How to Get Rid of Hickeys Fast?

You wake up after a night of fun and decide to take a look at yourself in the mirror. But wait! Are those hickeys littering your skin? If you’re unlucky enough, this bruise may be located in a place that is easily visible to other people. So now, you’re forced to wear a scarf or a turtleneck to conceal these bruises from the scrutinising eyes of your peers and strangers. Fortunately, there are ways that can help you get rid of hickeys fast.

This hickey, also teasingly referred to as a love bite, is a type of bruise. It occurs when the skin is kissed or sucked on too hard. This causes the delicate, fine capillaries under the skin to rupture. Which, in turn, results in blood pooling and clotting under the skin. This becomes visible as a dark red spot in that area and is what is called a hickey. A fresh hickey will be red or dark red in colour. But as it heals, it will turn to brown or purple, before it fades away. It is also possible for the area of the hickey and around it to swell.

Methods to Get Rid of Hickeys Fast:

1.) Cold Compress to Cure Hickeys Overnight

This method works best if applied immediately after getting a hickey. The cold aids in constructing the broken capillaries, which in turn reduces bleeding. It helps to relieve pain and reduce any swelling that may be present. But there is a risk of ice burn or frostbite if you place an ice cube directly on the hickey. So, use a cold compress to get rid of hickeys fast.

  • Use an ice pack, or simply make your own ice pack. All you need is a cloth and a handful of ice cubes. Wrap the ice cubes in the cloth and place it on the hickey. Hold it in place for a few minutes.
  • Alternatively, you may place a metal spoon in the freezer for 10 minutes. Press the now cold spoon into the affected area. Gently rub it on and around the hickeys.
  • Repeat these methods for as many times as possible. Depending on how dark the hickey is it can disappear in a day or less.

2.) Remove Hickeys Fast with Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is an excellent way to get rid of hickeys fast and naturally. This natural moisturiser helps to reduce the sensitivity of the damaged skin. Hence, it is good to soothe any pain felt from the hickeys. In addition, Aloe Vera is rich in antioxidants, amino acids and vitamin E. These help to repair damaged skin fast, as well as healing the burst capillaries under the skin.

  • To apply this method, you will need an Aloe Vera plant or some Aloe Vera gel.
  • Break off a piece of the Aloe Vera leaf. With a knife, peel away the green skin to expose the clear gel-flesh. Massage this gel gently on and around the hickeys. Leave this to dry.
  • If you don’t get the plant, then you can simply obtain Aloe Vera gel from any natural health store.
  • Do this twice or thrice a day.

3.) Hot Compress to Treat Hickeys

The opposite treatment to a cold compress is a hot compress. You may be wondering how these opposing methods can work to get rid of hickeys fast. The heat treatment works by dilating the capillaries and encouraging an increase in blood flow. These new blood vessels will flush out the dead ones, clearing the bruise out from under the skin. This treatment is especially relevant for hickeys that are 2-3 days old.

  • Make your own hot compress with some hot water and a clean washcloth. Check that the water is not hot enough to burn your skin. But it should be hot enough to encourage the blood flow.
  • Soak the washcloth in this hot water and wring out the excess. Place this directly on the hickey.
  • After the heat has been soaked up by your skin, you can gently massage around the hickeys with your fingers. This will further help to clear the area of dead blood cells.

4.) Massage to Get Rid of Hickeys Overnight

This is one other method to get rid of hickeys fast and overnight. Massaging the area of the hickeys can help to scatter the clotted blood from under the skin. This will help to reduce the vibrancy and colour of the hickeys. To increase the effectiveness of this method, you can use some essential oil as well. But keep in mind that the effectiveness of this method depends on the severity of the hickeys.

  • First, add a drop of any essential oil to ½ a teaspoon of coconut oil. Eucalyptus or cypress are considered the best for promoting blood circulation.
  • Coat 2 of your fingertips with this oil.
  • Massage firmly over the hickeys in a consistent circular motion.
  • After rubbing like this for 2 minutes, change the direction of the rubbing motion and continue to massage.

5.) Bananas to Get Rid of Hickeys Fast

One natural way to get rid of hickey fast is to use a banana. Or rather, the peel of the banana that under normal circumstances you would simply discard. But it has been shown that it contains a certain enzyme that can help to disperse a hickey from on your skin. In addition, it has cooling and soothing properties that are helpful to reduce the visibility of a hickey.

  • You will need the peel of a ripe banana for this method.
  • Cut out a piece of the peel that is just a little bigger than the hickeys. Cut 1 piece for each hickey.
  • Place the cut peel on your hickey, with the inside touching your skin. Gently rub this in circles on the hickeys and then leave it there for 20-30 minutes.
  • Repeat this method 2-3 times daily and watch the size of the hickeys dramatically reduce.

6.) Remove Hickeys Fast with Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is extremely effective to get rid of hickeys fast, but only within the first few hours from getting them. This solution possesses soothing and cooling properties that help to quell the pain of a hickey. In addition, it is a mild disinfectant that can aid to disperse a hickey faster.

  • First, soak a cotton ball in some rubbing alcohol.
  • Now, use this to rub gently on the hickey. Rub in a circular motion, and even massage a little outside the hockey to help disperse the clotted blood from under the skin.
  • Do this for several minutes. After, apply a dollop of moisturiser as rubbing alcohol can be drying for the skin.
  • Repeat this, several times, for 2 days.

7.) Peppermint to Treat Hickeys Naturally

This herb contains stimulant effects that aid to promote blood flow. The cooling effect of the menthol in peppermint can diminish any pain felt from the hickeys. In addition, it can help to speed up the healing process to repair the broken capillaries.

  • You will need a handful of peppermint leaves for this.
  • Wash them well, then use a mortar and pestle to crush them, in order to release the juices. Pick up these juicy leaves and apply right on the hickeys.
  • Leave this on for 5 minutes to allow your skin to absorb the juices. You can massage the area gently after.
  • Alternatively, apply a dollop of peppermint toothpaste and spread over the hickeys. Wash this off after 5-10 minutes.
  • Repeat this remedy only once a day.

8.) Vitamin K to Treat Hickeys Fast

Vitamin K is excellent to help in preventing blood from clotting. This vitamin has anticoagulant properties, which aids your body to reabsorb any blood that may be in the process of clotting. Using vitamin K can help to speed up the healing process to get rid of hickeys fast.

  • All you will need is a cream or lotion that is enriched with vitamin K. You may even use vitamin K oil, specifically made to help heal various conditions of the skin.
  • Apply this over the hickeys and firmly massage into the affected skin. Massage in a circular motion. Leave it to dry.
  • Apply this remedy 2-3 times over 2 days, till the hickeys disappear.

9.) Cure Hickeys with Cocoa Butter Naturally

Pure cocoa butter is a wonderful healing agent to get rid of a number of bruises, like hickeys, fast. Not only does it moisturise your skin, leaving it supple and strong, it promotes the growth of new skin tissues. This characteristic of cocoa butter is effective to repair the damaged skin of the hickey.

  • Simply apply a hot compress to the hickeys first. Once the affected area has warmed up, apply the cocoa butter right on the hickeys.
  • Use your fingers to firmly massage this cream into the skin.
  • Repeat this several times over 2 days, till the hickeys disappear.

10.) Tea Bag to Rid of a Hickey Fast

The tea bag is packed with the wonderful properties that comes on hand to treat bountiful of skin related problems, amongst them hickey is one.

  • Simply clean the area.
  • Pour warm water in the cup and dip the tea bag in the cup.
  • Dab the same tea bag on the hickeys to remove the marks.

11.) Coin to Get Rid of Hickeys Fast

A painful way to get rid of remedy, though, but it is extremely effective. It improves the flow of the blood circulation and heals the blood clot that makes hickeys visible.

  • First, scratch the marks with your fingers. Do this very gently, otherwise, tou will end up hurting yourself.
  • Then take the largest coin, rub the edge of the on the hickey and around. You will feel uncomfortable while doing so, but do not stop and continue for a few minutes.
  • Gradually the method will help in the stimulate the blood flow and thus the marks will fade away.

12.) Small Cylindrical Objects to Remove Hickeys Fast

Another way to get rid of hickeys overnight is small cylindrical objects, like the caps of a pen, lipsticks and etc. This method is also painful like coin method. However, it is effective too like former.

  • All you have to do is apply the pressure of the small cylindrical object on the hickey.
  • Continue this for a few minutes.
  • Repeat this various times a day to get rid of hickeys overnight.

 13.) Get Rid of Hickeys Overnight and Fast with Pineapples

This delicious fruit can help to get rid of hickeys fast. Pineapples contain an enzyme called bromelain, which is typically used to treat muscle injuries and as a digestive aid. But when applied topically, this enzyme can help to remove blood clots that cause the hickeys and other bruises. In addition, it helps to reduce inflammation and pain.

  • All you need are a few pieces of cold pineapple. Use them to massage gently on the hickeys and leave the juice to dry.
  • Alternatively, soak a cotton ball in fresh pineapple juice. Apply this to the hickeys and leave it on to dry.
  • Repeat this many times for 2 days, till the hickeys disappear.

14.) Witch Hazel to Remove Hickeys Fast

Another home remedy that can prove effective for you, is witch hazel. It is a natural astringent thus fits best in the bill.

  • First, deep a cotton pad into the water and swipe it over the hickey.
  • After a few seconds with an another cotton pad apply witch hazel on the marks and leave it on for the few minutes. In the beginning, it will stink but that’s quite normal.

15.) Hide or Conceal the Marks

If you have to immediately leave the home and the hickeys are quite visible then the only option you are left is hiding them. Or conceal them with makeup products.

  • To hide a hickey you can use a scarf to wrap it around. Yo  can also wear jewellery but make sure they do not hurt you.
  • For concealing, use a foundation and concealer that matches your skin tone.