How to Get Rid of a Wart?

how to get rid of a wart

A wart is caused by a virus called the human papillomavirus (HPV). It infects the top layer of the epidermis. It is a contagious disorder that stimulates a rapid growth of a small area on the top layer of the skin. Essentially warts are painless, as they are just simply extra skin. But they are very unattractive to look at and can cause embarrassment. Although most warts cure on their own, they can be stubborn and stay for a long time. So, this article will explore ways that you can get rid of a wart.

It is easy to contract HPV as it travels from skin-to-skin contact. It is also possible to catch it by sharing razors, towels or other personal care items with another infected person. You can also spread warts on your own self by touching it and then touching another part of your skin that may have microscopic cuts.

Types of Warts:

  • Common Warts: These are dome-shaped, rough, and gray-brown in color. These tend to occur most often on the hands.
  • Filiform Warts: These can grow on the face, usually around the mouth, nose, or chin. They are the same color as the skin, but they have thread-like growths sticking out of them.
  • Flat Warts: With small, flat tops these warts occur in a number of colors, like light yellow, brown, or pink. These tend to grow on the face, arms, and legs.
  • Periungual Warts: These particular warts are most common under and around the fingernails and toenails.
  • Plantar Warts: These growths occur on the soles of the feet. They hard and thick in appearance, spotted with dark specks. It can be painful to walk when these warts occur.

Ways to Get Rid of a Wart:

1.) Bananas to Get Rid of a Wart

Bananas are a great fruit for health. It is packed with potassium which is useful to build and maintain energy in the body. But usually, the peel gets discarded as the fruit is eaten. However, banana peels contain a proteolytic enzyme that works to eat away at warts. And so, using banana peels to get rid of a wart is a good home remedy.

  • To apply this remedy, you will first need a fresh banana peel and a spoon or knife.
  • Scrape out the white mush from the inside of the banana peel. Apply this directly on the wart. Rub it in a little.
  • Now, with a piece of cotton and/or gauze secure this in place and leave it on for 8-10 hours.
  • Repeat this procedure twice a day, once in the morning and once at night.

2.) Milkweed to Treat Warts

This plant can be found growing almost anywhere, such as in the fields or your backyard. Typically it is avoided because it contains toxins that can cause heart failures. But this is only true if you ingest this particular plant. Milkweed, just like bananas, also contains the proteolytic enzyme that kills warts. Follow these steps to safely get rid of a wart with milkweed.

  • For this method, you will need a milkweed plant and a foot file or pumice stone.
  • First, gently file away at the wart.
  • Now break a few leaves off of the plant and squeeze the bottom of the stem to release the sap. Dab this sap directly on the exposed wart.
  • Leave to dry. Reapply this 2-3 times a day.

3.) Aloe Vera to Get Rid of a Wart

Aloe Vera contains anti-inflammatory properties that are very useful to get rid of a wart. In addition, Aloe Vera is packed with Vitamin E and amino acids that aid in collagen repair. This helps to heal a wart faster.

  • All you need is the aloe plant, or Aloe Vera gel, cotton balls and gauze.
  • Break off a small piece from the aloe leaf. Extract the clear gel from the leaf, discarding the green skin.
  • Apply the fresh aloe vera gel directly on the wart with a clean cotton ball.
  • Secure this in place with a piece of gauze. Redress this every day for 2 weeks.

4.) Cure Warts with Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is considered a staple in many home remedies. It can be used as a natural antibacterial and disinfectant. It is also good to get rid of a wart. The acid present in apple cider vinegar eats away at the physical wart and allows it to naturally peel away from the skin.

  • For this remedy, you will need 2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar, cotton balls, and sterile gauze.
  • Soak a cotton ball in the apple cider vinegar. Apply this over your wart and gently rub it in.
  • Now, secure this in place with a piece of gauze and leave it overnight.
  • Repeat this every night till the wart turns dark and falls off on its own.

5.) Basil to Remove a Wart Naturally

Basil leaves are a good natural remedy to get rid of a wart. These contain antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that help treat warts naturally. The antiviral properties help to target the HPV cells that are causing the wart.

  • For this remedy, you will need 1/4 cup of fresh basil leaves, gauze, and a mortar and pestle.
  • Rinse the basil leaves to get the dirt off. Use the mortar and pestle to crush the leaves till they are mushy.
  • Place the crushed leaves over the wart. Make sure to rub in the juices.
  • Now cover this with a piece of gauze and secure it in place. Change the dressing twice a day for a faster cure.

6.) Tea Tree Oil to Treat Warts Fast

Tea tree oil can be used effectively to get rid of a wart. This essential oil is packed with antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties. It helps to fight the HPV cells that are causing warts to appear.

  • To apply this remedy, you will need tea tree oil, cotton balls or swabs, and some water or aloe vera gel.
  • First, dilute the tea tree oil. Into 1/2 teaspoon of water or aloe vera gel, add 3-4 drops of tea tree oil and mix.
  • Use a cotton ball or swab to apply this directly on top of the wart. Leave it on to dry.
  • Reapply this several times during the day. At night you may apply this and cover it with a gauze.

7.) Get Rid of a Wart with Honey

Honey, especially organic honey is useful to get rid of a wart naturally. Honey is known to contain natural antiviral and antibacterial properties. In addition, a particular feature of this remedy is that it “suffocates” the wart, depriving it of oxygen and killing it effectively. Manuka honey has proved to be most effective for this.

  • All you will need for this simple remedy is a teaspoon of organic manuka honey, a piece of gauze, and a foot file or pumice stone.
  • First, prepare the area by gently filing away at the wart. Now slather on a thick layer of the organic honey. Cover this with gauze and secure it in place.
  • Leave this on overnight. Change the dressing every day.

8.) Pineapple to Treat a Wart Fast

It may surprise you that pineapples can be used to get rid of a wart. The juice, while delicious, helps to soften warts from the outside. The high level of acidity, as well as a special enzyme, present in the juice works to dissolve the wart causing it to fall off naturally.

  • For this remedy, you need fresh and pure pineapple juice and a towel.
  • Fill the pineapple juice in a bowl to create a shallow bath.
  • Soak your wart in this pure pineapple juice for 5 minutes. Pat the area dry with a soft towel after.

Note: Do not file the wart before this treatment as it tends to make the area too sensitive. This may result in pain as the acidic pineapple juice does its work.

9.) Get Rid of a Wart with Potato

Another way to get rid of a wart is to rub a potato slice on it. While there are no scientific reasons to back this theory, it is nonetheless effective. This method has proven to be especially useful to remove plantar and periungual warts.

  • For this, you will need 1 medium raw potato, a knife and some gauze or bandage.
  • Peel the potato skin and leave it aside. Cut a round slice of potato and rub it over the wart. Use a fresh slice for each wart.
  • Repeat this 2-3 times every day. Now place the potato skin on top of the wart, with the inside facing down. Secure this with a gauze and leave it overnight.

10.) Garlic to Cure a Wart Naturally

Garlic is an item that has been used in countless natural remedies. This is because of the potent antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties that can fight off viral infections. Use this remedy to remove a wart naturally.

  • To apply this, all you will need is a freshly peeled clove of garlic and a strip of gauze.
  • Slice the clove into 2. Place one-half directly on the wart, with the sliced and exposed side touching the wart.
  • Cover and secure this with a piece the gauze. Leave this on for 2-3 hours and then rinse with cool water.
  • Repeat this 2 times daily for a week or till the wart falls off.