How to Get Rid of Cold?

As the winter comes, people starts suffering from a cold. It is a common infection. Most of the time cold goes away within four to seven days. Though there are many things to ease and help yourself to feel better, but we spend lots of money for the treatment of cold. You can get rid of cold by clearing your nasal passage with the home remedies like saline solution, steam and treating with right herb. Your diet also allows your body to fight the bacteria.

Symptoms of Cold:

  • Runny Nose
  • Sneezing
  • Congestion
  • Chills
  • Fever

Ways to Get Rid of Cold :

1.) Drink Warm Fluid to Get Rid of Cold

Drinking warm fluid helps your mucus to flow more since it loosens the secretion in your sinuses. Studies have shown that drinking warm fluid relieves cold symptoms such as a cough, sneezing, runny nose and it makes you feel better.

  • Stick with the herbal teas because it has many properties. Chamomile or peppermint will help you to rehydrate and adding some honey and lemon will enhance the effect, will soothe your throat.
  • Chamomile is very good for reducing stress, peppermint relieves nasal congestion.
  • Hot broth is very effective when you are suffering from the cold. Drink low sodium vegetable and chicken broth in large quantity. It will help you to soothe your throat and will loosen mucus to ease congestion.
  • Children and Adults both should avoid caffeine during cold, too much of coffee can dehydrate you.
  • Avoid alcohol, it may cause nasal congestion and worsen the condition

2.) Take a Steamy Bath to Prevent Cold

Steam bath moisturizes your nasal passage and gives your nose relief, this helps to ease your cold. Take hot bath each day with plenty of steam. Or you can even add menthol in your bath which is helpful to relieve congestion.

  • You can also heat up a pot of water, release a huge amount of steam. Remove a pot from a heater and place it on the placing surface.
  • Lean your head over the steaming pot, cover your head with the towel. Inhale the steam for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Do this two to four times a day.
  • You can also add some oil or peppermint to enhance the effect of steam. It helps to relieve sinus headaches and nasal congestion.
  • Do not use tree oil it is toxic to inhale.

3.) Humidifier to Treat Cold

Use a humidifier to keep moist the air inside your room. If your room is too dry, it could worsen the condition. Moreover, moist air keeps your nasal passage lubricated and make it easier to drain mucus in your nose.

  • You can also keep your room moist by boiling two cups of water in a pot and keep it in the corner of the room.
  • If you are using a humidifier, make sure to clean it daily because mildew easily grows in a damp environment.
  • Houseplant works as a natural humidifier, their leaves and stems release water vapor into the air. Houseplant cleans the carbon dioxide and other pollutant air.
  • Aloe vera, weeping fig, Chinese evergreen is the good choices as a houseplant to get rid of cold.

4.) Elderberry Extract for the Treatment of Cold

An elderberry plant is widely used in many medicines. It is very useful for breathing related problems. Elderberry extract has both antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties which stimulate the immune system and helps in fight cold. It is very effective to reduce nasal congestion and symptoms of respiratory illness.

  • You can also make an elderflower tea, boil a cup of water and steep 5 gm of dried elderflower for 10 to 15 minutes. Take the flower out and drink the tea two to three times daily.
  • You can find Elderberry extract in capsules and syrup.
  • Unripe or uncooked elderberries are poisonous.
  • You should consult with your doctor before taking elderberry and don’t take elderberry for a long time. It could give side effect to a pregnant lady and the person with low blood pressure and the people who take diabetic medicine.

5.) Ginger Tea to Get Rid of Cold

It is one of the best teas to treat the symptoms of the cold. A compound present in ginger called gingerol helps in to relieve the congestion in many ways. It reduces the inflammation in mucous membrane, when the swelling goes down, mucus flows down easily. Ginger is very helpful because your body desperately needs extra fluid when it is fighting off with illness.

  • Put 6 to 7 cups of freshly grated ginger root in the jar and add the 4 cups of water and boil them.
  • Sprinkle some cinnamon powder to it  if you want.
  • Squirt up and lemon and a dash of honey to the water.
  • Steep it for a few minutes.
  • Take a sip of your ginger tea and store the rest of tea in the refrigerator.

6.) Treat Cold with Syrup

If you are suffering from cold, you need some effective syrup, which could boost your immune system and could help to get rid of cold. Medical healing syrup, they are wonderful in taste. They not only work for elder but also for the children. If your throat is aching and you have no appetite, this syrup will definitely help you. This syrup includes cinnamon powder, marshmallow, licorice root, and ginger. Marshmallow and ginger are famous for helping a sore throat and racking cough, they are rich in mucilage which provide the coating for the mucous membrane that helps to get rid of cold. Ginger and cinnamon help to relieve the congestion and pain.

  • Boil 4 cups of water and add marshmallow, ginger, licorice root and cinnamon powder.
  • Boil it over the low heat until the jar gets half.
  • You can also add some organic honey.
  • Then remove the jar, let it bubble for 10 minutes.
  • Take 1 or 2 tablespoons 3 to 4 times daily.
  • Store the syrup in the refrigerator, this will last 3 to 4 weeks.

7.) Chest Salve to Cure Cold

This is a very effective recipe and very easy to make. This recipe will make you feel better and heal you faster. The recipe includes coconut and peppermint. Coconut has essential oil, which is very helpful for you to get rid of cold. Peppermint contains menthol, which gives you a cooling sensation that makes you breathe easier, even if you are stuffed up.

  • Melt the half cup of coconut oil and pour it into the heat safe airtight container.
  • Add 15 drops of peppermint essential oil and seal off while it gets cool.
  • Simply rub it on your chest and under your nose.
  • Keep this solution away from your eyes.

8.) Drink Enough Fluid to Get Rid of Cold

Drinking enough fluid will keep you hydrated and staying hydrated will help you to soothe a sore throat. Take enough liquid diet, drink juices, especially lemon juice because lemon is rich in vitamin C and helps to flush out the toxin present in your body or drink the broth. It will help your mucus to get out. To cure vomiting you need to drink a sports drink because sports drink contains electrolytes so it will help you to restore your electrolyte balance which you are keeping out in vomiting.

  • Mix half a lemon with one cup of warm water and put honey if you want. It will help to loosen congestion.
  • Warm one cup of apple juice, it will help you to get rid of a sore throat.
  • A healthy person should drink 2 to 3 liter of water, but if you are sick, you should plan to drink even more.
  • You should avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks if you are sick because alcohol and caffeine dehydrates you.

9.) Vitamin C to Feel Better from Cold

All citrus food are rich in vitamin C, it is antioxidant in nature and help to strengthen your immune system and enhance the recovery process. Adults should consume vitamin C between 65 to 90 mg a day, but not more than 2000 mg.

  • Lemon, kiwi, papaya, bell pepper, spinach are the good source of vitamin C.
  • Your body cannot store excess vitamin C so don’t over consume it.

10.) Aromatherapy to Treat Cold

It was found in research that aromatherapy enhances the result and fasten your recovery process to get rid of cold. You can put a few drops of essential oil in your steam bath and humidifier. Aromatherapy helps you to relax and prevent the stress.

  • You can make lemon balm, lemon balm help to reduce anxiety and improve relaxation. Take two to three gms of dried lemon balm or four to five fresh lemon leaves, steep it into the hot water for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Lavender helps to relieve fatigue and make you calm. You can put a few drops of lavender oil in your humidifier.