How to Get Rid of a Hickey Fast?

get rid of a hickey fast

A hickey is also known as love bite or kiss mark, but it is actually a bruise. Having a hickey where other people can see is quite embarrassing if you have to go on a party or have to meet your member in a small family get together. Hickies result from sucking or kissing the skin too hard, cause due to rupture of capillaries or the small blood vessels underneath your skin. Blood oozes out of the ruptured blood vessels and clot underneath the skin. Your skin becomes red then gradually begin to turn purple and brown as the blood dries out under your skin. Hickey can be last more than a week but heals with time and it doesn’t leave any scars or mark behind. You can speed up the healing process by using these remedies to get rid of a hickey fast.

Get rid of a hickey fastGet rid of a hickey fast

Remedies to Get Rid of a Hickey Fast:

1.) Cold Compress to Get Rid of a Hickey Fast

The blood clot needs to be broken apart to spread out blood to get rid of a hickey fast. This can be aided by applying cold compress on the affected area. You can constrict ruptured capillaries and reduce bleeding by using any kind of cold compress. Apply a cold compress to the hickey as soon as possible. It will heal faster and reduce the swelling.

  • Wrap the ice cubes in the towel and lightly press it against your skin and hold it there for a few minutes. Do this 10 to 15 minutes.
  • It will help to reduce the pain and prevent swelling around the hickey.
  • Don’t directly use ice on the skin because it can cause ice burn.
  • Or you can put a spoon in the refrigerator for 10 to 15 minutes. Then, wrap the spoon in cloth and gently rub it on the affected area until the spoon come in normal temperature.
  • Do this three to four times a day to get rid of hickeys.
  • You can also use a bag of small frozen vegetables such as peas because it easily adjusts in the surface of the skin. Use this three to four times a day.

2.) Vitamin K and C to Get Rid of a Hickey Fast

A lack of vitamin K may make you more likely to bruise. Vitamin K prevents coagulation and can be used to treat hickey. Vitamin K helps your body to reabsorb pooled blood and speed up the healing process. On the other hand, vitamin C is essential nutrient require by a body to repair your skin. It also has healing properties that will help to heal quickly and get rid of a hickey fast.

Eat more foods that contain vitamins C and K or talk to your doctor about taking supplements. Spinach, kale, broccoli, liver, fish oil, and eggs are rich in vitamin K. Orange is high in vitamin C. Just after getting a hickey drink only fresh juice instead of packaged orange juice.

  • If oranges are not available you can take a take tablet of 500 mg vitamin C three times a day for a week to rebuild your collagen.
  • You can also take vitamin K supplements to facilitate the healing process.
  • You can apply a cream or lotion rich in vitamin K  or C to the affected area.
  • Use these remedies two or three times a day until the bruise cures.

3.) Switch to Warm Compress

Ice is only effective for 2 days. After icing the hickey you need to switch on warm compress. Applying a warm compress on the hickeys is very beneficial but after two or three days. Ice heals the ruptured blood vessels but heat helps to increase the blood flow to the affected area. This will facilitate healing and reabsorption of blood. Applying warm compress is one of the best remedies to get rid of a hickey fast.

  • Make sure not to apply heat therapy for longer than 20 minutes at a time. Don’t use heat therapy if you have the problem of diabetes or poor circulation.
  • You can also use microwavable heating pads or hot water bottle.
  • You can apply the heat on the affected area using a hair dryer, then gently massage with your finger to improve circulation.
  • Dip a washcloth in the hot water. Then Squeeze the washcloth and wring out the excess water and hold it on your skin for six to seven minutes, three times a day.

4.) Aloe Vera to Get Rid of a Hickey Fast

Aloe vera not used to heal bruise but it is also used to treat minor cuts and burn including sunburns and almost all the skin related problems. It works as a natural moisturizer that helps to reduce the sensitivity of the affected skin. Aloe vera also has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that help to heal the burst capillaries faster under your skin. Aloe Vera not only repairs the broken blood vessels underneath your skin but also protects your skin by creating a moist barrier on your wounded outer skin. It provides just the right conditions for your hickey to heal itself faster.

  • Apply it on the affected skin two or three times a day for two to three days.
  • If you do not have an aloe vera plant at home, so you can use an aloe vera-based lotion or cream
  • Extract the gel from aloe vera and massage the gel into the affected skin. use this remedy two or three times a day.

5.) Massage to Remove Hickey

If you want to prevent blood clotting under your skin and don’t want to get that dark area, then massage it nicely. You need to allow blood to circulate from the damaged vessels. Massage is one of the good ways to do this. Massaging a bruise help to facilitate blood flow to the site of the injury.

  • Then again change the direction of rubbing and keep doing this by changing direction every minute. This will help to disperse the blood wherever it can be. Do this five to six minutes and repeat the process several times a day.
  • Place two fingers on the affected area but don’t put too much pressure. Now gently rub the area with these two fingers in the circular motion for about a minute. Then begin to rub in one direction instead of circular motions.

6.) Peppermint to Cure Hickey

If you have peppermint in your home so remember, nothing can be better than peppermint to Get rid of a hickey fast. The stimulating effect of peppermint can help to improve the blood circulation which prevents clotting and saves you from having dark colored marks on your skin. It can also heal the capillary vessels.

  • Gently apply peppermint oil on the affected area. You will feel tingling sensation initially but it will go away within  few minutes.
  • Don’t use this remedy more than once a day because moreover use can irritate your skin.
  • You can buy a peppermint based toothpaste from the market and apply on the affected area for a few minutes. You will feel some tingling on the affected area, wipe it off with a warm washcloth when the tingling will stop. Don’t use this remedy more than once a day.
  • Use this remedy as soon as possible after getting a hickey.

7.) Cocoa Butter to Treat a Hickey

Cocoa butter also called theobroma cacao or theobroma oil. It is a vegetable fat which is extracted from the cocoa bean. Cocoa butter is a natural moisturizer which is ideal for skin due to its benefits that come from its cocoa mass polyphenol. It contains stearic, oleic, palmitic acid as well as vitamin A, C,E, B1, B2, B3 which makes it not only ideal moisturizer but also a great healing agent for skin. It is very effective for the treatment of skin conditions like dermatitis and eczema too.

  • First apply the warm compress on the skin, once the area is warm then you can apply cocoa butter.
  • Gently massage the area for a few minutes. This will stimulate the circulation and break up the blood clot.
  • Use this remedy several times a day.

8.) Rubbing Alcohol to Treat a Hickey

You should apply rubbing alcohol within two hours. It has soothing, disinfectant, and cooling properties that can help to get rid of a hickey fast.

  • Use this remedy several times a day for one or two days.
  • Rubbing alcohol can dry your skin, so apply some moisturizing lotion on the affected area after you are done.
  • Gently rub the affected area for several minutes. This will help to minimize any discomfort.
  • Apply it on the affected area.
  • Take a cotton ball and dip it into the solution of rubbing alcohol.

9.) Witch Hazel to Cure Hickey

Witch hazel has many properties which make it one of the best remedy to get rid of a hickey fast. Tennis is a compound present in witch hazel responsible for all its work. It helps to tighten the skin and make the protective cover which speeds up the healing process and stop bleeding. It also has anti-inflammatory properties which ensure that your hickey gets cured fast.

  • Apply this solution on the affected area with the help of cotton ball.
  • You can also mix witch hazel with arnica salve to enhance its healing power.
  • Dip a cloth in the solution of witch hazel and place this on your hickey several times a day.

10.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Get Rid of a Hickey

Apple cider vinegar is very effective to heal hickey. Vinegar helps to increase the blood flow towards the surface of your skin. This can make your body capable of reabsorbing some of the blood that has got pooled underneath your skin.

  • Mix apple cider vinegar with warm water
  • Use this remedy after one day of getting a hickey.
  • Dip the washcloth in this solution for one minute.
  • Gently rub your hickey with the washcloth for one or two minutes.
  • Do this for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Use this remedy two to three times a day.