How to Get a Splinter Out?

In this article, we will discuss the best way to get a splinter out. A splinter is usually a small wound in the skin caused by, thorns, wood shavings, or other debris piercing to the lower layers of the skin. Splinter in your skin may lead to some pain so you have to treat it as quickly as possible to reduce any health risk and eliminate the discomfort it causes. It always recommended avoiding pressing the splinters as this can cause the splinter to get deeper into the skin. If the splinter which is made of glass then this may cause the splinter to shatter into the small pieces, making them very hard to be removed. It is quite necessary that you get rid of splinter as soon as possible because this can lead to many even more serious conditions. Simply, follow this article to remove splinter fast and easily.

Best Way to Get a Splinter Out:

1.) White Vinegar to Get a Splinter Out

The white vinegar is one of the most effective home remedies to get a splinter out. You just need to soak the affected area in the white vinegar for about twenty minutes, if possible. This treatment will cause the splinter to break through the skin, making it easy to tweeze. You can use the white vinegar without adding water.

2.) Epsom Salt to Get a Splinter Out

Like white vinegar this treatment causes the splinter to break through the surface, making it easy to tweeze. You just need to put a pinch of Epsom salt on a Band-Aid’s adhesive side. Now, use this Band-Aid to wrap your finger to get a splinter out. The magnesium salt will cause the finger to swell and thereby can push the splinter until it breaks the surface, then it will become much easier to be pulled out.

3.) Egg to Get a Splinter Out

This remedy seems peculiar but it is considered as one the most effective remedies to remove the splinter in the skin. Break an egg and empty all the contents into a bowl. Now, place the eggshell onto the splinter, allowing the moist part inside to face the splinter. The eggshell will cause the splinter too easily tweeze out of the skin. This strange remedy is actually brilliant to remove the splinter and numerous people have found benefits from it.

4.) Hydrogen Peroxide to Get a Splinter Out

Hydrogen peroxide is yet another effective home treatment to get rid of a splinter from your feet and hands. The process of using hydrogen peroxide is quite simple, just cover the area around the splinter. This area will become swollen and inflamed, making the splinters clearly visible. Now once it is visible use a pair of tweezers to take the splinters out.

5.) Glue to Get a Splinter Out

Glue does not seem any remedy to remove splinter as any wrong can seal the opening. However, the reality is quite different as this method can work effectively in any case. If you do it according to instructions then glue is a power home remedy to remove a splinter. Pour just one drop of glue over the splinter if you can easily see it. Wait for the glue to dry on the splinter and then peel it off. This will make the splinter firmly stick to the glue and you easily take out when the dry glue layer is tugged. Please note that you should use only normal glue but not the super glue.

6.) Potato to Get a Splinter Out

Potato is yet another effective home remedy to remove splinter easily.  You just need to use a slice of raw potato and directly place onto the splinter so that the fleshy part will touch the splinter. Now, gently press the potato slice downwards (do not use much pressure) and then carefully take it off. You will be aiming that the splinter pierces the potato such that it can be lifted off with ease.

7.) Use Needle to Get a Splinter Out

This is one of the best home treatments for splinters if there is a soft skin layer over the splinter. The transparent skin layer will start growing over the splinter before it is removed from your finger or foot. You need to use rubbing alcohol to sterilize the needle’s tip then press the needle lightly close to the splinter and tweeze it out. This method only works effectively if the splinters under a thin skin layer. So, the method will fail if you want to remove the splinters in the foot as the skin is usually thick and using a needle would lead to discomfort and pain. Every method has some advantage and disadvantage so this is still one of the simplest methods to follow for splinters removal.

8.) Tweezing to Get a Splinter Out

Tweezing is indeed the first method you will automatically try to there is no harm in using this method at all. This method works ideally if the splinter can be seen. It is recommended to use alcohol to sterilize the tips of a pair of tweezers before using it to disinfect the needle. You just need to keep the splinter in between the tips of tweezers, and then gently pull to scrape the splinter out. This is the easiest and fastest method which will help you get rid of a splinter in few moments.

9.) Adhesive Tape to Get a Splinter Out

We have already discussed that how glue plays an important role in removing a splinter. Here adhesive tape working is quite similar. With adhesive tape, you will be aiming to stick the tape to splinter and then pull it off. However, before you can proceed to the method, use water and soap to wash your skin area around the splinter and then allow it to dry naturally. Once it gets dried, put adhesive tape over it. Use your fingertip to rub the adhesive tape and slightly press it down. Wait for about twenty minutes and pull the tape off in just one smooth motion without jerk. This will easily drag the splinter out along with the adhesive tape.

10.) Baking Soda to Remove Splinter

Baking soda can be a very effective treatment if the splinter is invisible, tiny and embedded in the body deeply. To remove deeply penetrated splinter you will need to apply a baking soda paste on your splinter such that it can cause your skin to swell and thereby, pushing it out. Smudge a paste made of little water and baking soda directly on your splinter to make it stick to the surface. You can also use the paste to apply directly onto the affected area and cover it with a normal Band-Aid as well. Let the poultice stay for three hours and then remove the Band-Aid and wash the paste. Now, you just need to pull the splinter which is sticking to your skin and dab antiseptic onto that area.

11.) Clean With Soap to Get a Splinter Out

Your job is not only to get the splinter out from the body but also to take proper care of the wound. So, as long as you have taken out the splinter do not forget to wash the wound carefully with water and soap to keep it clean. The affected area will be laced with lingering bacteria which can be easier to get infected. Cleaning the wound is necessary to speed up the healing process. To clean the wound, you need to dab on a little hydrogen peroxide such that any remaining debris will be cleared out. Cleaning with soap is actually one of the best methods to take care of the wound and speed up the healing process.

12.) Bread and Milk to Remove Splinter

This remedy seems strange but one of the most effective methods to get a splinter out from your body. You just need to pour three drops of milk into a small piece of bread. Use it directly over the splinter in the skin. Use a normal band-aid to secure the bread and let it work overnight. The splinter will firmly stick to the bread and then it could be pulled out next the morning. While the splinter is completely removed, you will need to make sure to clean the affected skin surface to avoid getting unwanted infections. It is recommended to apply hydrogen peroxide right away. Until the wound is totally healed, always keep your affected area clean.