How to Get Rid of Cellulite?

How to Get Rid of Cellulite

In this article, we will discuss how to get rid of cellulite. Cellulite is uneven and dimpled skin which is also known as cottage cheese skin or orange peel. The cellulite usually pop up in our body parts like thighs, buttocks, and stomach. Women and especially teenage girls are more vulnerable to the cellulite. Though there is a possibility of cellulite in men as well, but the chances of cellulite in women are higher than men.

What Causes Cellulite?

The growth of cellulite is not only limited to the people with overweight. A lean person can also suffer from cellulite problem because of cellulite development. There are several factors which lead to cellulite formation in your body as mentioned below.

  • Genetics – the most usual cause is genetics. it can transfer cellulite to you from your family members automatically.
  • Poor Diet – most of the people think only overweight causes cellulite which is wrong. if you are having a poor diet it also leads to the development of cellulite in your body.
  • Slow Metabolism – if the rate of your metabolism is slow then the chances of cellulite are higher
  • Lack of Physical Activities-the people who perform less physical activities also can suffer from cellulite.
  • Imbalanced Hormones – the imbalance of hormones leads to the development of cellulite, mostly in women. Hormones like thyroid and insulin affect cellulite development in the body.
  • Wearing Tight clothes – tight clothes or undergarments like a tight brief decreases blood flow below the buttocks and leads to the development of cellulite.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Cellulite Fast

There are several easy and effective home remedies to get rid of cellulite, here we are providing you some simple and natural home remedies by some ingredients which are easily available at home and are very effective in treating cellulite.

1.) Coffee for Cellulite Treatment

Coffee contains caffeine which is very useful in extracting toxins from your body. The toxicity in your body influences directly the development of cellulite. The antioxidant properties of caffeine control the flow of blood and help in improving circulation of blood in your body. The use of coffee scrub gives you a clear healthy and smooth skin.

Applying this remedy is easy and effective on cellulite. With the use of this remedy, your skin gets benefits of coconut oil and coffee together which decrease the number of saturated fats in your thighs. The method for making a natural scrub using coffee is given below.

Things You Will Need:

  • Two to three tablespoon of coconut oil
  • Three tablespoons of Coffee.
  • Three tablespoons of brown or raw sugar.


  • Melt some coconut oil and take two to three tablespoon of it in a bowl.
  • Mix three tablespoon of brown sugar and coffee each into it.
  • Blend the mixture gently to get a thick paste for treatment.
  • Apply this scrub directly on the skin over the cellulite.
  • Massage the scrub for about five minutes.
  • Clean it up with a warm wet piece of cloth
  • Repeat this process twice in a week to shrink the cellulite.
  • If brown sugar is not available at your home you can go for sea salt instead.

2.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Get Rid of Cellulite

ACV contains magnesium, potassium, and calcium which are effective in the treatment of cellulite. Apple cider vinegar helps to drain out the toxins from your body and prevent dehydration effectively. The use of apple cider vinegar helps in reducing weight which results in providing less cellulite pocket. This remedy is helpful in getting rid of cellulite from your thighs and legs.

Things You Will Need:

  • One tablespoon of honey
  • Two tablespoons of ACV
  • Half a cup of warm water.


  • Take a small bowl add two teaspoons full of apple cider vinegar to it.
  • Then add a tablespoon of honey and a half cup of water into it.
  • Mix up the ingredients gently to make a solution.
  • Massage this solution on affected area.
  • Leave it for about half an hour.
  • Rinse it off with some warm water.
  • Repeat this treatment two times daily to get rid of cellulite on your thighs.

3.) Green Clay to Get Rid of Cellulite

Green clay is effective in absorbing impurities of the body. It improves the circulation of blood and controls the fat deposition in the skin which leads to the reduction of cellulite on skin.

Things You Will Need:

  • Two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice.
  • One tablespoon of honey.
  • Half a cup of green clay.
  • Half a cup of warm water.


  • Mix two tablespoon of lemon juice in half cup of green clay.
  • Add a half cup of warm water to it after adding a tablespoon of honey into it.
  • Blend these ingredients gently to make a thick chunk free paste for treatment.
  • Apply this paste directly on affected area.
  • Leave the same for half an hour.
  • Then remove it with the help of warm water.
  • Repeat twice in a week for more effective results.

4.) Seaweed to Get Rid of Cellulite

It is a component used in several beauty products which help in improving the texture of skin. Seaweed acts as an exfoliating agent and stimulates the circulation of blood and drains out the harmful toxins from your body. This process results in a reduction of cellulite from the body.

Things You Will Need:

  • Three teaspoons of seaweed
  • Three to four tablespoon of sea salt.
  • Four tablespoons of olive oil


  • Take a small bowl add three tablespoons of seaweed into it.
  • Mix three to four tablespoon of olive oil and sea salt in it.
  • Blend the ingredients to make a paste
  • Use this paste to massage the affected part for about five to ten minutes.
  • Wash it off with warm water.
  • For better results use this remedy before you go for a bath.

5.) Tomatoes to Get Rid of Cellulite

Tomato contains lycopene, which helps in preventing the collagen breakdown in skin. Applying tomatoes prevent toxic fat growth in your body.

Things You Will Need:

  • Medium size two fresh tomatoes.
  • Three tablespoons of fresh lime juice.


  • Chop two fresh tomatoes into small pieces
  • Use a grinder to get a flat paste.
  • Mix three tablespoon of lime juice into it
  • Blend it and massage the affected area with the paste for about ten minutes.
  • Rinse it with some warm water
  • Repeat the process before you go for bath daily.

6.) Tangerine Essential Oil to Get Rid of Cellulite

Tangerine essential oil is also very effective in boosting blood circulation in the body. It also reduces lymphatic deposits inside the skin and helps in breaking down fat which results in a reduction of forming cellulite pockets in body. It detoxifies and eliminates impurities from the skin.

Things You Will Need:

  • One tablespoon of olive oil.
  • One tablespoon tangerine oil essentials.


  • Mix one tablespoon of olive oil with tangerine oil each.
  • Apply this mixture on affected area.
  • Massage with same for about ten minutes.
  • Clean it up with the help of the warm and wet cloth.
  • To make your thighs cellulite free, repeat this process daily before you take a bath.
  • You can also go for dry brushing after you massage the affected part for improved circulation of blood in the area.

7.) Exercises for Cellulite to Get Rid of Cellulite

Basically, cellulite is fat and when one gets excess weight the risk of cellulite becomes higher. Some exercises can help you to get rid of cellulite on your body parts like thighs, a backside of thighs and stomach.


  • In order to avoid cellulite on your stomach and thighs you can go for jogging, weight lifting, swimming, skipping, bouncing, running lifting and many other exercises or physical activities for minimum twenty minutes on a daily basis constantly.
  • These above-mentioned exercises will help you to get rid of cellulite from your skin including other health benefits.

8.) Glute Kickback Exercise to Remove Cellulite

The glute kickback exercise process needs ankle weights. This is one of the best ways to get rid of the cellulite. All  you need is, follow the steps given below.


  • Wear lower leg weights if using.
  • Then get to hand-&-knees position by touching the ground with lower arms and knees and the weight must lie on lower arms.
  • Place your head accordingly with a straight back.
  • Then swing your right leg in direction of the posterior at the same time lifting your right foot towards the roof till the thigh gets parallel to ground level.
  • Keep the same position for about two minutes and then get back to the initial position.
  • Then repeat same again using your left foot and leg
  • This exercise gives you toned muscles
  • Add this exercise to your daily routine to get rid of cellulite.