How to Get Rid of Bed Bug Bites?

This article is about how to get rid of bed bug bites. Everybody loves outdoor activity, especially in summer time. Bug bites from many different kinds of bug can cause itching, inflammation, scratching, and can be a buzz killer. These bugs may include insects, mosquitoes, spiders, flies.  These bites are so annoying and can spoil your whole day. Sometimes these bites are so strong that it last long for weeks. When any bed bug bites your skin, your body release histamines which are types of protein. It gives you a signal and informs you about the attack. Consequently, your body reacts by sending blood cells to the affected area. These blood cells multiplies and cause itching. The initial attack may be painful, followed by allergic reactions to the venom.

These bug bites cause minor discomfort. In some cases, it can be deadly, especially to those people who are allergic to insect venom. Thankfully, in most of the cases, it is not a medical emergency. Steps can be taken to relieve pain and itching of a bug bite. The causes of bug bites are itself the bugs. They usually bite in their breeding season. Prevention is the best medicine to get rid of bed bug bites.

Symptoms of Bed Bug Bites:

  • Itching
  • Redness
  • Burning sensation
  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of consciousness

Remedies to Get Rid of Bed Bug Bites:

There is nothing more painful than a bug bite. It results in itching, and you definitely want to treat it  with care. When the bite is scratched with dirty hands, it can make them infectious. You can follow some remedies to get rid of bed bug bites.

1.) Ice to Treat Bed Bug Bites

When you get a bed bug bite, ice it, The coolness of ice will reduce the inflammation, hotness, and swelling. It numbs the pain. A piece of ice can constrict the blood vessels and decreases the amount of natural histamine. Moreover, ice numbs the tissues, blood flow and decreases the itching or swelling. Take some ice cubes and crush it. Wrap it in a cloth. Put it on the bite till you can sustain the coldness. Do not over cool it, as it may damage your skin. You can directly put the ice on the bite until it melts.

2.) Cucumber to Get Rid of Bed Bug Bites

Cucumber works same as ice. It has anti-inflammatory agents. Cucumber helps to reduce swelling. Moreover, cool cucumber slices can provide relief from itching, redness. It is very simple to use with no mess. This method can be a hit and try, as everyone doesn’t find the same results. Slice a cucumber into slices. Hold it on the affected area. Its coolness will give you soothing results. Simply hold it till you get relief. One can also rub it gently without harming the affected skin.  Repeat this remedy 3-4 times a day to get rid of bed bug bites.

3.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Cure Bed Bug Bites

Apple cider vinegar is considered as a potent remedy to get rid of bed bug bites. Its acidic character helps to destroy the sting of a bug. If your body has been a buffet for bugs, you can warm it with water by adding some drops of apple cider vinegar. Alternatively, you can soak yourself in a bathtub. Add warm water in a bathtub with a few drops of vinegar. Soak yourself for 10-15 minutes. Wipe yourself with a soft towel. Doesn’t find it interesting? Here is an another option. Take a cotton ball. Put some drops of apple cider vinegar. Apply it on the bite. Do this three times a day for a week. You will get results in a few days.

4.) Peppermint to Treat Bug Bites

Peppermint is one of the best natural remedies. You can get rid of bed bug bites by using this remedy. Peppermint gives the cooling sensation. It cures itching, redness, inflammation temporarily. To use peppermint leaves, take around 4-5 leaves of peppermint leaves. Grind them. Make a paste of it and apply to the bite. The cooling effect which is due to menthol will soothe the bite and will instantly relief your pain. Alternatively, you can apply peppermint oil on the affected area. It will increase the circulation and heal the process. For best results, repeat this process 2-3 times a day. Try peppermint to get rid of bed bug bites.

5.) Lemons to Get Rid of Bed Bug Bites

Lemons contain anti-inflammatory, anesthetic  and antimicrobial properties. The natural anti-oxidants found in lemons help to heal the bite. If you are travelling to some place and suddenly gets a bed bug bite. This remedy is easy to apply and costs friendly. Cut a lemon and squeeze out its juice. Take a cotton ball. With the help of it apply the juice on the bites. Be careful, do not apply this remedy on blisters. Moreover, you can also simply cut the lemon into two pieces. You can rub the yellow rind of the lemon on the bite. Repeat this method, at least two times a day. You will get fruitful results.

6.) Baking Soda to Heal Bug Bite

The common component present in bed bug bite’s  is formic acid. To neutralize this acid, apply a paste of baking soda to the sting or bite of an insect. If you don’t have access to baking soda, try toothpaste instead. Toothpaste also consists of baking soda. Take a mixture of baking soda and warm water. Form an  alkaline solution of it. With the help of cotton pad, apply this mixture on the affected area. It will help in the healing the insect bite. Alternatively, you can mix baking soda with any household cleaning ammonia. Repeat this method 2-3 times a day. Baking soda is very useful to get rid of bed bug bites.

7.) Oatmeal to Get Rid of Bed Bug Bites

Oatmeal is an  amazing thing which has important vitamins, minerals, and proteins. It is great for the body both inside and out. Oatmeal can be used as the best home remedies for itchy skin, and its gentle effects are a great alternative to many chemicals that attack our body due to an insect bite. From stopping itching to helping relieve insect bites and stings, from rashes to sunburns, oatmeal is a great weapon for your family. Take some oatmeals and sprinkle it in a bath tub consisting of warm water. Soak yourself in it for around 15-20 minutes. Rub the clumped oatmeal onto the affected area. After a bath leaves your skin slightly damp. You can directly put the oatmeal paste onto the bite as well. This remedy will give you instant and positive results.

8.) Honey to Cure Bed Bug Bites

Honey is one of the best home remedies to get rid of bed bug bites. It works wonders to treat insect bites. Its antibiotic property helps to fight itching and other symptoms. Honey is easily available and gives the instant results by reducing inflammation, redness and pain. Got an insect bite? Don’t worry. Apply honey as a sweet remedy. Take a cotton ball and put some honey on it. Rub the cotton ball gently on the bite. Moreover, it prevents bacteria from entering into the skin. You can say, honey, plays a dual role. It cures the bed bug bite along with the prevention of bacteria to enter into the skin.

9.) Table Salt to Cure Bug Bites

Table salt heals the bug bite. It helps to reduce itching and inflammation. Moreover, it is very inexpensive and can be easily available at home. You can apply salt by taking a half teaspoon of it and mix it into the  warm water. Stir the liquid. Take a piece of cloth and give a warm compress to the insect bite. You can also dissolve it in cold water and apply a cold compress. Alternatively, soak yourself in a bathtub for 10-15 minutes. Dry yourself with a towel. Nonetheless, you can rub the pinch of salt on the sting of the insect.

10.) Turmeric  to Get Rid of Bed Bug Bites

Turmeric is one of the spices which is commonly used in cooking. It consists of antibacterial properties. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory effects and helps to get rid of Bedbug bites. It cures the swollen area, redness, and pain by its healing property. Take a pinch of turmeric powder and apply it on the bite. You can also make it paste by adding few drops of mustard or coconut oil. It also prevents the entry of bacteria. Turmeric is the natural herb which helps to heal the insect bite at a faster rate. If you are attacked by an insect, apply this home remedy and you will find the positive results.