How to Get Over a Hangover?

The after effect of drinking too much alcohol is known as a hangover. “I will not drink again” is a common phrase you have heard from someone who wakes up after a night of drinking due to a hammering headache and a stomach rolling around like a cloth washing in a washing machine. You can experience both psychological and physiological hangover. Alcohol is diuretic which means it removes liquid from the body, resulting dehydration that causes horrible symptoms of a hangover. However, different people experience difference side effects like anxiety, body pain, bad breath, lethargy, photophobia, irritability, fatigue, stomach ache etc these are the common symptoms of a hangover. Overdrinking alcohol can cause dehydration, its toxic effect can harm your liver, brain, sensory perception, gastrointestinal system. But unfortunately there is no cast iron cure of hangover but there are few ways which can help you to get over a hangover.

Ways to Get Over a Hangover:

1.) Rehydrate to Get Over a Hangover

Hangover is a sign that your body is extremely dehydrated. Drinking water along with bland fluid that is good for the digestive system helps to replenish the lost water content of the water. It will also help to alleviate the dizziness, headaches, and lightheadedness that result from a hangover. It is very important to take enough amount of fluid if you did vomit to get over a hangover.

  • Drink at least 1 litre of water before going to the bed (after consuming alcohol). This will reduce the level of dehydration ration till next morning. Keep a bottle of a water next to you so that you can drink water throughout the night without any fuzz.
  • Aim to drink at least eight to ten glasses of water throughout the day. Along with the water, try to add a few glasses of electrolyte-replenishing sports drink.
  • Drink sports drink and coconut water both of which are rich in electrolytes. Most of the headache symptoms of a hangover caused by both imbalances of electrolytes and dehydration.
  • Calcium, magnesium, and potassium are important to keep the brain at good space. Choose a sports drink that contains magnesium, calcium, and potassium, it will not rehydrate you but also provide the nutrient that is stripped from you by alcoholic beverages.
  • Apart from water and isotonic sports drink is fresh fruit juices. The fresh juices are packed with the essential vitamins and minerals. They are a good source of vitamin C,  that is needed by the body most since the nutrient is lost during the hangover. Orange juice, coconut water and tomato juice are the best to get off the hangover.
  • Another drink that can help to get over the hangover is green tea. We all know the advantages of green tea. It has antioxidants. Go for ginger tea especially since it helps to suppress the vomiting and nausea.It also helps to get rid of the morning sickness among the pregnant women.
  • A concoction of orange juice, lemon, honey mixed in water is the saviour.
  • Many people believed that caffeinated drinks such coffee are also great to get rid of the hangover. But in contrary, they are not good to your digestive system. So one should avoid caffeinated drinks. It won’t pay much in rehydrating your body and will narrow down the blood vessels and shoot the Blood pressure. So caffeinated drinks are big no during the hangover.

2.) Rest to Cure Hangover

Giving your body a sufficient period of rest clears out the toxins from the body, restore hydration and nutrient levels, and alleviate discomfort. It is the most sensible way to get over a hangover the day after. After drinking the kind of sleep you get involves rapid eye movement. It helps in proper restoration of the brain. Also, sleep deprivation boosts the symptoms of the hangover. Therefore, take a sound sleep.

  • Keep in mind that hangover can last for up to 72 hours. So the more you drink more you will pay.
  • Proper sleep can take away much of a hangover. After overdrinking body don’t get a chance to sleep properly, which is essential for the body recovery.
  • Try to sleep as much as possible next day. If you are facing problem in sleeping so you can play some soothing music and darken the room. After a good sleep, the symptoms of foggy brain and will remove.
  • Rest alone will not work in your favour. Along with it, a gentle walk will be a good way to deal with the hangover. The rate at which toxins are depleted in the body increases the oxygen levels. It will also speed up the metabolism.
  • However, if you find a problem even while walking then simply take a rest. However, don’t be too lazy and try to push yourself.

3.) Lemon to Get Over a Hangover

Lemon is very effective to get rid of the afters of excessive drinking’s, like dizziness, queasiness, muscle pain and sensitivity to light and sound. It also helps to rebalance the body by controlling the blood sugar level and altering the ph level.

  • Mix one teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of fresh lemon juice with a glass of warm water.
  • Stir it well and drink it slowly.
  • Drink this solution as you wake up in the morning, two to three times throughout the day.

4.) Ginger Tea to Get Rid of Hangover

Drinking ginger tea can help to cure the symptoms like vomiting and nausea. Ginger helps in the digestion of alcohol and soothes the stomach and provide fast relief to get over a hangover. It is often drunk by pregnant women to help with morning sickness and the same principle applies to a hangover.

  • You can add 10 to 12 pieces of ginger root to about four cups of water and then boil it for five to 10 minutes.
  • Strain the solution and add half a lemon, half cup of honey and, orange juice.
  • Drink this remedy when it is warm, three to four times a day. This will provide instant relief from the hangover by stabilising blood glucose.
  • You can also chew small pieces of raw ginger throughout the day to get relief from a hangover.

5.) Honey to Get Over a Hangover

Honey is excellent to cure the symptoms of a hangover. It is rich in potassium which helps to counteract the effects of drinking too much alcohol.

  • It also contains fructose which is a type of sugar that help to metabolise the extra alcohol in the body and reduce the symptoms of a hangover.
  • Take three teaspoons of honey every hour until the hangover gets reduced.
  • Or you can add three tablespoons of honey to a cup of water and drink this solution several times a day.
  • You can make a toast by spreading honey over it and eat it many times a during a hangover.

6.) Peppermint to Get Over Hangover

Peppermint is very effective to treat the symptoms of a hangover. It aids digestion and helps to relieve tension, nausea, bloating and some of the most common symptoms of the hangover. It also speeds up the detoxication process.

  • Boil one cup of water and add one teaspoon of dried peppermint. Cover it and let it steep for 15 to 20 minutes then strain it.
  • Drink two cups of this herbal tea when you wake up.
  • Or you can add few drops of peppermint oil to a warm water bathtub. Soak in this water for 20 to 30 minutes. This soothing water will make you feel better quickly.
  • You can also chew some fresh peppermint leaves throughout the day. It will relax your intestine and recover quickly.

7.) Toast and Egg to Ease a Hangover

Make a toast filled with an egg. Eat it to get over the symptoms of a hangover. Carbohydrate in toast is a good to recover nutrient.

  • Carbon in the charred part of the toast works like a filter to remove the impurities from the body. Cysteine is provided by eggs that help to break down the alcohol in the body and reduces the toxicity.
  • The morning after the heavy drinking is the worst thing which you would not like to face. When you get up in next morning drink one to two glass of water empty stomach. then have a breakfast of two to three pieces of toast and eggs to get over a hangover.

8.) Painkiller to Treat Hangover

You can easily tackle a throbbing headache and aching muscles with a painkiller. Before using check the recommended dosage in the packages and take them with a glass of water when you wake up to get over a hangover.

  • You can take aspirin based painkiller or NSAIDs, but they may irritate your stomach and cause nausea.
  • Don’t take acetaminophen because it is processed in your liver just like alcohol. Taking this medicine can lead to liver failure. In some of the countries, paracetamol is another name for acetaminophen. So avoid it also.
  • Before taking the medicine check the recommended dosage. Generally, two tablets in a day are sufficient. Do not take the medicine alone, take it with the glass of water.
  • If you have a sensitive stomach or you are in doubt to take painkillers, so contact your doctor.
  • However, if you have the sensitive stomach or any further problems then contact your doctor for the exact dosage.

9.) Tomato to Get Rid of a Hangover

Drinking tomato juice is another simple way to control symptoms of a hangover. Tomato juice contains fructose, which is a type of sugar that helps your body to metabolise alcohol quickly. Tomato is rich in minerals, vitamin, and enzyme that helps to quickly remove the after effects of drinking. It is very effective to get over a hangover.

  • Pour a glass of fresh tomato soup or juice.
  • Add one tablespoon of honey and fresh lemon juice along with a little cayenne pepper.
  • Drink this juice when you wake up in the morning and again in the afternoon.

10.) Oil Pulling to Ease a Hangover

Oil pulling is the answer of your all question when you wake up in the morning with an extremely bad hangover. This is a natural detoxifying technique that helps to remove harmful toxins from your body.

  • Swish one or two tablespoons of coconut oil around your mouth and through your teeth.
  • Do this 10 to15 times.
  • Spit the oil out then rinse your mouth with warm water.
  • Use this remedy empty stomach before your even brush your teeth.

11.) Banana to Get Over a Hangover

Potassium gets drained from your body due to excessive drinking. You can simply eat bananas to replenish potassium as well as lost electrolytes. They are a good source of potassium. It also helps to calm the stomach and boost your energy level to get over a hangover.

  • You can simply eat two bananas in your breakfast in the morning to alleviate hangover symptoms.
  • You can also make a banana milkshake and add some honey.

12.) Antacid to Treat Hangover

A common symptom of a hangover is a very delicate stomach that is caused by high stomach acidity levels. So consider taking an antacid that can neutralize stomach acid and tackle feeling of indigestion. Moreover, some painkillers can irritate your stomach further. So read the package before taking this.

  • There is a number of branded antacid available in the market, you can take anyone.
  • Common antacid ingredients include magnesium carbonate, aluminium hydroxide, and calcium carbonate, and magnesium trisilicate.

Tips to Prevent Hangover:

  • Do not mix different drinks altogether. Since it will not go down with your stomach.
  • While drinking, eat simultaneously. However, avoid the food that has preservatives.
  • Before starting your drink, drink plenty of water. This will not only keep a check on the dehydration. In fact, prevent you from overdrinking.
  • Do not smoke while drinking alcohol.
  • Apart from the above remedies, consume a a balanced diet. To meet the nutrients level you can also have multivitamin pill.