How To Get Rid of Cradle Cap?

We all must have seen cradle cap occurring in babies. A baby skin is a soft, fragile and delicate. It should be dealt with utmost care in order to get rid of cradle cap. Flaky dry skin that appears on the baby’s skin, is often misunderstood as dandruff. However, actually it isn’t dandruff, it is cradle cap or scientifically known as seborrheic dermatitis. Doctors refer to it as infant seborrheic dermatitis. It is a skin disease primarily prevalent among infants.

It appears like dandruff which could be visible in the areas like face, neck, ears, and armpits. Therefore, these areas must be cleaned regularly. Cradle cap should be treated as soon as possible. Therefore one must find ways to get rid of cradle cap as soon as he finds the symptoms. It’s also known as honeycomb disease, milk crust, Pityriasis capitis and infantile seborrhea dermatitis which have been discussed earlier.

Symptoms of Cradle Cap:

The very pronounce signs of cradle cap  include:

  • Oily, dry skin covered with flaky white or yellow flakes
  • Patchy scaling or thin crust on the cradle cap
  • Skin flakes
  • Possibly mildly red

Causes of Cradle Cap:

  • Patchy scaling or thick crusts on the scalp.
  • Oily or dry skin covered with flaky white or yellow scales.
  • Skin flakes
  • Possibly mild redness
  • Hormones passed from others to baby
  • Antifungal treatment
  • Baby’s oil gland results in overstimulation
  • Extreme weather
  • Some baby lotions, which contains alcohol
  • Irregular skin cleaning
  • Oily skin
  • Food allergies
  • Yeast growth in digestive track

Remedies to Get Rid of Cradle Cap:

1. Remove the Flakes with Fingers to Cure Cradle Crap

There will be no harm to the baby’s scalp if you use your hands to take off the scalp. It’s the most effective way to get rid of scales and dry patches that can be found when a baby is suffering from cradle cap. Peel and scrape away the deadly skin in order to get rid of cradle cap. Instead of using your fingers to pick off the scales one can use a pair of thin latex gloves (as long as your baby isn’t allergic to latex). Cover your hands with plastic to avoid being in touch with the scales directly. Remember that cradle cap isn’t contagious, and picking off the scales will make your baby more comfortable.

Don’t use tweezers or another sharp tool to remove the scales, since you may accidentally poke the baby’s head and cause an injury.

2. Tea Tree Oil to Get Rid of Cradle Cap

Off late tea tree has become one of the most popular remedies to cure cradle cap. Despite being considered as unique oil, it can hurt the skin if used in the access. It should not be applied directly onto the baby’s skin. In order to get rid of baby’s skin one needs to dilute tea tree oil. Mix tea tree oil and almond oil in small quantity. Mix it well and apply it onto the head of the baby. Leave it for 15 minutes. Remove flakes smoothly with a fine toothed comb. One can also mix 4-5 drops of tea tree oil in one tablespoon of olive oil and apply it on the infected area. Leave it for 5-10 minutes and rinse it with a fine-toothed cloth.

Note: Tea tree oil is very volatile oil. Avoid its contact with eye, mouth, and nose.

NOTE: Never apply hydrocortisone cream on the infant’s head because it contains steroids.

3. Coconut Oil to Get Rid of Cradle Cap

Coconut oil is very proactive on cradle cap. It is one of the easiest remedies to get rid of cradle cap. You only need to apply some coconut oil in order to get rid of excess oil on the baby’s head, which would cover the infected area. One must use a fine and soft, smooth comb to remove flakes. Once you are done with combing, it is advisable to use a mild shampoo to wash baby’s hair, which helps in removing extra flakes. Then use a soft towel to wipe off the baby’s head.

4. Cider Vinegar for Cradle Cap Treatment

The Apple Cider Vinegar’s acidic property helps in removing cradle cap among toddlers. This remedy suggests adding apple cider vinegar in water in a small quantity. Now massage it gently on the problematic area. Let it rest for 10 minutes. Rinse it off at the time of bathing. Apple cider vinegar will fight against the dead skin.

5. Baking Soda for Cradle Cap Treatment

Cradle cap is very common in toddlers. To relieve the symptoms of cradle cap, baking soda can be an effective home remedy. You have to form a paste by mixing a small quantity of water in 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda. Stir it well and apply it on the infected area. Let it sit for some time and use a soft comb to remove flakes. One can also make a paste by mixing natural oil with baking soda. Mix both the ingredients in a ratio of 1:1 ratio and apply it on the baby’s scalp. Use a soft comb to pick out the flaky material.

6. Cradle Cap Brush for the Treatment

An infant’s body is soft, very delicate, fragile and tender. Therefore, keeping the infant’s body in mind, there are many brushes that are there in the market. They have soft bristles which will help in getting the cradle cap removed. Therefore, one must use the cradle cap gently while in order to remove the dry skin. It can also be used after applying natural oil.

7. Fine Toothed Comb to Get Rid of Cradle Cap

When a baby is suffering from cradle cap, one must use a fine-toothed comb to pick out the flakes from the head. The flakes or scales can be easily removed after oiling the head. Note: Don’t use excess pressure while using a comb when you are removing scales.

8. Baby Shampoo to Get Rid of Cradle Cap

Baby shampoo is a good remedy to get rid of cradle cap naturally. The mildness of the shampoo helps in loosening the flakes of cradle cap. One just requires soaking the baby’s head with lukewarm water. Add some baby shampoo and gently rub on the head. Wash it with warm water. Use a fine-toothed comb over the cradle cap.

9. Mineral Oil to Get Rid of Cradle Cap

Mineral oil provides a natural cure for cradle cap. One is advised to apply some mineral oil on baby’s head. Let it stay on the baby’s scalp for a few hours. Then properly rinse off baby’s hair and scalp with the help of clean, wet washcloth in a circular movement. This method will remove flakes from scalp very easily.

10. Olive Oil to Get Rid of Cradle Cap

Olive Oil is more commonly utilized for healing cradle cap for infants. In order to remove the crust like scales and flakes from the baby’s scalp, apply some olive on his or her head. Let it mix for about 15 minutes. Olive oil will soak the dry scales. You can remove it either with a fine-toothed comb or a washcloth.

11. Shea Butter to Get Rid of Cradle Cap

Shea butter is an instant remedy for cradle cap. It is very natural so will not hurt the soft and tender skin of the baby. Shea butter is very easily absorbed by the skin of the scalp. It does not leave any greasy element behind in the form of residue. We must see that it does not provide and prevent the growth of oil and dandruff.

12. Medicated Anti-Dandruff to Cure Cradle Cap

Medicated shampoos or anti-dandruff is one of the best remedies for cradle cap. These shampoos have tar, which works on flakiness and protects the skin from getting dry. It also contains salicylic acid, sulfur. You have to wash your baby’s hair gently with medicated anti- dandruff shampoo.

13. Almond Oil in order to Treat Cradle Cap

Almond oil is very safe in order to prevent cradle cap in babies. A baby’s skin is very soft and delicate. Therefore, almond oil should be applied over the infected area for a few minutes. With the help of a fine toothed comb, remove the flakes carefully. One can use a soft washcloth instead of a comb.

14. Hydrocortisone Cream to Cure Cradle Cap

Hydrocortisone cream is a recommended by dermatologists, which treat cradle cap effectively.  This cream is also helpful against skin diseases, like eczema. Apply a small quantity of hydrocortisone cream on the damaged area in the morning. Analyze the effects and if needed, apply some more cream before sleeping.

15. Calendula to Cure Cradle Cap

The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of Calendula herbal plant help in relieving the symptoms of cradle cap. Use Calendula cream on the troubling area regularly until you get the satisfactory results. It will surely provide relief.