How to Get Rid of a Tan

Tan or simply a suntan is the process where skin color is darkened. It is due to exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. The other reason can be artificial sources such as tanning lamp, rays. Everybody wants to have a glowing, fair and healthy skin. Whenever you are exposed to bright sunlight for a longer period of time, your skin becomes dark and damp. This is because our body contains melanin as a skin pigment. When you are exposed to sun rays, your body starts secreting more amount of melanin, which as a result causes tan. To get rid of a tan is not a difficult task. To know the best way to treat it keep reading.

Some people get a tan more easily depending on the skin type, color and so on. Genetics also plays an important role in sun-tan. Majorly tan occurs in summer when there is a bright light. Sunshine is the time when you enjoy on beaches, parks. Despite the fun, you left behind with unattractive and ugly marks on the body. It can be in any age group. You can easily protect tan by keeping some small measures in mind.

Causes of Tan:

  • Bright sunlight
  • Excess melanin production
  • Genetics
  • Skin damage

Symptoms of Tan:

  • Dark and dull skin
  • Eczema
  • Acne
  • Blisters
  • Redness
  • Itching

Remedies to Get Rid of a Tan:

To get rid of a tan is not a difficult task. Instead of spending loads of money on cosmetics, creams or lotions, you can easily cure it by by some natural ingredients. It can be done economically from the comfort of home.

1.) Hydrate Your Skin to Get Rid of a Tan

Dehydration is the root cause of tan. It occurs when your body lacks water content. When your body has water insufficiency, it becomes dry. Sun rays affect the most at this stage. You should hydrate your body by having plenty of water. The hydrogen and oxygen present in water traps the free radicals and flushes it out through excretion. To hydrate your body drink 2-3 liters of water every day. To apply this habit into practice you can carry water bottles or set short reminders. Alternatively, take bath regularly twice a day. You can also soak yourself in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. It will keep your body moist and prevent you from sun tan. Try out this remedy and notice the fruitful results.

2.) Cold Compress to Heal Tan

Giving a cold compress on the burned area reduces the effect of tan. It decreases inflammation and pain. Applying a cold compress slows down the blood flow in the vessels. Therefore, it cures the tan. Take some ice in a piece of cloth. Wrap it. Apply on the tan. Keep it for 5-7 minutes. Remember not to over cool it, as it can damage your skin. Alternatively, soak a towel in ice-cold water. Put it on the affected area. Repeat the process for 4- 5 times. Wipe yourself and apply some good quality lotion. Do not put ice directly on the blister. It can make the condition worse. Use cool water to bath for some days.

3.) Turmeric and Gram Flour to Get Rid of Tan

Turmeric is antiseptic in nature. It reduces the inflammation, itching and cures the tan. Turmeric kills the infection, whereas gram flour helps to remove dead skin cells from your body. Therefore, turmeric and gram flour helps to remove tan naturally and permanently. Want to know how to apply this? Here is the remedy! Make the pack by taking a pinch of turmeric in 2 tablespoons of gram flour. You can add some milk or rose water into the paste according to your choice. Apply this mixture on the affected area for around 20 minutes. Remove the pack and wash with water. Repeat this remedy twice a day. Do it at least one week to get rid of a tan.

4.) Oatmeal to Heal Tan

Oatmeal has been proven one of the best remedy to get rid of a tan. It soothes the skin. Moreover, it reduces inflammation and helps the skin regain its natural moisture. In a bathtub consisting of cold water,  add a cup of oatmeal. Mix it thoroughly. Soak yourself in the bathtub for about half an hour. Get out of the bathtub and wipe yourself with a soft cloth. You can also use oatmeal by another way. Cook a bowl of oatmeal with enough water until it’s running consistency. Cool the solution and apply this paste on the tan. Repeat this process 4-5 times a day up to a week. Thus, oatmeal will help you out to get rid of a tan.

5.) Yogurt to Cure Tan

Yogurt gives the instant coolness. It is used as a natural tan remover. Yogurt contains lactic acid, which is very effective to get rid of a tan. Moreover, its powerful nutrients help to improve the complexion and makes the skin look fairer. All you need to do is, take a bowl of yogurt and swirl it to make its consistency thin. Apply it on the affected area. You can get the feeling of stretching of the skin. No need to worry. Keep it for 5-10 minutes. It will give instant coolness and cures the pain and inflammation of the body. Wash it with cold water. Wipe your skin gently. Yogurt is a natural way to get rid of a tan. You can try this remedy with no side effects.

6.) Milk to Prevent Tan

Milk or milk cream can be used for a treatment of tan. It keeps the skin moist and prevents it from dehydration. Moreover the vitamins and calcium present in milk helps in nourishing the skin. It whitens the complexion and cures the blisters and redness caused due to tan. Take cool milk in a mug. With the help of cotton ball, apply it on the affected area. Alternatively, you can mix rose water, turmeric or saffron in it for better results. The good part of this remedy is you can apply this overnight. So try milk to get rid of a tan with no side-effects.

7.) Sandalwood to Get Rid of Tan

Sandalwood is widely used in ayurvedic medicine. It is an excellent remedy for against tan, blisters, blemishes. Sandalwood can be used to cure harsh suntans and clears the tanning. It has natural oils which give the clear skin complexion. It prevents from anti-aging and makes the skin soft. Using sandalwood is the ultimate solution to the question to how to get rid of a tan. Take 2-3 spoons of sandalwood powder. Mix it well with water, milk or honey to make its paste. Blend it and apply on the tanned area. Leave it to dry for around half hour. Wash it. It works as a miracle by adding a natural glow.

8.) Cucumber to Treat Tan

Cucumber is famous for its cooling properties. The high content of water along with vitamin C and silica helps to get rid of a tan. There are a number of ways to use cucumber to benefit your skin Take a cucumber and cut it into slices. Peeling of cucumber is not required. Take a slice of this veggie and apply on the affected area. It will give instant cooling effect. Alternatively, make a paste of cucumber and directly apply on the tan. Add honey for soothing results. Keep this paste for 10-15 minutes. It will help to heal the sunburn. Try out this remedy and notice the amazing results.

9.) Aloe Vera to Heal Tan

Aloe Vera is an excellent remedy for taking care of tanning. It helps to lighten the skin. Aloe Vera has antibiotic and antioxidant. The healing property of Aloe Vera cures the blisters caused due to sun tan. However, Aloe has the property of making your skin photosynthetic. It opens the pores and cleans the dirt. Take an Aloe Vera leaf. Cut it to take out its gel. Apply this gel with your fingers on the affected area. Keep it for 5-10 minutes. Wash it off. Repeat the process 2-3 times a day. This natural remedy will help you to get rid of a tan.

10.) Tomato to Cure Tan

Tomato is an astringent which cleans your skin pores. It is rich in anti-oxidants and helps to get rid of a tan. Moreover, it helps in clearing the marks due to tan. The rich vitamin C present in tomatoes removes the inflammation and redness due to tan. Take some tomatoes and mash them to make a pulp. Apply this pulp on the affected area. Keep it for 15 minutes. Wash it and dry yourself. You can also add lemon in tomato paste for best results. Repeat this method twice a day, up to a week. It will treat your tan quickly and naturally. Try out this remedy and notice the amazing results.