How to Get Rid of Bronchitis?

This article is about how to get rid of bronchitis. Bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchi which are present in the lungs. These are the main passage for the air flow. As we all know that the lungs are the respiratory organs of our body. When some bacteria, virus or any foreign  particle attacks the respiratory channel of the body, it causes irritation and finally leads to bronchitis. This disease leads to swelling and inflammation of the mucus membrane in the bronchial passages of the lungs. Bronchitis can be of two types named as acute and chronic.

Acute bronchitis occurs for a short period of time whereas chronic bronchitis occurs seasonally.  It can occur for a time period of 2-3 months to 2 years.  This disease leads to chest pain, nasal congestion, fatigue and sometimes fever. It can occur to anybody. It can be a small child to an adult. Often, it is seen in old age people as their immune system deteriorates with age. If you are getting severe cough along with mucous, you can consult a doctor. One can also treat bronchitis at home by some home remedies.

Causes of Bronchitis:

  • Allergy
  • Infections
  • Cough
  • Smoking
  • Dust or pollution
  • Change in weather

Symptoms of Bronchitis:

  • Chest pain
  • Fever
  • Body pain
  • Tiredness
  • Excess mucous
  • Nasal congestion
  • Complications in breathing

Remedies to Get Rid of Bronchitis:

To get rid of bronchitis people often goes for medications. However, there are plenty of home remedies by which you can treat bronchitis. Check them out!

1.) Honey to Get Rid of Bronchitis

Honey is a great remedy to treat the problem of bronchitis. It has antiviral and antibacterial properties. Honey soothes the throat. It is also helpful in building up of the immune system. Moreover, honey traps the infection and foreign particles and prevents its further spreading. To try this remedy all you need is honey. Firstly, take a glass of water and add one teaspoon of honey. If your water is warm, it works work more effectively. Another way to use honey is by mixing it in your tea or coffee. Also,  you can gulp a teaspoon of honey directly. Do this remedy twice a day to get rid of bronchitis. This is an efficient remedy which will cure the burning sensation in your chest.

2.) Turmeric to Prevent Bronchitis

Turmeric is an excellent healer. It is antibiotic in nature. It kills the free radicals in our body by its anti-oxidizing property. Its antiseptic and antibacterial property had made it a popular ingredient. You can use turmeric in different ways. Firstly, you can gargle with turmeric by adding it into warm water. If this is done after dinner or before breakfast, it brings more relief. The second way is to drink turmeric milk before going to bed. It will boost up the immune system and prevent you from infections of a respiratory and nasal tract. Another option is to have turmeric soup. Take some pepper, basil leaves, ginger along with turmeric. This is an efficient remedy without any side effects.

3.) Almonds to Cure Bronchitis

Almonds can give you relief against bronchitis. These nuts are antioxidant in nature. It protects you from free radicals from the body. Almonds also strengthen the immune system. It prepares your body to fight against diseases and prevents from a further attack of bacteria. To try this remedy, take 5-6 almonds. Soak them overnight. Now eat them in your breakfast. You can also put almonds in your favorite shake. Another way is to make an emulsion by crushing few kernels of almonds. Add this in orange juice. It is a great remedy for the bronchial problem. As almonds have good fats, so it won’t cause any side effects

4.) Steam to Get Rid of Bronchitis

Steam is one of the efficient remedies to get rid of bronchitis. It removes the dirt from the nasal chamber. Steam also helps in loosening of mucus and phlegm in the bronchi. Moreover, it kills the bacteria and relieves you from bronchitis. It also nourishes the tissues and makes them healthy. To try this remedy all you need is water and a towel. First of all, boil some water and put it in a big utensil. Sit in a closed area and cover yourself with a towel. Make sure that the sides of the towel are closed. Now inhale the steam. Do it for 10-15 minutes. You can also add some peppermint oil or lavender oil in water. It will give you many effective results. Try steam to treat bronchitis.

5.) Garlic to Prevent Bronchitis

Garlic is an effective remedy to heal the bronchial problem. It is antibacterial and antiviral in its properties. It soothes the respiratory tract. Garlic also improves the power of the immune system and makes it more efficient. It also reduces  the pain, inflammation by dissolving the mucus in the membrane. To use this remedy, all you need is garlic. Take a small piece of garlic. Chop it into small pieces. Boil them in a glass of water. Strain the solution. Add black pepper or honey in it to make it taste better. Drink this mixture slowly. Try to repeat this remedy at least twice a day to cure the respiratory issues like bronchitis.

6.) Basil to Avoid Bronchitis

Basil is an effective ingredient that helps in reducing the symptoms of chronic bronchitis. It gives excellent relief to the pain in the chest that is associated with severe bronchitis disease. Basil is antibacterial in nature. It kills the foreign particles in the body. Moreover, it removes the mucus which is a halt in the respiratory tract. To use this remedy, take some basil leaves. Wash them. Now crush them and boil in water. Add honey in it to make it taste better. Drink it  slowly to get rid of bronchitis. Also, you can  chew some fresh basil leaves to cure the problem of bronchitis. Do this remedy twice a day to cure the respiratory congestion.

7.) Ginger to Cure Bronchitis

Ginger is often used to treat the nasal problems. It is a natural herb which treats the problem of bronchitis. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties. This ingredient reduces the pain and swelling in the throat and lungs. Also ginger kills the germs and bacteria by its antibiotic power. To try this remedy, take some garlic. Boil it in water. Cool, the solution. Strain it. Drink it slowly to get rid of bronchitis. To improve the respiration and decrease the mucous level, you need to repeat this process at least twice a day. So, try some garlic and see the excellent results.

8.) Eucalyptus Oil to Treat Bronchitis

Eucalyptus oil is very effective for the patients suffering from eucalyptus. It soothes the respiratory tract. Moreover, it softens the mucous in obstructed air passages. Eucalyptus with its antibacterial properties kills the bacteria heals bronchitis. To try this remedy put few drops of eucalyptus oil in hot water. Cover your head with a towel. Now inhale the steam. Do this for 10-15 minutes. If eucalyptus oil is not available you can use tea tree oil or pine oil. Alternatively, you can do a massage with eucalyptus oil on your chest. It will also give you excellent results.

9.) Onion to Avoid Bronchitis

Onion is the easiest home remedy to cure the problem of bronchitis. It is anti-inflammatory in nature. Onion consists of sulfur, which helps to remove the mucus from the nasal tract. It also kills the bacteria by its strong smell. To use this remedy, take one onion. Chop it and eat in your salad. Alternatively, you can extract some juice from the onion. Add a little black pepper in it. Drink it. Onion can be one of the best remedies for treating the problem of bronchitis. Try onion to dissolve phlegm. It will amaze you with excellent results with no side effects.

10.) Saline Water to Treat Bronchitis

Using saline water or salt water can be very beneficial to prevent the uneasy during breathing. Saline water helps to cut the mucous. It also reduces the irritation and soothes the sensitive bronchial membranes. Saline water also kills the bacteria by osmosis and relieves the throat and mucus. To try this remedy, take 2 pinches of salt. Dissolve it in warm water. Now drink this slowly. Alternatively, you can gargle with saline water. Repeat gargling 2-3 times a day to prevent bronchitis. This an efficient remedy and has no side effects. Try saline water to get rid of bronchitis.