How Do You Get Rid of Bed Bugs?

In this article, we will discuss the best way to get rid of bed bugs fast and naturally without using any harmful chemical. There is an ancient verse which says “sleep tight but doesn’t let the bugs bite”. Many of us already have understood the meaning. The fact is bed bugs infestation is really annoying and in some cases, it can lead health problem as well. Despite the relatively small size, the bed bugs are perhaps the kings of their field. They are capable of infesting an entire apartment building or even luxury hotels.

The problem of bed bugs is not new as they have been a parasitic insect since ancient times. Their size range can vary from a quarter-inch to a half-inch. They usually appear flat and oval-shaped just like an apple seed. They are the members of a family of parasitic insects known as Cimicidae. The bad thing is that all the members of Cimicidae family feed exclusively on mammalian blood. After every blood meal, their bodies swell and their color changes from brown to red. The good news is that you can get rid of bed bugs easily by using some natural home remedies.

Ways to Get Rid of Bed Bugs:

1.) Physical Removal to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Before trying some innovative techniques to get rid of bed bugs you should take some measures to prevent bugs from spreading further. It is quite important as if you do not inhibit their source then they will re-infest your house after few days of their removal. You will need to eliminate all the entryways through which they enter and then apply the remedy. Start with the examination of their common hiding place. They could be present at cracks and crevices of bed frames especially if the frame is wooden. Pay special attention to check the cracks and corners of dressers, tufts, skirts, and crevices beneath the cushions of upholstered chairs and sofas. You should look for cracks in wood molding and behind wooden picture frames, switch plates, and outlets.

Find a way to force the bed bugs to get out from their hideouts. You can do this by using a putty knife or a playing card. Once they are out from cracks and crevices, you can simply catch them with a tape or crush them in paper towels. Another great trick is the use of special “climb up traps” for bed legs. The bugs will climb into them and can’t get out. You can also purchase any simple bug’s catcher.

2.) Essential Oils to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Essential oils like tea tree oil, oregano oil, or manuka oil, can be really effective in getting rid of bed bugs fast and naturally. The other major benefit of using these essential oils is that they can be effective in treating the itching and swelling from the bed bug bites. Essential oils actually “suffocate” the insects by firmly blocking the external openings of the insects’ respiratory system.

Out of these oils, you can use tea tree oil combined with water into a spray bottle to kill bed bugs. Prepare a moderate concentration tea tree oil solution. Then mildly mist one’s furniture, pillows, sheets, or any other areas where bedbugs have been spotted. On the other hand, the cedar and orange oil are natural home remedies used to eradicate bed bugs. However, these oils only work upon the contact on the insects (i.e. Contact killer).

3.) Heat Treatment to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

According to several studies, applying heat from any blow dryers kills bedbugs after twenty seconds of continuous contact. However, this method has limited use as some items are not made to bear heat so these items can be “de-infested” by simply enclosing them in a plastic wrap and keeping them outside in a hot, sunny region where the sun has maximum illumination. The heat from sunlight can easily roast the bed bugs. Try also airing the beds, moveable furniture, mattresses out in the bright sunlight.

The sunlight can easily kill the bed bugs that are on the exposed surfaces and in hidden areas to the heat. The sunlight treatment is so effective that it can even kill the eggs and you won’t have any future problem. Alternatively, you can try sustained steam treatment. It is considered as the best method to kill bed bugs at all stages. However, this method can fail as the bugs are good hiders.

 4.) Cold Treatment to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Cold treatment is one of the most effective methods to kill bed bugs like the heat treatment. Both cold and hot treatments are effective against bed bugs. These insects are sensitive to temperature extremes. They can’t also bear any sudden temperature change. And, require a stable temperature without any airflow. To perform the cold treatment you just need to place a few desktop fans on the floor near the infested bed or region and to let air circulate continuously i for at least three hours daily. Alternatively, you can simply turn on the air conditioner (AC) to cool and dry the air.

5.) Vacuuming to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Vacuuming is one of the simplest methods to get rid of bed bugs naturally. You just need vacuum carpets, furniture, floors, crack or crevice, wooden bed frames, or the place that appears to be a bed bug hiding place. One of the most frustrating things about bed bugs is that they and their eggs can be very hard to dislodge. So, you need to be certain that at the end of the suction the wand should be carefully moved and scraped along infested areas. You should be extra careful while disposing the content of vacuum. It is recommended to dispose the content in a sealed trash bag that should be emptied outside the house.

6.) Insecticides to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Using insecticides in your home to kill bed bugs is not recommended but by following proper preventive measures you can use insecticide to treat bed bugs. Some people think that only insecticide can help them eliminate bed bugs. But, the bitter truth is that there is still no effective method which guarantees to remove bed bugs completely. Even the most popular remedy for bed bugs known as bug bombs is also not as effective. The harmful chemical used in insecticide barely comes in contact with all the bed bugs, only a few of them die and rest remains alive. The biggest problem with insecticide is that, people usually does not know the exact quantity they have to use in their home to kill bed bugs

7.) Diatomaceous Earth to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is really an effective home remedy to prevent and kill bed bugs. It not only kills them but also inhibit their re-infestation. DE is totally safe to use. It is a non-toxic chalky substance that can help kill these annoying insects naturally. The DE powder is derived from the fossilized remains of hard-shelled algae called diatoms. It is totally harmless but its tiny particles are very effective in killing the bed bugs causing them to become dehydrated and eventually die. It also acts as a barrier as the bed bugs can’t cross it.

The process of using diatomaceous earth is quite simple. You just need to spread a small amount of diatomaceous around the house including the areas where the walls meet the floors, carpeting, behind light switch plates, on the baseboard. Picture frames, all the crevices, and cracks are also some of the places where bed bugs can be found. You would also need to dismantle the bed and lightly dust the DE on all the joints and crevices. It is suggested that you should use only food-grade diatomaceous earth to prevent any health risk if your pet or small children accidently consume it.

You would also need to dismantle the bed and lightly dust the DE on all the joints and crevices. It is suggested that you should use only food-grade diatomaceous earth to prevent any health risk if your pet or small children accidently consume it.

8.) Alcohol to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Alcohol is yet another effective home remedy to get rid of bed bugs overnight. You just need to spray isopropyl alcohol on the walls, mattress, floors, and furniture to eliminate bed bugs instantly. It generally kills bed bugs upon the contact and dehydrates their eggs. Remember that isopropyl alcohol can stain and also damage wooden surfaces finished with lacquer. You should first test the effect of alcohol on a small portion of your furniture to see if alcohol reacts to it unfavorably or not.