How to Get Rid of Gas Naturally?

This article is about  remedies to get rid of gas. Passing the gas is a normal body function. The problem comes when you pass the wind or get a lot of gas that smells foul which is toxic to the body. It must be cured as soon as possible. It is such an awkward situation when you are in a public area and you have to hold it. This causes an upset stomach, bloating and other problems which are not good for the health.

The gas can get accumulated in the large intestine and in the small intestine. It is always produced during the digestive process. The gas is absorbed into the bloodstream and exhaled. When it is released, it is known as gas or flatulence. It creates and accumulates pressure against the intestinal wall. When your body produces excessive gas, it is a sign that a large amount of food are going through the gut undigested. Read this article and follow the tips to get rid of gas or to avoid flatulence and gastric problem.

Symptoms of Gas:

  • Cramping
  • Intense pain
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Flatulence
  • Loss of Appetite

Causes of Gas:

  • Constipation
  • Swallowed air
  • Consumption of carbonated beverages like beer or soft drinks.
  • Certain types of food such as food that contain soluble fiber.
  • Eating too fast
  • Chewing a gum

Best Remedies to Get Rid of Gas:

1.) Peppermint Tea to Treat Gas Naturally and Fast

Peppermint is great for soothing stomach and easing the gas pain. Due to the presence of essential oil in peppermint, it has an antispasmodic effect which helps to smooth muscle of the digestive tract. It will also soothe nerves and the stomach. Drinking a cup of peppermint tea will help to keep things moving slowly.

Directions to Use Peppermint Tea:

  • Heat up a cup of water and add natural peppermint tea to it.
  • Allow it to sit for 10 to 15 minutes then strain the solution.
  • Drink this peppermint tea daily to get rid of gas.

2.) Ginger to Get Rid of Gas Fast

When you are suffering from indigestion or stomach flu, ginger is the best option to calm your upset stomach. Since it has several chemical components, ginger works great for your stomach. It helps to prevent the formation of excess gas or helps to expel it.

Directions to Use Ginger:

  • Take a medium-sized piece of raw ginger root and make thin slices of it.
  • Put these slices in a large mug and add a little lemon and honey to it.
  • Now pour hot water into this mug. Cover it and let it steep for ten minutes before drinking.
  • Drink it after having a meal to help with digestion.

3.) Coriander for Gas Treatment

Coriander has several health benefits and out of many health benefits, it helps to treat indigestion. It helps in settling the stomach and you will get relieve from burning sensations gas.

Directions to Use Coriander:

  • Take a cup of buttermilk and add some roasted coriander seeds to it.
  • You can also boil a cup of water and add 1 tsp of dried coriander leaves to it.
  • Drink either of these solutions to treat gas fast.

4.) Lemon Water to Prevent Gas Fast

A glass of warm lemon water every morning keeps the doctor away. Lemon is very beneficial in many ways including treating gas. The water removes all the toxins out and keeps your digestion tract moving. It will detoxify your liver and helps in treating gas.

Directions to Use Lemon Water:

  • When you get up in the morning, heat up a glass of water and add 1 to 2 tbsp of lemon juice to it.
  • Drink this lemon water daily in the morning to prevent gas.

5.) Fennel Seeds to Get Rid of Gas Fast

Fennel seeds have several medical advantages therefore, it can help to treat the heartburn as well. It will help to settle your stomach and reduce the burning sensations which is a common symptom of the gas.

Directions to Use Fennel Seeds:

  • Take a glass of buttermilk and add roasted fennel seeds to it.
  • You can also add 1 tsp of dried leaves to a glass of hot water.
  • Drink it daily for better relief.
  • You can also consume half tsp of fennel seeds powder twice a day.

6.) Chamomile Tea to Cure Gas Fast and Naturally

Chamomile tea is one of the best natural remedies for gas treatment. It has antispasmodic and mitigating properties that help to treat the acid reflux and indigestion. It provides the calming and soothing effect to your stomach.

Directions to Use Chamomile Tea:

  • Heat up a glass of water and add 1 tsp of chamomile tea to it.
  • Strain the solution and a little lemon juice and honey to it.
  • Drink it daily in the morning to get relief from gas.

7.) Pumpkin to Treat Gas Fast

Gas is caused by improper food digestion or due to the high fiber foods which create flatulence. Pumpkin is very beneficial as it reduces the amount of gas created. You can eat it with any meal.

Directions to Use Pumpkin:

  • Eat a cup of pumpkin with your meal to treat gas.
  • You can have it steamed, baked or roasted.

8.) Garlic to Get Rid of Gas Naturally and Fast

Garlic contains pungent heating quality which helps to stimulate the gastric fire and give relief from stomach gas. However, make sure that you consume it in a limit. Consuming it 2-3 times a day is more then sufficient.

Directions to Use Garlic:

  • You can consume garlic soup to reduce gas. It also helps in proper digestion.
  • Add some ground garlic in boiling water for a few minutes. Now add a few cumin seeds and black pepper to it. Strain this solution and let it cool at room temperature. Drink it 2 or 3 times in a day for quick results.

9.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Prevent Gas Fast

Apple cider vinegar is used in several treatments like indigestion and gas. It will soothe the stomach and will give you quick relief. If apple cider vinegar is not available, you can try regular vinegar for gas treatment.

Directions to Use Apple Cider Vinegar:

  • Warm up a glass of water and add 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar to it.
  • Allow the water to cool at room temperature and then drink this solution.

10.) Cardamom to Treat Gas Fast

Cardamom is one of the best home remedies. It helps to speed up digestion and give you relief from stomach pain. It is easily available and you can add it to your meals also for proper digestion.

Directions to Use Cardamom:

  • Simply add some roasted cardamom powder to rice or lentils and vegetables before cooking to prevent gas.
  • You can chew whole pods of cardamom 2 or 3 times in a day to relieve stomach gas.
  • You can also prepare a tea by steeping a few cardamoms with a small slice of fresh ginger and 1 tsp of fennel seeds in boiling water for a few minutes.
  • Drink this tea warm, many times a day.

Other Tips:

  • Lying down on your stomach will help you to release gas.
  • Chew some anise seeds that will help you to get relief from gas.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day that will prevent gas and bloating.
  • Eat food slowly and chew your food well. Don’t swallow food.
  • Do some light exercises that help to speed up digestion and prevent gas.
  • You can take over the counter medications to relieve gas.