How to Get Rid of Black Mold?

Get Rid Of Black Mold

Mold and mildew are byproducts of nature in the summer. They are not a permanent visitor to our homes. Black mold is known to be harmful, it releases millions of mycotoxins into the air, thereby contaminating your home. Talk to a toxic black removal service as early a possible as it is extremely tricky to get rid of black mold by oneself. However, there are many home remedies that can help you to get rid of a mold. Read more to remedies to get rid of black mold.

Get Rid Of Black MoldGet Rid Of Black Mold

Remedies to Get Rid of Black Mold:

1.) Tea Tree Oil To Get Rid Of Black Mold

Tea tree oil is the best treatment to get rid of black mold. Its anti fungi property in the herbal oil makes a perfect fungicide to treat a living  mold. It also prevents mold from reoccurring in a specific are of one’s use. There is a simple tea tree oil solution to get rid of black mold.

  • Take 100ml singularly of tea tree oil and white vinegar and mix it properly.
  • Now add 500ml of water to the mixture and fill it in the spray bottle.
  • Before treating the walls of any surface with this oil , first, scrub the area and remove the mold.
  • Repeat the application process of tea tree oil and mix it after every five hours till one gets completely rid of tea tree oil.

2.) Vinegar to Get Rid of Black Mold

Vinegar is a great fungicide to get rid of mold from any surface. The positive side of vinegar is that it does not stain on the wall. There are no side effects if one treats a particular surface with vinegar.

  • First, scrape out the mold with the help of a brush and then apply vinegar to the old affected area.
  • Continue the process by applying vinegar to the area with the cleaning sponge found in the kitchen ill the mold disappears from the area completely.
  • Use white distilled vinegar for positive results .

3.) Vodka to Remove Black Mold

 Vodka provides a lot of relief from not only stress as well as from the mold. It helps to remove the molds. T.hus this is one of the best remedies to remove molds

  • Transfer some vodka in a spray container and spray it directly over the mold-prone areas.
  • The mold tends to get frizzy in a few seconds. Quickly wipe off the dead mold with a clean wiping sponge.

 4.) Hydrogen Peroxide to Get Rid of Black Mold

Hydrogen peroxide is also one of the best remedies to get rid of molds. It has certain properties that work in favor. However, be careful while using hydrogen peroxide.

  • Take a cup of water and add a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray it on the affected areas such the wall or the surface. Wait for some time like for 10 -15 minutes.


  • Mold removal products, for  instance,  vinegar, acid, ethanol , thinner, and bleach causes the acidic smell. Use beats masks to protect oneself from the foul smell and keep away from the fumes.
  • Keep the products away from children and elderly people as well as pets away from the area where one is carrying out the mold removal.

5.) Ammonia to Get Rid of Black Mold

Next in our list of remedies to get rid of mold is ammonia. Its strong nature helps to remove molds from the roots. However, be careful while handling it.

  • Prepare a combination of ammonia and water in a proportion of 50\50.
  • Place the solution in a spray bottle and spray in the areas affected by black mold.
  • Permit the mold deceased solution to settle down for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Using a small brush or something similar scour the mold tarnished area and wipe them clean.
  • Repeat the process if urgently required.

6.) Baking Soda to Treat Black Mold

Baking soda is highly effective to remove mold naturally.Baking soda is known as a natural disinfectant and is a very mild solution to clean mold without leaving behind the scent.

  • Dissolve baking soda in water or a mixture of water and mixture solution and spray it onto the surface. Let it settle down  and then clean it with a damp cloth.
  • Wipe damp surfaces regularly. Apply a cool mist humidifier, spray vinegar onto the damp area surfaces like a shower when you are done with it also be careful about leaks .Mold is natural, but  should not be present in the homes.

7.) Borax to Cure Black Mold

Borax is a renowned chemical used in many household equipments like fungicides, herbicides, as fungicides, herbicides, as well as a household cleanser. It disinfect, cleans and deodorizes, making an excellent choice to help fight out the black mold. Borax being toxic must not be ingested. It does not exude toxic fumes or gasses which would or else be necessary to wear a respirator for work safety. Borax being noncarcinogenic has been categorized as a mild skin infection which is otherwise irritating. As far as black mold killing is concerned borax proved to be a winner

8.) Bleach to Cure Black Mold

Bleach is the most common solution to cure black mold. This is an easy remedy to get rid of black as it’s easily available in everyone’s homes. It cleanses over nonporous surfaces when combined with a solution of detergent. Don’t mix bleach with any other product  that ammonia as it produces a harmful gas when it’s combined.

  • Spray or apply using a rug to the mold, but not very heavily .
  • Wait for about five minutes or longer if the solution is rigid.
  • Scrub with a brush,rag, or some kind of abrasive tool.But be careful that you do not scratch or disrupt the material that one is trying to protect.
  • Wipe it off clean using a damp rag.

9.) Soapy Water to Get Rid of Black Mold

Soapy water is a hygienic way to get rid of black mold primarily. As soon a one seen mold in any area first try to remove by using a scrubber or salt paper.

  • Wash the area with soap water. Use detergents in order to wash the mold away.
  • Repeat the process of washing the area every day to prevent the regrowth of mold.

10.) Dehumidifier to Get Rid of Black Mold

If you have tried all remedies to get rid of black mold  and you haven’t achieved satisfying  results then investing in a good dehumidifier is a must. A good humidifier available in the market at any grocery or departmental  store and can be regularly used to reduce mold growth.

11.) Grapefruit Extract to Treat Black Mold

Grapefruit is a bit expensive and works best get rid of black mold on any surface. The advantage of grapefruit is that it extracts and reduces mold without causing the  acidic smell. It’s also safe for kids when it’s used on the surface.

12.) Citrus Seed Extract and Water to Treat Black Mold

Citrus seed extract does not have any smell.Being odorless ,it does not cause trouble to cure black     mold. One just needs to dilute 20 drops of the citrus seed extract in two cups of water. Mix in a spray bottle and spray over the mold.Don’t rinse with the other solutions.
