How to Get Rid of Chiggers Fast?

This article is about ways to get rid of chiggers. They are the small beasts that live in your backyard and love to hang out in the surrounding area. They live in the soil of your backyard and make the vegetation their home. It’s better to get rid of these fleas as their bites can affect you really bad. Bites by these chiggers make the area red and swelling appears. These bites resemble the blisters and they are painful and irritating. These bites last for days and can stay up to two weeks. Thus, it becomes really important to get rid of these tiny buds. In this article, we are going to discuss ways to get rid of chiggers fast.

Top Ways to Get Rid of Chiggers:

1.)Diatomaceous Earth to Get Rid of Chiggers

The diatomaceous earth is a completely natural and organic remedy to eliminate chiggers. It is formed from sedentary rocks. It can help you getting rid of severe chiggers infestation in your home and backyard. If you are dealing with large and severe chigger infestation then you should use a broadcast application of the product. This technique not only helps get rid of chiggers naturally but also ward off other pests in your lawn and garden as well. You just need to get some diatomaceous earth or DE and simply sprinkle it along the perimeter of your yard. You need to pay special attention to the region that is likely to be breeding grounds for the chiggers such as shady places, moist places, and areas with dense vegetation.

2.) Mowing the Lawn to Get Rid of Chiggers

The best way to get rid of chiggers is to prevent their re-infestation and this you can do by mowing your lawn and yard regularly. Now, this will ensure you that any lengthy vegetation is no longer entertained. Mowing the lawn and yard will eliminate the breeding grounds for the chiggers naturally. You need to make sure that you keep the grass short and keep pulling off unwanted weeds regularly. This method is one of the simplest and quite effective in eliminating the bugs among others. It will also help you inhibit moisture and shade which are the part of a habitable environment for chiggers. This technique will definitely help you get rid of chiggers in your yard.

If your yard is heavily dense with bushes and trees then you need to make sure that it is well pruned so as to increase sunlight penetration and decrease humidity. You need to understand that the chiggers can stay dormant and return whenever they get favorable weather.

3.) Use Repellent to Get Rid of Chiggers

Bug repellent like DEET can be really effective in getting rid of chiggers fast. It is one of the most effective chigger repellents that can also be used for other mites. You just need to apply the repellent to the exposed skin, especially on the hands and legs. Its effect on your skin can last long for three to four hours. You should be careful while spraying it on your skin and avoid your mouth or eyes to come in contact with this chemical.

Please note that it is not intended to apply on covered skin and if you do so then it will cause serious skin irritation. So, use it only on the exposed areas of skin. You can simply refer the label for proper safety measures. But, do not use it before looking at the instruction. You should also not use it on a cut or wounded part of the skin. Some repellents can even damage clothing, nail polish, plastics, and painted or varnished surfaces. If you feel allergic reaction then immediately seek emergency medical treatment.

4.) Permethrin Treatments for Your Clothes

Permethrin repellents with 0.5% are also quite useful against chiggers. While using this you need to take proper precaution as it should only be applied to the clothes and not directly to the skin as well. It can last long for several days after the application and can remain on the clothes after being washed once or twice. In fact, it is better that you should treat the clothing one day before you wear them. Apply the repellent to all the sides of the clothing, paying special attention to the openings like necks, cuffs, and waistbands. Let the repellent dry before putting the clothes on. Before applying the repellent you should read label directions carefully. As with DEET repellents, it can also damage clothing, nail polish, plastics, and painted or varnished surfaces. If you feel allergic reaction then immediately seek emergency medical treatment.

5.) Get Help from Professionals to Get Rid of Chiggers

Do not loose your hope if preventative measures and home chemical remedies to get rid of your chigger problem are not working for you since you can anytime seek professionals help. Just call a professional exterminator to help you out. They are licensed to use high-intensity formulations of chemicals that are more hazardous to human health but yet more effective. They know the exact quantity and region where is should be used and also take care for any allergic reaction. For instance, the exterminator generally uses cyfluthrin, propoxur, or fluvalinate to get rid of chiggers naturally from your yard. You should avoid the treated areas until they get completely dry. Keep a close watch on small children and pets from walking over treated region, as well. Even after the application of these strongest chemicals, you might need to retreat the area after three weeks if the infestation is heavy enough.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Chigger Bites:

1.) Apply Ice to Get Rid of Chiggers

The ice packs are one of the most effective home remedies to get rid of chiggers bite itching and pain. Application of ice on the affected area will prevent swelling and itch naturally. It will help you in numbing the affected area and thus give you relief from the discomfort. You just need to wrap some ice in a muslin bag and directly apply it on the affected area.

2.) Use Calamine Lotion to Get Rid of Chiggers

The calamine lotion has been widely used to treat chigger’s bites pain and inflammation. This is quite popular treatment as it is a simple, inexpensive, and very effective remedy for relief insect bites. The major component in calamine is zinc oxide as the active ingredient. It can help you get rid of chigger bites itch naturally. It usually comes with a pleasant smell and does not cause stinging at any point of the bite. You can easily purchase some calamine from the local drugstore and simply apply it topically on your affected area.

3.) Baking Soda to Get Rid of Chiggers

Baking soda is one of the best home remedies to cure chiggers bite itch and irritation. It is alkaline in nature, which will help you to restore the pH of your skin. Its cooling effect on the skin will calm the burning sensation due to chigger bite. You just need to use baking soda paste a long way in relieving itch from the bites. To make the paste just mix a teaspoon of baking soda with some clean water until a consistent paste has been formed. Now, directly apply the paste on the area of chigger bites and allow it sit for ten minutes. You could also use vinegar instead of water to make the paste. However, do not leave the baking soda on for a long time since it can dry your skin in the excess. So keeping it for 10-15 minutes is more than enough.

4.) Listerine Mouthwash to Get Rid of Chiggers

Listerine mouthwash can be effective in treating chigger itch as it contains the ingredients that are anti-fungal and anti-itch. It contains menthol, which is known as the cooling agent, which can be a great remedy for chigger bites treatment. You can use any other mouthwash that contains menthol to treat the chigger bites. Wash up all the area, which is affected by the bite, and wipe dry. Simply soak a cotton ball or swab in the mouthwash and rub it on the bites.

5.) Tea Bags to Get Rid of Chiggers

Tea bags are great to treat chigger bites naturally. It contains anti-inflammatory property and element such as tannic acid. The tannic acid is known as the great skin itching suppressant. Tea bags also help to soothe and control pain caused by the bites as well as effectively reduce the inflammation. You can use any of the tea back whether black or green. The teabags will prevent the bite marks from becoming scars. Simply soak a tea bag in water and refrigerate it for a while to cool down. Now, place this on the chigger bites and keep repeating the process to soothe the pustules.