How to Get Rid of Dark Spots on Face?

how to get rid of dark spots on face

Dark spots are common skin problems. Sometimes it can make you feel embarrassed. These are common skin problems in adults or old aged people. Sometimes if you get acne or a blister, it leaves the spots behind. It makes you feel shy when you are standing in front of the mirror, and you see the dark spots on your face. These dark spots are also known as hyperpigmentation which happens when the skin gets exposed to the sun and the production of melanocyte is increased. It causes darkening of the skin. These dark spots can appear on your hands, face, leg or back. So the factors that cause dark spots are sun rays, acne, vitamin deficiency, hormone imbalance, aging, stress or any other genetic factor. Everybody wants to get rid of dark spots on face.

The dark spots can sometimes be permanent. But most of the time it is easily curable and you can have lighter skin. Having dark spots is not considered as a medical emergency. It also do not spread from one person to another.

Causes of Dark Spots:

  • Aging
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Stress
  • UV rays
  • Genetic factors

Symptoms of Dark Spots:

  • Skin pigmentation
  • Blisters on the skin
  • Dull and damp skin
  • Dark patches on skin

Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Spots on face:

If you are annoyed with your dark spots on your beautiful face. No need to worry. Here are some simple home remedies to get rid of dark spots on face.

1.) Sandalwood to Get Rid of Dark Spots on Face

Sandalwood is an another effective option to get rid of pimples, dark spots, patchy skin. Moreover, sandalwood is very effective in soaking of excess oil from the face. It makes the skin clear and glowing. Sandalwood soothes the skin and heals the dark pigmentation. It is very easy to use and is very effective. Take a teaspoon of sandalwood powder. Add some water to make its paste. You can also add honey, lemon or rose water in it. Now apply this paste on dark spots. Leave it to dry. Wash it gently with water. For amazing results, do this remedy twice a day for around one week. Sandalwood will help to get rid of dark spots on face with no side effects.

2.) Aloe Vera for Dark Spots

Aloe Vera has many healing properties. It is a great natural dark spot rectifier. Aloe Vera consists of gel, fibres and polysaccharides, which help to stimulate the skin cells and in turn reduces the dark spots.  Moreover, it helps to regenerate the new skin. It cures the blemishes and makes the skin clear. Take a leaf of Aloe Vera. Cut it to take out its gel. Apply this gel on the patched area and dark spots. Gently massage your face with fingertips for a few minutes. Leave it for some time to dry out. Wash it with water. Repeat this method twice a day. For better results, use aloe vera daily until you get rid of dark spots on face.

3.) Potato to Treat Dark Spots on Face

Potatoes are famous vegetables, which are easily in the market. It consists of starch, which gives the cooling effect to the skin. It works as a natural bleaching agent. Potatoes help to get rid of dark faces by fading the spots and reducing the pigmentation. To use this remedy, take a potato. Peel it and make its mask. Lay down on the chair in a relaxing position. Apply this mask the dark spots on face. Keep it for 20 minutes. Wash your face with cold water. Do this remedy  twice a day for one week to treat dark spots. It is a natural way with no side effects.

4.) Lemon to Cure Dark Spots on Face

Using a lemon juice is a quick and easy solution to lighten the dark spots on your face. It consists of vitamin C which helps to cure the pigmentation. Moreover, it is easily available from any grocery store. Lemons rejuvenate your skin and make it to glow. Take 1 lemon. Squeeze out its juice in some utensil. With the help of cotton ball, apply it on your face on the affected area. You can also add honey, rose water in it. Allow it to dry. Wash your face with plain water. Continue applying this remedy for one week. If your skin is delicate, dilute lemon juice by putting some water in it.

5.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Heal Dark Spots

An apple cider vinegar can help to treat the dark spots. It consists of acetic acid, which helps to ease pigmentation and itching on the skin. It is a great astringent and cure dark patches. Mix equal amount of apple cider vinegar and water. Take a cloth and soak it in the liquid. Now drape that cloth on the affected skin area. You can also add a cup of apple cider vinegar in a bathtub with lukewarm water. Soak yourself in this water for about 20 minutes. This will balance the pH level of patchy skin and promote healing. Using apple cider vinegar will help to treat the dark spots on face.

6.) Olive Oil to Get Rid of Dark Spots on Face

Olive oil is a good and natural moisturizer which is very effective for dark spots. It is also a lubricant which can be used for the treatment of acne, pimples. Olive oil contains fatty acids, which provides moisturizer to the lips and also helps the cracked and damp area to get rectified. To get rid of dark spots on face one should apply the olive oil regularly. It keeps the lips smooth and supple. Take a cotton ball and put some drops of olive oil on it and gently rub it on the face. It will prevent the face from drying. For better results do it twice a day.

7.) Mint for Dark Spots on Face

Mint is a natural cooling agent and soothes whatever it touches, and dark spots are no exception. Along with mint, mint tea also heals the damaged skin. The tannic acid and theobromine found in green tea helps to treat the dark spots and helps in relieving the marks. Take 3 cups of mint and around 5 tea bags. Put these in a boiling water and cover it with a lid. Gently stir it and letting it sit for approximately an hour. Refrigerate the mixture and apply it on the spots with the help of cotton ball. You can also pour it over the burn if you wish. You can also substitute green tea with black tea.

8.) Margosa to Get Rid of Dark Spots on Face

Margosa is very effective in treating dark spots. It is strong in anti-bacterial properties. It treats dry skin and removes the dark patches. Moreover, it soothes the skin and prevents unwanted breakouts. The other agents like omega 3, omega 6 helps to heal the dark spots. Take some fresh leaves of margosa. Crush them to make its paste. Apply this paste on the dark spots on face. Keep it for some time. Clean your face with plain water. Use this remedy regularly to get rid of dark spots on face. This remedy is very effective to treat a skin problem. Try it and enjoy with the the fruitful results.

9.) Basil for Dark Spots Treatment

Basil is also known as tulsi. It is a medicinal herb. It is known for its wonderful healing properties. Basil is antibiotic and anti-fungal in nature. It kills the germs and keeps away pimple formation. Moreover, it treats all the skin problems like dark spots. To use this remedy take some fresh leaves of basil. Crush it to make its paste. Apply this paste on the dark spots on face. Keep it to dry. Now wash it with normal water. Pat dry. Do this remedy twice a day. This method is easy to do and will give you amazing results.

10.) Avocado to Treat Dark Spots on Face

Avocado is a natural moisturizer whose extracts is widely used in skin moisturizing products. It helps in keeping the skin moist and helps the patchy skin to heal. Take an avocado and mash it. Make a paste of avocado and apply it to your lips. Leave it for 20-30 minutes and wash it with cold water. Cold water will help to keep the skin moisturized and heal the dark spots on the face.
