How to Get Rid of Bloating?

Bloating and gastric problem as become very common these days. The common cause of bloating is poor diet and stress. Bloated stomach is very uncomfortable, sometimes it is very embarrassing when you are around people and you have to run for a rescue. The good way to relieve  bloating is encouraging passing gas and  bowel movement. Usually, it is harmless, but there are many ways to get rid of bloating.

Causes of Bloating

  • Constipation
  • Digestive disorder
  • Hormonal changes
  • Infection
  • Anxiety
  • Smoking
  • Peptic ulcer

Symptoms of Bloating

  • Cramps
  • Belching
  • Pain
  • Vomiting or Nausea
  • Skin rashes
  • Brain fog and trouble concentrating
  • Trapped air

Remedies to Get Rid of Bloating:

1.) Lemon Water to Get Rid of Bloating

A glass of lemon water every day in the morning keeps you away from the doctor. Lemon is rich in vitamin C, B, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus. It is acidic in nature, so it stimulates the production of HCL (Hydrochloric Acid), which break down our foods. When our food breaks down easily, there are less chances of the bloating.

  • Lemon water helps to flush out the harmful toxins from the body and keeps our body hydrated.
  • When you wake up in the morning, before you eat anything, mix warm water with lemon and drink it empty the stomach.
  • Mixing lemon with warm water is really helpful for our digestive system. It will give you relief from bloating and gas.

2.) Chamomile Tea to Get Rid of Bloating

If anything doesn’t suit you or doesn’t seem to work for you. Chamomile tea is an effective herbal tea to get rid of bloating or gas. It has anti- spasmodic and anti- inflammatory property that can help to cure your stomach as well as it can help with heartburn.

  • Boil one cup of water and pour chamomile tea bag in it, cover it and let it steep for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Squeeze the tea bag to bring out the last drop of chamomile and add some honey and lemon juice if you desire. Avoid milk.
  • Sip it and drink it twice or thrice time a day.

3.) Peppermint to Relief from Bloating

Peppermint contains menthol oil. It is very effective for gas pain and calms down churning stomach. Peppermint has an antispasmodic effect on the muscle of the digestive track. It soothes you nerve therefore it cure your stomach. Drink a cup of peppermint tea after dinner to keep things moving slowly. It calms flatulence and helps your stomach to pass food quickly.

  • Boil a cup of water and pour a peppermint tea bag.
  • Cover and let it steep for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Take a sip and drink twice or thrice a day.
  • You can also chew a peppermint to get relief from bloating.

4.) Ginger to Cure Gastric Problem

Ginger has many advantages and one of them is, relief from bloating and gas. It helps to reduce the inflammation in the intestine and intestine muscles, the compound found in it called gingerols, pungent and who gaols are responsible for relief. If you are suffering from nausea, stomach flu, and indigestion, ginger helps to get rid of that as well. Ginger also prevents a formation of gas.

  • Boil a cup of water and cut 6 to 7 slices of ginger.
  • Dip a slice of ginger in boiling water and let it steep for 10 to 15 minute.
  • Add a little honey and lemon juice in it as per your need.
  • Take a sip and drink 2 or 3 glasses per day.
  • You can eat one teaspoon of grated ginger before the meal or sprinkle ginger root in your food.

5.) Cure Bloating from Caraway Seed

Caraway seeds are wonderful remedies for indigestion, bloating, cramping and stomach gas. Carvol and carvene are two chemicals acid, which helps to soothe the stomach muscle tissue and the digestive tract. It helps in expulsion of gas and gives relief to your stomach. Caraway seeds have been using since ages to give trapped gas out of the back door because it has carminative and antimicrobial property. Caraway has the anti- spasmodic effect.

  • You can chew a caraway seed several times throughout the day if you are suffering from frequent bloating.
  • The taste of the caraway seed is too strong, so you can try caraway cracker.
  • You can also make a tea from the crushed caraway seed.

6.) Anise to Get Rid of Bloating

If the gas is passing that means the remedies are working well for the bloating. However, passing gas that too in the public is quite embarrassing this anise comes handy.

  • Anise has an antispasmodic property that will help you to relax your digestive track. It has a tendency to react to stress, but in an unpleasant way.
  • It also helps with cramping.
  • Anise has a carminative property which is known to expel pent-up gas and give relief from bloating.
  • Anise seed mix with water sometimes gives relief to children.

7.) Banana to Relief from Bloating

Bloating is always not related to gas and indigestion. High sodium intake could also be the reason of bloating. Processed foods are high in sodium and make our stomach suffer; imbalances the amount of fluid present in our body. Banana is a good source of fiber and it contains lots of potassium, and potassium can help us to regulate fluid levels in our body and gives relief from bloating

  • Maintaining your sodium and potassium level is important for water balance.
  • If you will eat a banana daily, so you can get rid of bloating.
  • You can eat a banana as a snack or can add to your salad.

8.) Whip Diet for Good Digestion

Many foods we eat today are high in sugar, fat, sodium and other things which are harmful to our body, that food gives pleasure to our mind but later on our body suffers. Food which is fried are high in fat and mainly responsible for the gas in our stomach. Avoid these unhealthy foods, it triggers gas and stomach problem.

  • Eat food which is healthy for you, but beans and broccoli trigger gas too, because they are high in fiber and your stomach is unable to digest them.
  • You need to limit yourself when it comes to get rid of gas.
  • Take food, your stomach can digest.

9.) Apple Cider Vinegar Health Tonic

It is one of the nature’s best medicines. Apple cider vinegar has many uses like it lower glucose level, which is helpful for diabetics and weight loss aid. It enhances your level of digestion and prevents bloating. It is 100 percent safe for everyone. Every woman should take it during pregnancy, it is highly beneficial. It not only helps in treating the gas problem but also many diseases. Everyone should take it as a health tonic.

  • You can get instant relief from mixing up one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of warm water and sip it.
  • Take it empty stomach daily, 2 to 3 times a day.
  • Your digestion will back in proper working order.
  • You can also take tablets and capsules.

10.) Fennel Seed to Get Rid of Bloating

Fennel seed has carminative pain reducing and anti-microbial property which is effective for the digestive problem like bloating and gas. It helps to give relief to stomach muscles and digestive track. But take it as per a precaution. Dry fennel seed is usually considered as the safest way to take. It is harmful to pregnant and breastfeeding women.

  • Chew fennel seed after a lunch or dinner
  • You can also add one teaspoon of fennel seed with one hot cup of water
  • Cover and steep it for 5 minutes
  • Have this 2 or 3 times a day.

11.) Eat Pumpkin to Prevent Unwanted Bloating

Bloating and gas are usually caused by improper digestion, eating pumpkin is a great way to prevent from unwanted bloating and gas. Fiber is usually hard for the person to digest, so it passes through the gut. When food does not break down in our small intestine, so it passes through the last intestine and it is a feast by our body’s natural bacteria, the byproduct of their munching produces a variety of gasses. Pumpkin is rich in vitamin A and potassium, so it can reduce the amount of gas created and help to create a smooth digestive flow. You can eat it in many ways like steam it, bake it.

12.) Activated Charcoal to Relief from Gas

It has helped a number of people with their gas, but no one knows the exact reason. It has thought that activated charcoal has a  porous property, so it has holes so it allows the passing of air and water. Theses holes are good at trapping chemical, that’s why it is used in the case of drug overdose. It is available in the market in the form of capsules and tablets. Before using it, consult your doctor and read the dosing written on the back of the packaging.