How to Get Rid of a Sore Throat Fast?

How to Get Rid of a Sore Throat Fast

This article explains about how to get rid of a sore throat fast. A sore throat is a common problem. Everyone suffers from sore throat ones in their lifetime. It is also known as pharyngitis. When you suffer from a sore throat, it causes itchiness, dryness and swelling in your throat. It is also accompanied by pain. It is caused by bacterial infection, which attacks your body. Most of the times it is associated with cold. The main causes of a sore throat is infection, unhygiene, flu or fever. Pharyngitis has a local systemic infection. It will make you uncomfortable and cause a constant itchiness and scratching. This infection can spread from one person to another.

This can happen to you by are sharing the same glass of water, spoons or any other utensil, with the affected person. Sore throats are very miserable. This scratching of sore can take place in any age group. Although a sore throat is not life threatening. You can easily treat a sore throat by following some home remedies. These are very easy to use and is very efficient.  But in severe cases, you need to consult a doctor.

Causes of Sore Throat:

  • Infection
  • Unhygiene
  • Fever
  • Environmental factors
  • Flu

Symptoms of  Sore Throat:

  • Inflammation in throat
  • Runny nose
  • Scratched throat
  • Pain in throat

Remedies to Get Rid of a Sore Throat Fast:

If you are suffering from sore throat, no need to worry. You can apply some simple home remedies to get rid of a sore throat fast.

1.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Prevent a Sore Throat

Apple cider has excellent properties to treat a sore throat. It contains many organic enzymes which increase metabolism of the body and boosts up the immune system. It not only cures a sore throat, but also prevents you from further attack of bacteria which causes a sore throat. Apple cider vinegar consists of vitamin C. Its low pH helps to kill the bacteria in the throat. To try this remedy, mix one teaspoon of apple cider juice in a glass of warm water. Drink it before meals to minimize a sore throat. Alternatively, you can mix lemon and honey in apple cider vinegar to make its tea. Drink it sip by sip. Repeat this method at least twice a day. This remedy can be very useful in treating the problem of a sore throat.

2.) Lemon to Cure Sore Throat

Lemon can be very efficient  to heal a sore throat. Taking lemon gives relief from sore throats as it helps in the removal of mucous. Moreover, lemon consists of vitamin C, citric acid, and a low pH. The acidic property of lemon kills the bacteria by maintaining a low pH. To apply this remedy all you need is lemon and water. Try some hot lemonade juice with honey. Mix the juice with one lemon and one teaspoon of honey in one cup of hot water. Sip it slowly. Another way is to gargle with fresh lemon juice diluted with an equal amount of hot  water. You can also take half a lemon and sprinkle salt and pepper over it. Slowly lick the lemon. Try out a lemon juice to get rid of a sore throat fast.

3.) Garlic to Get Rid of a Sore Throat Fast

It is an effective remedy to get rid of a sore throat fast. Garlic is a famous herb which is easily available at any grocery store. It is antibacterial and antifungal in nature. It helps to kill the germs and gives you relief from sore throat.  To get relief, all you need is a piece of ginger. Take a small piece of ginger. Cut it into pieces. Boil it in water. Strain the solution. Drink it slowly sip to sip. You can add some salt or black pepper in it. It will give you more efficient results. Alternatively, you can chew a piece of garlic. The natural juice of garlic will soothe your throat and will help to cure the problem of a sore throat.

4.) Gargle with Saline Water to Treat Sore Throat

Gargle is an effective remedy to get rid of a sore throat fast.  Gargling with saline water kills the germs in the throat. It kills the bacteria by the process of osmosis. Moreover, it cures  the inflammation, scratching of the throat. To try this remedy, take a glass of water. Warm this water. Now mix a teaspoon of salt. Now gargle this with saline water. Keep on gargling until your glass completely becomes empty. Repeat this remedy at least twice a day to soothe your throat. This remedy is very effective and easy to use. Try this remedy to get relief from the problem of a sore throat.

5.) Soup to Get Rid of a Sore Throat

Having a hot soup can prevent you from a sore throat. Chicken soup is an effective remedy which naturally soothes your throat. It gives you instant relief from pain, swelling and inflammation. This hot soup kills the bacteria and also boosts up the immune system. To try this remedy all you need is hot water, chicken, vegetables, salt or black pepper. Boil some water with vegetables, and chicken. Now sprinkle some salt, black pepper in it. Drink this hot soup slowly. You can also add other vegetables of your choice. Drink this soup at least twice a day to get rid of a sore throat fast. The benefit of this remedy is that, it is delicious and can be modified with your choice.

6.) Honey to Cure Sore Throat

Honey can be used as a tasty, delicious and efficient remedy to heal a sore throat. It consists of antibacterial qualities. It helps to ease coughs and provides relief in the throat pain. Moreover, it  reduces the level of mucus. The natural healing properties of honey soothes and cures the infection in throat. You can directly eat honey by taking it with a spoon. Enjoy the taste and get rid of a sore throat fast. Also, you can try lemon honey tea. Take a half lemon and squeeze it into a glass of warm water. Add one teaspoon of honey. Drink it at least twice a day for better result. It will give a sure remedy  to heal a sore throat.

7.) Turmeric  to Prevent Sore Throat

Turmeric has been used since ancient times to cure a sore throat. It is also effective in the treatment of many diseases. As, turmeric is antibacterial and antifungal in nature. It kills the bacteria and soothes the throat. Moreover, it helps to control the level of mucus in the respiratory tract. To try this remedy, take a warm glass of milk. Add around half a teaspoon of turmeric in it. Dissolve it and drink. This milk will also boost up your immune system and thus, helps your body to fight against diseases. You can also do gargling with turmeric water. By doing this remedy, you will get a relief from sore throat.

8.) Peppermint to Treat Sore Throat 

Peppermint is one the oldest method to cure a sore throat. It consists of an enzyme called menthol. This enzyme gives relief in pain, inflammation and redness. As menthol has cooling properties. It soothes the throat. To try this remedy take some peppermint leaves. Boil them in a cup of water. Drink the liquid. You can also mince the leaves and make a tasty drink by adding salt and ice cubes. If you don’t find these two methods interesting, try peppermint tea. It is easily available in the market and is very easy to prepare at home. Try peppermint to get rid of a sore throat fast.

9.) Cinnamon to Treat Sore Throat Naturally

Cinnamon will give you very effective results in treatment of sore throat. It consists of antioxidants and antibacterial properties. Cinnamon removes the free radicals from the body. It soothes the throat with its healing properties. To try this remedy take a teaspoon of cinnamon. Mix it in a cup of hot water. Now drink it slowly. You can add honey to it for taste. Moreover, you can sprinkle some cinnamon powder on fruits and vegetables of your choice. Try this remedy to treat sore throat. It is an effective remedy without any side effects.

10.) Mashmallow to Cure Sore Throat

You can use mashmallow to treat sore throat. It consist of gelatin. This mucilage will kill the bacteria in the throat. It cures the inflammation, pain and redness of the throat.  Moreover, it reduces the mucus from the mucous membrane. To try this remedy take some dried root of mashmallow. Now boil it in water. Strain the mixture. Drink it slowly. You can also add some honey or salt to taste.
