How to Get Rid of Heartburn?

In this article, we will discuss ways to get rid of heartburn, stomach pain, chest pain at the back of breastbone and feeling the burning sensations in the stomach are the main symptoms of heartburn problem. The main cause of burning sensations is rising of stomach acid juices in the esophagus because of the valve between the stomach and esophagus when it doesn’t close correctly, which results in problems like heartburn. It mostly happens when you eat fatty, spicy, fried or foods which contain acids.

Here we are giving you some natural home remedies to avoid heartburn and other usual problems occur due to it like difficulty in breathing, bloating, nausea, gas etc.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Heartburn:

1.) Baking Soda to Get Rid of Heartburn

Baking soda is a natural antacid which works instantly to give relief from heartburn pain. It is also called sodium bicarbonate and is effective in the treatment of heartburn. It is one of the best home remedies for hangover treatment.


  • Take a glass of water, add one tablespoon of baking soda into it and mix it well.
  • Drink the solution for quick relief. you can add some drops of lemon juice also in it to make it more effective.

2.) Fennel Seeds to Get Rid of Heartburn

To control the stomach acid production you can chew fennel seeds more than a few times in a day. It helps in freshening   breath also.


  • All you need is two teaspoon full of fennel seeds in one cup of hot boiling water.
  • Leave it for ten minutes and strain the same into a fresh cup.
  • Drink this solution when it is drink warm.

3.) Mint to Get Rid of Heartburn Symptoms

To treat heartburn and indigestion problems mint is also a helpful ingredient which provides relief from indigestion problems due to its soothing qualities. It is considered one of the best home remedies for hangover symptoms treatment.


  • Crush the mint leaves and add one tablespoon of it to one cup of water.
  • Leave the same for next half an hour.
  • Drink it twice to thrice a day.
  • To control heartburn chewing of fresh mint leaves is also a useful home remedy. Do not use mint if you have an acid reflux problem.

4.) Ginger to Get Rid of Heartburn

Use of ginger to prevent heartburn is very helpful. It works in dual way-first it helps to calm the nerves which cause heartburn problem and second it is a good absorbent for acid in the stomach.

You can use ginger in different ways as suitable for you. Eat it fresh and raw pieces of ginger directly can use this natural herb in your food while cooking as a spice ingredient or you can go for a cup of tea made up with ginger. You can use ginger repeatedly to avoid heartburn problem.


  • One tablespoon freshly grated ginger in a cup of boiling water.
  • Leave it for few minutes.
  • Drink this herbal and natural ginger tea few times daily.

5.) Vinegar to Get Rid of Heartburn

The acid reflux causes the problem of heartburn. If you are suffering from acid reflux then vinegar can help to trigger sphincter lower to the esophagus to close .which results in avoiding rising of acid in the stomach.  there are so many kinds of vinegar available in the market  but the apple cider is the best option for heartburn issues as it works as a helpful and best  home remedy for the treatment.


  • Take one glass of water and add a single or a double tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into it.
  • Drink the same before you go for your meal.

6.) Aloe Vera Juice to Get Rid of Heartburn

Aloe Vera is one of the very useful home remedies ingredients in treating many health related issues and is well known for the treatment of heartburn problem.  Freshly extracted juice of Aloe Vera plant will help you to get rid of heartburn fast as it reduces inflammation and heals the gastrointestinal area.


  • To get the best results. We will suggest you to take a quarter cup of freshly extracted Aloe Vera juice approx. twenty minutes before you go for a meal. Make sure you do not drink in excess quantity as excessive use of it can cause pain in abdomen or diarrhea.

7.) Milk to Get Rid of Heartburn Symptoms

A cold glass of milk is an easy solution for the initial or soft heartburn signs. Chilled milk loosens up the valve between esophagus and stomach which causes rising of acid in the stomach and leads to heartburn. if you are not much fond of milk you can go for other dairy products which work in the same way to avoid heartburn issues.


  • The people who experience heartburn on uncommon events or occasions, drinking a glass of chilled milk is a reliable and easy home remedy for them.

8.) Slippery Elm to Get Rid of Heartburn

Slippery elm is known for its medical qualities and has been in used for centuries for the treatment of various diseases which includes heartburn also. It thickens the mucous lining hence creates an effective and useful protection in opposition to acid in your stomach.


  • Take one cup of hot water then add a teaspoon full of slippery elm powder to it.
  • Drink the same after having your meal before you go to sleep.

9.) Cabbage Juice to Get Rid of Heartburn Symptoms

Cabbage juice helps to improve several digestion problems which include heartburn also. Juice of cabbage contains anti-inflammatory qualities and is helpful in reducing heartburn problems.


  • Take a juicer or blender and grind two fresh carrots with fresh cabbage in it.
  • Drink this one and a half cup of carrot and cabbage juice in morning empty stomach to avoid heartburn.
  • Juices made up of other vegetables like cucumbers, beets or carrots are also helpful in reducing the rising and construction of acid which is the main cause of heartburn problem.

10.) Almonds to Get Rid of Heartburn Symptoms

Almond also plays an important role in the treatment of heartburn issues.  It is also considered one of the best home remedies for hangover treatment. Here are the directions.


  • You should eat three or four almonds immediately after having a meal or snack.
  • You can also opt for raw, salted or roasted almonds which ever you prefer. Chew them thoroughly. This will release the oil which will help in calming the production of acid in your stomach.

11.) Chew gum to Get Rid of Heartburn

According to a study conducted by the Journal of Dental Research, it was found that people who have symptoms of chronic heartburn or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), experienced a lot of relief when they chewed a sugar-free gum for 30 minutes after having a meal.

Chewing gum helps in stimulating the salivary glands and enhances the flow of saliva. Any acid which builds up in the gut gets diluted and washed away more quickly. The clearance of acid then enhances the symptoms of GERD. This principle can be applied on heartburn as well. It’s our normal saliva which we swallow that makes regular bouts of reflux.


  • Chew piece of sugar-free gum after having a meal.
  • Chew it for half an hour to get relief from heartburn.

12.) A Cup of Chamomile to Get Rid of Heartburn Symptoms

Having a cup of chamomile tea about half or one hour before going to bed is considered an ideal solution for treating heartburn. This will help in reducing inflammation in your stomach, and also help in balancing the acidity levels. It also works effectively in relieving stress, which can cause acid reflux. A cup of chamomile tea will also help you sleep better. You can either go for instant chamomile tea, or you can easily brew your own.


  • Take one cup of water in a cooking pot and boil it.
  • Later lower the heat and stir in one teaspoon of dried chamomile petals.
  • Allow it to simmer for about forty seconds.
  • Remove it from the heat and allow the petals soak for one minute more. Then strain it.
  • Pour the tea into a cup and add some honey or lemon if you like.

Individuals will act differently to above home remedies. You can go through all the remedies until you find the best suitable solution for you. If you are suffering persistent or severe heartburn, you should consult a doctor immediately to make sure that it is not a sign of any other serious condition.