How to Get Rid of Mucus?

Nasal mucus is a sticky liquid that works as a filter to prevent unwanted particles enter your body through your nose. It is a natural part of body defense, but sometimes it produced in excess. Mucus often accompanies cold and other respiratory infections. It is not a serious health problem, but if it is not treated timely, it can cold and irritate your bronchial tubes and in turn cause a secondary upper respiratory infection. The presence of phlegm is indicated by a constant need for throat clearing, runny nose, constant cough, and difficulty in breathing. Mucus contains the virus, bacteria or inflammatory cells produces in response to an infection. You can get rid of mucus using following remedies.

Ways to Get Rid of Mucus:

1.) Use a Neti Pot to Get Rid of Mucus

Neti pot is a pot resembles a small teapot. Neti pot flushes out the mucus trapped irritant and moisturize your nasal passage. The device is worked by putting distilled water in one nostril and allow it to come out from the other nostril. This process flushes out the unwanted germs and irritants.

  • Fill the neti pot with a glass of water, then lean over the sink or another area. Turn head sideway and hold the spout up to the upper nostril.
  • Tip the pot to the one side of the nostril and let it run out the other nostril. Repeat the process using another nostril.
  • This process is called irrigation because you are flushing out your nasal passages with a liquid to get rid of unwanted mucus. Use this process once or twice a day.
  • Neti pot is very effective it provides a soothing and moisturizing effect to the sinuses. A neti pot is very inexpensive and you can easily buy it from the market. Be sure to clean your neti pot thoroughly after each use.

2.) Avoid Irritant to Treat Mucus

Exposure to an irritant like smoke, strong chemical odors or a sudden change in temperature can cause sinuses to create even more mucus. Sometimes the mucus will run down the back of your throat known as postnasal drip. Or the irritant can cause your lungs to produce mucus. You will feel the need to cough to remove build up mucus.

  • Try to avoid using second-hand cigarette or cigar smoke. Or quit smoke if you do.
  • If you know about the things which can trigger your mucus, so take care to avoid situations.
  • Stay away from the burning of yard debris, or stay away from the smoke or a bonfire.
  • Other pollutants that we breathe can cause sinus problems. Watch for dust, yeast, molds, pet dander in your workplace and home. Be sure to change your air filter regularly to limit your exposure to irritants in the air of your home.
  • Chemical used in your work, exhaust fumes and even smog can trigger mucus production caused by something other than an allergen. This is called non-allergic rhinitis.

3.) Steam to Get Rid of Mucus

Steam is considered as one of the best remedies to get rid of mucus. Inhaling steam makes phlegm in liquid form and it becomes easier to eliminate from your system.

  • You can take a steam shower twice a day. Turn your shower to full heat, full heat will help to form an enough steam which is required but dont take bath from that water because it can burn your skin. Stay in the closed bathroom for 10 to 15 minutes to break up the mucus. Be sure to moisturize your body after because warm water and steam dry out your skin essential oil and moisturize.
  • Or you can use another method to inhale the steam. Pour hot water in large bowl. Cover your head with the towel and inhale the steam for five to 10 to 15 minutes. This will help to loosen the secretions in your lungs. Use this remedy three to four times a day.

4.) Ginger to Treat Mucus

Ginger is very effective to get rid of mucus. It works as a natural decongestant and has been using since ages to fight with throat and respiratory tract infection for ages.

  • The antibacterial, antiviral and expectorant properties of ginger help to ease congestion in the chest and throat to help you breath easier.
  • Boil a cup of water and add one tablespoon of fresh ginger in it.
  • Steep it for a few minutes.
  • You can also add honey if your want.
  • Drink this soothing tea several times a day to get rid of mucus.
  • Or you can also chew raw ginger slices several times a day or you can add ginger to your food while cooking.

5.) Turmeric to Reduce Mucus

Turmeric has strong antiseptic properties that help to kill the bacteria that causes excessive production of mucus. It also helps to strengthen the immune system and fight with internal diseases.

  • Boil a cup of milk and add one teaspoon of turmeric in it. Drink this milk once in the morning and once before going to bed.
  • Or,  you can add one-half teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of water. Drink this remedy three to four times a day to get rid of mucus.
  • Add a pinch of salt and one tablespoon of turmeric in a glass of hot water. Gargle from this mixture three times a day.

6.) Lemon Juice to Get Rid of Mucus

Lemon is rich in vitamin C and it has antibacterial properties that improve the body’s resistance to infection. It is a great ingredient for losing excessive mucus.

  • Add one tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of lemon juice with a glass of hot water.
  • Drink this solution at least three times a day to soothe your throat and reduce the production of mucus.
  • Or you can use another method. Cut a lemon into slices and sprinkle a little bit of pepper and salt in it. Then suck on the lemon slice.
  • It will force the mucus to get out of your throat. Use this method three times a day to get rid of mucus.

7.) Honey to Get Rid of Mucus

Honey has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties that make it a great home remedy for irritated throat and removing phlegm. It also has antiseptic properties that increase the immune system and fight from the infection faster.

  • You can add a pinch of black or white powder to one tablespoon of honey. Honey will help to soothe the mucus membrane while pepper with help to treat a throat infection.
  • Add one tablespoon of honey to a glass of warm water. Drink this solution several times a day to get rid of mucus. Water will help to thin mucus and honey will soothe your throat.

8.) Onion to Treat Mucus

Onion has as excellent anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and expectorant properties that help to relax your throat and get rid of excess mucus. It also helps to boost up the immune system and speed up the healing process. You can make a tonic with sugar and onion to increase the viscosity of mucus. Then it will be easier to expel.

  • Take and onion, then wash and finely chop into small pieces.
  • Take two tablespoons of sugar and mix the chopped pieces of onion and set it aside for half an hour. The mixture will convert into the liquid texture.
  • Take one tablespoon of this tonic in every two hours or when needed.
  • Store the extra tonic in a refrigerator for one or two days.

9.) Carrot to Cure Mucus

Carrot is very effective to get rid of mucus. It is an excellent source of Vitamin C, that boosts the immune system and build resistance to various kind of infection. Carrot is also full of many nutrients and vitamins that can help to reduce the symptoms of a cough.

  • Take four to five fresh carrot and extract the juice out of it.
  • Dilute a juice by adding a little water.
  • Add two to three teaspoon of honey if you want and mix it well.
  • Drink this juice throughout the day, it will help to clear your throat.

10.) Cayenne Pepper to Get Rid of Mucus

Cayenne pepper helps to release the mucus built up in the nasal passage and throat. It’s stimulating and warm nature of cayenne pepper also helps to reduce the pain in your chest and soothes an irritated throat.

  • Mix one fourth teaspoon of each fresh grated ginger and cayenne pepper and one tablespoon of each apple cider vinegar and honey with two tablespoons of water.
  • Drink this solution three times a day to reduce the production of mucus.
  • You can also use cayenne pepper in your cooking.