How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair?

A very common condition, ingrown hair occurs when the hair curls back or grows sideways into the skin. In most cases it is easily treatable, prevalently using self-treatment methods. In this article, we shall explore the causes of ingrown hair, how to identify ingrown hair and the various methods by which we can get rid of ingrown hair.

These growths are noted to occur primarily after puberty when the body hair start to get thicker and coarser. The removal of these hair leaves the sharp stump close to, and in some cases just below, the epidermal surface. This becomes prone to curling to the side or growing backward to reenter into the skin surface. These growths are mostly harmless, but they can lead to various cosmetic disfigurations. This ranges from possible scarring, post inflammatory hyperpigmentation or skin discoloration, to skin infections and, although rare, keloid scar formation.

Causes for Ingrown Hair:

Ingrown hair tends to occur more frequently in men, more than women, with naturally thick, coarse and curly hair, such as those of African-American or Hispanic descent. Ingrown hair appears commonly in higher concentration in areas with coarser hair, like armpits, legs and the bikini area in women. For men, they appear on the face and neck areas. Despite this ingrown hair can appear anywhere on the body. Ingrowth can occur due to,

  • Improper Shaving Techniques
  • Waxing
  • Tweezing of unwanted facial hair
  • Friction from Tight Clothing
  • Natural clogging of hair follicle with dead skin cells and other debris

Symptoms of Ingrown Hair:

A benign condition, ingrown hairs usually appear as a small tan, and sometimes pink, bump under the skin surface. A small dot (often dark) may be visible through this bump; this is the hair trapped under the skin. Here are some signs and symptoms to identify in order to then get rid of ingrown hair.

  • Pinkish, or tan, raised bump on the skin, often with a small pinpoint of hair protruding from the center
  • Smaller red or pink bumps surrounding hair follicles in areas that are frequently shaved
  • Itching or tenderness around the affected area
  • Slight inflammation of skin around the ingrown hair
  • Pustules; or the rare abscess
  • Hyperpigmentation (darkening skin)

Remedies to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair

Most ingrown hair cases are harmless and common. There are many existing home remedies to get rid of ingrown hair naturally. In fact, many such methods are inexpensive and easily available. For natural remedies of prevention or removal try one of the following remedies.

1.) Baking Soda for Ingrown Hair Treatment

Baking Soda is known to possess anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Due to these properties, it is a good option to prevent and treat ingrown hair, by reducing itchiness and redness. Furthermore, it acts as a natural exfoliator.

  • Take one part baking soda and one part water to prepare a concentrated solution, in almost a paste-like form.
  • Apply it over the affected area and leave for 5-10 minutes.
  • Wash it off with lukewarm or warm water.
  • Repeat this daily for at least a week or till the desired result is achieved.

2.) Honey to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair

Honey is widely known for its various health benefits and is used generously in beauty treatments. For example, honey is an excellent skin moisturizer. In addition to these benefits, honey acts as a good antiseptic and helps to reduce inflammation and swelling.

  • Use raw, unprocessed honey, apply a thick layer directly to the area of the ingrown hair.
  • Leave on for 10-15 minutes
  • Rinse with cold water after.
  • Repeat this twice or thrice a day till the desired result is achieved.

3.) Sea Salt to Cure Ingrown Hair

One of the best methods for preventing and getting rid of ingrown hair is exfoliation. Exfoliation is simply removing the dead skin cells and other debris from the surface of your skin. Sea Salt is a double winner for this treatment method as it exfoliates the skin as well as increases blood circulation to reduce inflammation.

  • Prepare a paste of Sea Salt and water. Avoid using scented sea salt as the chemical in the fragrance may aggravate already tender and sensitive skin.
  • Apply this paste with a wet cotton ball to the affected area and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this process twice daily until the ingrown hair is cured.

4.) Black Tea to Treat Ingrown Hair

Tea is well known to have antioxidant properties. The tannic acid in the black tea leaves will help to get rid of redness and soothe the itching and swelling of the infected area.

  • Wet the tea bag in warm water and leave it over infected area for 10 minutes or rub it over the affected area to spread the juices.
  • Alternatively, you can add some coconut water for a more potent mixture.
  • Steep a tea bag in a cup of water for about 5 minutes.
  • Strain this mixture and add the coconut water.
  • Soak a cotton ball in the mixture and apply over the affected area.Repeat this process daily for a week or till the desired result is achieved.

5.) Garlic to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair

Though it does not smell pleasant, but it can help to get rid of ingrown hair. The antibacterial and antiseptic properties make it a wonderful remedy for ingrown hair. Garlic is an easily available and inexpensive remedy.

  • Prepare a paste of crushed garlic cloves. Use organic garlic if possible.
  • Apply over the affected area and secure it with a bandage.
  • Leave this mixture to sit for 30-45 minutes
  • Wash off with a mild soap and warm water.
  • Repeat this twice daily till you achieve the desired results.

6.) Tea Tree Oil to Treat Ingrown Hair

A natural antiseptic, tea tree oil with its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties is effective in getting rid of ingrown hair and cysts. This can be applied directly to the infected area. Regular application will dislodge the hair from under the skin and then it is easily removable with tweezers. Alternatively, there are various ways to apply this remedy,

  • Prepare a diluted mixture of tea tree oil with some water. Clean the affected area thoroughly and apply it directly to the area.
  • Or additionally, mix 3 tablespoons of Olive oil with 1 tablespoon of tea tree oil and gently massage into and around the affected area. Let rest for 10-15 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.
  • As another option, you can mix 7 drops of Lavender oil and 12 drops of tea tree oil with 3 tablespoons of coconut oil and rub a small quantity into the skin after your chosen method of hair removal. This is an excellent remedy to treat as well as prevent ingrown hair.

7.) Oatmeal to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair

Oatmeal makes for a healthy, filling and nutritious meal. What you may not know is that oatmeal possesses antioxidant as well and anti-inflammatory properties, which work as a soothing agent for skin. The following method checks the growth of ingrown hair.

  • Prepare a mixture of equal parts ground oatmeal, yogurt, and honey into a partial paste.
  • Apply this paste over the affected area and leave on for 30-45 minutes.
  • Wash off with cold water.
  • Repeat after every time you use your chosen hair removal method.

8.) Sugar for Ingrown Hair Treatment

Much like sea salt, sugar is a natural exfoliator. It is also more readily available in everyone’s home. The natural exfoliating action of sugar brings out the ingrown hair, making it easier to remove with a pair of tweezers.

  • Mix a preparation for a scrub of some white sugar, extra virgin olive oil (or virgin coconut oil), 10 drops of Tea Tree Oil and some Lavender oil (for a pleasant fragrance)
  • Apply this scrub to the infected area and gently rub in circular motions for approximately 5 minutes.
  • Leave this on for 5-10 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this application one every day for at least a week or till you achieve the desired results.

9.) Aloe Vera for Treating Ingrown Hair

Aloe Vera is an excellent herbal remedy to get rid of ingrown hair. It provides instant relief from inflammation, redness, and itching. It keeps the skin moisturized and speeds up the healing process as well. The advantage of using Aloe Vera to treat ingrown hair is that there are no side effects. Unlike regular aftershaves, it doesn’t contain alcohol. Hence it prevents the burning sensation on the already tender skin.

  • Apply a fairly generous layer of Aloe Vera over the affected area.
  • Leave it to rest for 30-40 minutes.
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water
  • Repeat this process twice every day for a week or up till the desired result is achieved.

10.) Shaving to Prevent Ingrown Hair

A common cause for the growth of ingrown hair is poor shaving techniques. The cases for ingrown hair due to shaving affects the arms, armpits, legs, face and neck as these are the most frequently shaved areas. But it is very easy to prevent this from happening by using proper shaving techniques.

  • Ensure there is enough lubrication on the area you want to shave.  Do this either by wetting the skin or by lathering, it adequately with soap or shaving cream. Avoid dry shaving.
  • Shave in the direction of hair growth. Shaving against the direction of hair growth aggravates the skin and may cause razor burns or bruises.
  • Exfoliate the skin prior to shaving in order to prevent dead skin cells and other debris from being trapped in the hair follicles.
  • Avoid shaving too close to the skin.
  • Avoid using a dull razor blade.