How to Get Rid of Acne?

In this article, we will discuss the top home remedies to get rid of acne fast and naturally. Acne and pimples both are two most annoying and prevalent skin curses for some people. Almost all of us have suffered from the acne outbreak at some point. The reason could be anything, whether it’s due to hormones or stress. There is popular belief that acne and pimples are caused by dirty or unclean skin, which is totally wrong. The reality is quite surprising, over-cleansing can irritate the skin even more and lead to acne. However, acne due to hormones are not uncontrollable, and there are simple natural remedies that can restore your healthy, and pimple-free skin back in no time.

Top Home Remedies to Get Rid of Acne:

1.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Get Rid of Acne

Apple cider vinegar or ACV is a powerful remedy to treat acne naturally. It can easily kill the bacteria that may be causing the problem in the first place. Apple cider vinegar is acidic in nature so it balances the pH of the skin making harder for bacteria to survive. Like lemon juice, it is also an astringent agent that will help you dry up the excess oil. Keep this in mind and do not use apple cider vinegar in excess as it can cause severe skin dryness.

Before applying ACV, you should wash your face with fresh water and pat dry. Take a bowl of the bowl and add apple cider vinegar in ration 1:3 and stir the solution properly. Now, soak a cotton ball or swab into vinegar solution and apply it directly to the affected parts of the skin. Leave it on for at least ten minutes, or simply overnight. Reapply the remedy several times a day, do not forget to wash your face thoroughly after each application. Do not forget to moisturize your skin afterward to avoid your skin getting dry.

2.) Make a Cinnamon and Honey Mask to Get Rid of Acne

Honey and cinnamon, when combined together, can be a really effective remedy to get rid of acne fast. Both ingredients work separately. cinnamon being antimicrobial can help stop bacteria from getting spread. Whereas honey being natural anti-biotic can easily wipe the dirt out. The process of using this remedy is quite simple, you just need to rinse your face with fresh water and pat dry. Now, mix two tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon together until they are properly mixed and have formed a fine paste. Then, apply the mask to the face and leave it on for ten minutes. After that, rinse off the mask completely, and pat dry your face.

3.) Tea Tree Oil to Get Rid of Acne

Tea tree oil is one of the most effective home remedies to get rid of acne fast. It is not like the oil your skin produces but a solvent that cuts through the sebum and dead skin cells to unblock the pores. Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties to kill off the acne causing bacteria, and prevent any further outbreaks. Before using this remedy first you need to rinse your face with normal water and pat dry. Dilute the oil by mixing one part of oil to nine parts water. Simply, dip a cotton swab in the mixture and apply directly apply to affected areas.  Repeat the remedy daily at least one week for faster result.

4.) Egg Whites to Get Rid of Acne

Egg whites are an easy and affordable remedy to get rid of acne overnight. It can help you reduce the acne and fade scars left by the blemishes. The egg whites are so effective on acne as they are loaded with proteins and vitamins that both combat acne, and help remove dead cell along with rebuilding new skin cells. The egg whites also soak up the excess oil effectively which means less stuff available for bacteria to feed on. This is a great home remedy for acne however you need to use a moisturizer the application of egg whites.

Rinse the face with distilled water and pat dry. Crack three eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. You can take more than three eggs but two to three eggs are more than enough. You should whisk the egg whites until they are fizzing, and let them sit for five minutes. Now, apply a layer of egg whites on your face focusing on problem spots. You need to make three layers, but make sure to wait until the first once has dried before applying more. Le the mask to sit and dry for at least twenty minutes before rinse off completely with water and a pat dry with a soft washcloth. The application of egg whites can withdraw moisture from your face so apply a good moisturizer according to your skin type.

5.) Papaya to Get Rid of Acne

Papaya has been used in various beauty products as an essential ingredient. But, you do need to purchase any beauty product containing papaya. You can use raw papaya to get rid of acne. It contains all the vital components that are necessary to remove dead skin cells and excess lipids from the skin. We usually use term “lipids” for fats of which oil is a form of. It also contains a vital enzyme called papain, which helps reduce inflammation and prevent the pus from getting formed. Before using this remedy first you need to rinse your face with normal water and pat dry. Peel off the outer skin of papaya and mash the flesh until you get a paste-like consistency such that you can easily apply to your skin. Leave it on for twenty minutes before you rinse off completely with warm water. Apply a good moisturizer your skin gets dry after the application of the remedy.

6.) Make an Orange Peel Paste to Get Rid of Acne

Acne is usually caused by the bacteria and extra oil or dead skin cells clogging up the pores. Now, orange peel can be really helpful in killing the bacteria and removing dead skin cells naturally. You will need to mask your face with the use of an orange peel. The presence of vitamin C, citric acid, and astringent properties can help you treat the problem naturally. Out of other components, the vitamin C helps in promoting the growth of new healthy cells.

Before using this remedy first you need to rinse your face with normal water and pat dry. Grind up the orange peels and add a little water to create a thick paste. Add a little water at a time to avoid making the paste thin and runny. Once you got the right consistency of paste, directly it to your face and wait for twenty minutes. Then, rinse it off with warm water, pat dry your face and apply a good moisturizer.

7.) Mix Strawberries and Honey to Get Rid of Acne

Strawberries are high in salicylic acid which is a primary ingredient in many commercial acne products and treatments. The acid encourages the epidermis to shed off dead cells and help in opening up clogged pores and also neutralizes bacteria. Honey also works great against the bacteria that may be behind the acne, and it also has an anti-inflammatory property. Before using this remedy first you need to rinse your face with normal water and pat dry. Rinse three strawberries and mash them well and add two teaspoons of honey. Blend the ingredients thoroughly together. Directly apply the paste to your face and let the mixture sit for twenty minutes. Then, rinse it off with warm water and pat dry to treat acne.

8.) Yogurt to Get Rid of Acne

When applied topically, yogurt can improve the outbreaks and skin tone. Yogurt can soothe the irritated skin and help you tone down the redness. The acids present in yogurt are antibacterial while the fat gives moisture to keep your skin quite nourished. Make sure you avoid using too cold yogurt and if you have just take it out from the refrigerator then wait until it comes down to room temperature. Mix one tablespoon of yogurt thoroughly with one tablespoon of honey. Now, you have to directly apply the mixture with a cotton pad on the affected area. Make a layer of this paste on your face and let a layer dry before adding a new one. Keep on applying the paste until the mask reaches the thickness you want. Allow it to work for at least ten minutes. Now, wash the mask off and use a clean washcloth to lightly scrub in a circular motion to get rid of loosened dead skin.