How to Gain Muscle?

Every guy wants to look like superstars Daniel Craig, Captain America or Katniss Everdeen. Whether you are a skinny guy that desperately try to pack on muscles or a not so skinny guy that try to convert body mass into muscle. There is no shortage of products, supplements, and magazines that promise you to gain muscles in a few weeks or months. Spending time in the gym will help to stimulate your muscles to grow bigger. Eating healthy food for muscle is important as lifting for muscle. You can gain muscle mass and burn calories more effectively of you will add muscle mass to your frame by following these steps.

Gaining muscle in the right way is quite challenge but that doesn’t mean it is complicated. With the balance of calories and nutrients, right training regimes and lifestyle you can be on your way to be stronger and thicker. Getting stronger is the secret to gain muscle. The stronger you get, the more weight you can lift in your gym and the more muscular you will be.

Best Remedies to Gain Muscle:

1. Eat Healthy Fats to Build Muscle Fast and Naturally

Eating the right kinds and amounts of fat is good for you. Saturated fat is the fat that you will find in a bag of chips, in a stick of butter or bacon should be limited to 20g or less. This saturated fat is not beneficial while the unsaturated fat is beneficial. Fat is important for the distribution of vitamins A,D,E and K helps to promote better healthy skin and better eyesight. Depending on the total caloric intake, 50 to 70g of polyunsaturated or monosaturated fat is beneficial for your training and your general health.

  • Monosaturated fats are found in canola, sesame oil, olive oil, avocado and nuts such as peanuts, cashews, almonds and pistachios.
  • Polyunsaturated fats are found in safflower oils, corn oil, cottonseed oil, soybeans and soybean oil, flaxseed and flaxseed oil.
  • Omega-3 fats are essential and beneficial for heart and blood health, brain development, eyesight and for children. Another source of fatty cold water fish such as tuna, sardines, salmon and trout.

2. Build an Exercise Routine to Gain Muscle Naturally

A good diet is good for your body to maximize your potential but there is no potential at all until you do the process of tearing down your old muscles and rebuilding them bigger, stronger and bulkier. Starting at the beginning is the best way to do it.

  • Before you start any exercise routine, whether it is a jog or 300lb deadlift. You should start with a low-intensity workout designed to warm up all the muscles you are about to work on.
  • Never stretch a cold muscle because pre-workout stretching doesn’t prevent injury.

3. Work Hard but Shorter to Gain Muscle Mass Naturally

Training with high reps is best for building muscles but it will not help you to build up either size or strength. Start with 3 to 8 per muscle group and 6 to 12 reps per set for the normal routine.

  • Limit overall training for about 45 minutes in a day.
  • Vary your routine in every 4 to 6 weeks. When your body adapts to stress, you will hit a plateau where you gain the benefits of weight training that will start to diminish. You can prevent this by increasing weight and changing exercises.
  • Do 2 to 3 reps at the maximum weight that you can manage with proper form.

4. Work Your Whole Body to Get Muscle Fast

When your body becomes part of your routine, you will see maximum benefit. The more muscles you use while training, the more hormones you will produce which in turn helps to stimulate muscle growth both while exercising for the entire day.

  • Give the equal attention to all muscle groups such as 5 sets of rows after 5 sets of bench presses. This will encourage balanced training, flexibility, and growth.
  • Compound exercises such as deadlifts, rows, squats, presses, and pull-ups use a lot of different muscles.
  • You should work the entire body in each session or you can divide your sessions between. Like, do a workout for the upper body one day and for the lower body next day.

5. Do Chest Exercises to Build Muscles Fast

One of the best ways to gain chest muscles is the bench press. There are several exercises for the chest.

  • Do push-ups daily. Do push-ups exercises with other chest exercises. You can also do them independently. Place your arms at shoulder width when you put yourself down. When your hands are closer to one another, your triceps will work more.
  • For the bench-press, begin with a weight that you can lift easily. If you are a beginner then try to lift the bar with 5lbs or 10lbs on each side. Do 3 sets of it.
  • Try to lift weights on the incline bench press.

6. Do Triceps with Arm Exercises to Gain Muscle Naturally

Dips are the most effective way to work your triceps that is the muscle under your biceps. You need to have strong triceps to bench press in large amounts of weight.

  • For dips, put hands at shoulder-width apart on a bench, stretch out your body and feet in front of the bench. Now slowly bend elbows and lower your body down so that you can touch the floor. To start position, lift back up with your arms.
  • You can also do a chest dip on a dip machine by grabbing hold of 2 beams, bend your feet back off the ground and lower your body until your knees touch the ground. Now lift back up with arms to lock them.
  • Skull crushers are also beneficial. Lay down on a bench with a bar. Now bend your elbows and the bar should be about a couple inches from your forehead. Now slowly push the bar up until the arms are extended before bringing the weight back down. After that, keeping elbows close together is important.

7. Target Biceps with Arm Exercises to Build Muscles Fast

Bumbbell arm curls are the most effective way to improve strength in biceps. With all exercises, gain muscles by increasing the weight you lift.

  • Do arm curls with dumbbells. Sit on a bench and hold onto a dumbbell on the ground with hand in between your thighs. With the help of your thighs, lift the dumbbell to the upper chest by moving your arm upward.

8. Do Crunches and Core Exercises to Gain Muscle Fast

Your abs will define the muscles on your stomach by giving you that chiseled six pack look. There are several exercises that will work out for your abdominals.

  • Just lie down on a mat and place both arms behind your head without locking your hands. Keep your feet flat by bending your knees. Push the back into the ground. Now roll your shoulders off the ground a couple of inches.
  • For crunches, when you lift your shoulders off the ground, tilt your torso to one side.

9.  Whole Grains and Oatmeal to Build Muscle Fast

Whole grains are more efficiently and digest more easily. They provide more nutrients and promote energy and overall health. Brown rice will help to boost your hormone levels which encourage lean muscle growth, strength gain, and fat loss.

  • Oatmeal is a great source of carbohydrates. It provides more fiber and better micronutrient. Also, it helps to increase satiety and decrease hunger. It lowers energy intake and helps in losing fat. So, low GI foods will help to enhance fat loss for those looking to reducing weight and provide a source of carbs for muscle preservation.

10. Fruits and Vegetables to Gain Muscle

Fruits and vegetables are a great source of antioxidants which are beneficial for the healthy functioning of immune system. They provide tons of nutrients such as vitamin E, vitamin C and beta-carotene. Fruits and vegetables will provide to aid in digestion and nutrient uptake.

  • Fish are rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids and low in fat. The omega-3 is essential because it helps in fat loss and helps in functioning of your body processes such as metabolism.

11. Cottage Cheese and Eggs to Gain Muscle

Cottage cheese is pure casein protein. This cheese is slow in digesting which means it is best for muscle maintenance. It is a great source of vitamin B12, calcium, and other nutrients. Include it in your meal.

  • Eggs are high in protein, choline, fat, vitamin D and nine essential amino acids.
  • Eggs are not harmful to your body. Include eggs in your breakfast.

12. Lean Beef to Build Muscle

Lean beef is loaded with all the nutrients such as zinc, iron and vitamin B that your body need to grow muscles. It provides your body high-quality protein and amino acid that works with insulin to promote muscle growth.

  • Like beef, chicken is also a great source of protein which is important for muscle repair and maintenance, weight maintenance and bone health.