source of many nutrient including magnesium. They are one of the best foods high in magnesium.

  • It contains about 65 mg of magnesium in 1 oz of serving which is about 16% of your daily recommendation.
  • Many whole grains are also high in selenium, vitamin B, fiber, and manganese.
  • Studies have found that it can reduce the inflammation and decrease the risk of heart disease.
  • Pseudocereals like quinoa nd buckwheat are high in protein and antioxidant than the traditional grains like wheat and corn
  • They contain gluten, so people who are suffering from celiac disease or gluten sensitivity can enjoy them too.

8.) Bananas- Foods high in Magnesium

Banana is one of the most popular fruits in the world. It si knew for its high potassium content. It can reduce the blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.

  • But you will amaze to know that it is also high in magnesium. One large banana contains about 37mg of magnesium which is about 9% of your daily recommendation.
  • It si also a good source of vitamin B6 and vitamin C, fiber, and magnesium.
  • You can also eat a ripe banana as it is higher in carbs and sugar.  So they may not be suitable for people who have diabetes.
  • But when you will eat an banana, a large portion of their carbs are resistant starch, which will not get digest and absorb easily. Resist starch may actually lower them and may also reduce the inflammation and improve the gut heath.

9.) Green Leafy Vegetables- Magnesium Rich Foods

Leafy vegetables are very healthy for you and a rich source of magnesium. They are one of the best foods high in magnesium.

  • Green vegetable with a significant amount of magnesium includes spinach, kale, turnip greens, collard greens and mustard green.
  • Cooked spinach contains about 157 mg of magnesium in a 1 cup of serving which is about 39% of your daily recommendation.
  • They are also a good source of several nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, manganese, and iron.
  • Leafy greens contain all kind of beneficial plant compounds, which help and protect your cells from damage and reduce the risk of getting cancer,

10.) Fatty Fish- Foods high in Magnesium

Fish especially which si fatty is incredibly nutritious. There are many types of fish which is high in magnesium such as mackerel, salmon, and halibut.

  • Salmon contain about 53 mg of magnesium in a 178 gm of serving which si about 13% of your daily recommendation. It is also a good source of protein and contains about 39 gm of high-quality protein.
  • it is also a rich source of selenium, vitamin B, potassium and various other nutrients.
  • If you will eat high intake of fatty fish, it can decrease the risk of several chronic disease, particularly heart disease.
  • They contain about the high amount of omega 3 fatty acids.