How to Get Rid of Razor Bumps?

In this article, we will discuss how to get rid of razor bumps. A feeling of irritation in a particular area after shaving is called razor bumps, it gives you a burning sensation with a rash which appears red in color. Sometimes it makes rash swollen and itchy as well.

Razor bumps usually happen with the men who shave frequently their faces. These bumps also can happen to women after shaving armpit and legs. There are many other causes of razor bumps like using a rough blade, use of harsh soap, use of razor on dry skin, skin sensitivity etc. As Razor bumps give you a lot of pain, so here we are providing you ten natural home remedies for the treatment of razor bumps, these home remedies provide you quick relief from bumps naturally.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Razor Bumps:

1.) Cold Compress to Cur Razor Bumps

To get the quick relief from burning sensations caused by razor bumps use of cold compress is very effective and easy. It reduces inflammation and has soothing effects on affected area. It also prevents the formation of razor bumps and reduces the itching with redness as well.

  • Wrap up some cubes of ice in a thin cloth or towel. Place the towel directly on the affected part for few a minutes.
  • Or, you can place a wet towel soaked in chilled water directly on the affected part for few a minutes.
  • Repeat the same as per requirement several times in a day.
  • To avoid razor bumps splash some cold water immediately on the shaved area after shaving.

2.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Get Rid of Razor Bumps

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid which is helpful in preventing skin infections. its anti-inflammation qualities reduce the burning sensation with itching as well. So the use of apple cider vinegar is very effective in treating razor bumps.

  • Soak a cotton swab in the apple cider vinegar and apply directly on the affected part.
  • Allow the infected area to absorb the vinegar properly and leave it for dry, and then rinse it off with water.
  • Repeat this process twice or thrice a day until you get the effective results.
  • Note: If your skin is sensitive add some water to the apple cider vinegar before you apply it on your skin.

3.) Aspirin to Heal Razor Bumps

Use of aspirin is also very useful and effective in getting relief from razor bumps instantly. Aspirin has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps reduce burning sensations and redness very effectively.

  • Take a teaspoon of warm water and add two aspirins into it
  • Let it dissolve until you get a paste for the treatment.
  • Apply the paste of water and aspirin directly on the affected part.
  • Leave the same for next ten minutes, and then rinse it off with the help of little warm water.
  • Repeat this easy treatment two times a day to get relief from the razor bumps. This paste also helps in reducing razor bumps.
  • Note: This treatment is not recommended if you have a highly sensitive skin.

4.) Aloe Vera to Treat Razor Bumps

Aloe Vera is another easy and natural home remedy to treat many skin related problems which include razor bumps also. Aloe Vera has the soothing and cooling effect on razor bumps which helps to keep your skin moisturized and helps in the healing process in a quick way. It will also reduce the inflammation and burning sensation caused by razor bumps effectively.

  • Take a leaf of fresh Aloe Vera and extract some gel from the leaf for treatment.
  • Apply the Aloe Vera extracted gel directly on the affected part.
  • Let the skin absorb the gel completely for some time, and then wash it off with some cold water.
  • Repeat this treatment twice or thrice in a day for a couple of the days.

5.) Black Tea to Get Rid of Razor Bumps

Used Black tea bag contains tannic acid which helps in reducing the inflammation and redness caused by razor bumps. It is also a very simple and effective natural home remedy to get instant relief from the razor bumps.

  • Dip a black tea bag in warm water to moisten it.
  • Take out the tea bag and leave it to get cooled or you can put it in the refrigerator for five to ten minutes.
  • Tap the cooled tea bag on the affected area for next two to three minutes.
  • Repeat the same for few times in a day as per your requirement.

6.) Honey to Cure Razor Bumps

Honey prevents your skin from several infections and its antibacterial qualities are very effective in treating razor bumps in an instant way. Also, it moisturizes your skin, reduces the inflammation and swelling as well.

  • Take some honey and apply directly on the affected area .leave it for drying then wash it off using some cold water.
  • Or, you can make a mixture of one tablespoon full of plain yogurt with a one-half tablespoon of honey, apply the mixture directly to the affected part and leave the same to get dried for next fifteen minutes, and then wash it gently with the help of some lukewarm water.
  • You can use one of these treatment three to four times daily or as long as the requirement is.

7.) Baking Soda to Get Rid of Razor Bumps

Baking soda also plays an effective role in reducing inflammation, redness, and irritation of the skin. It has anti-inflammatory properties so it provides you relief by leaving a soothing effect on your skin. It is also very helpful in reducing the symptoms of razor bumps effectively.

  • Take a cup of water and add a tablespoon of baking soda into it.
  • Soak a cotton swab in the solution and place this cotton swab directly on the surface of the affected skin.
  • Leave the same for next five minutes, and then rinse it off with some cool water.
  • Repeat the same process twice or thrice a day or as per your need.

8.) Cucumber to Treat Razor Bumps Naturally

Cucumber is anti-inflammatory and hydrating in nature. Plus, it contains vitamin c and vitamin K which helps in reducing skin irritation and pain also. These properties of cucumber make it an effective and natural home remedy for the treatment of razor bumps.

  • Take a fresh cucumber, slice it into the pieces and keep these slices inside the refrigerator for half an hour. Rub these cool slices of cucumber smoothly on razor bumps for ten minutes a time. Repeat the same several times until the razor bumps heals properly.
  • There is one more solution make the puree of half a cucumber and add it with a quarter cup of milk to make a mixture. Keep this mixture in the refrigerator for cooling. Apply the cool mixture on affected part of the skin and leave the same after applying mixture for next ten minutes and then wash it off with some warm water. Repeat the same two times a day for two days.

9.) Tea Tree Oil to Get Rid of Razor Bumps

Tea tree oil is known for its antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities which help you to get rid of razor bumps very effectively and instantly.

  • Take two tablespoons full of water and mix five drops of tree tea oil into it to make a solution for treatment. Apply this dilution on the affected part of the skin and leave the same for next ten minutes, and then wash it with some lukewarm water. Repeat the same process two times a day or as per your need.
  • Or, you can mix one tablespoon of olive oil to two to three drops of tea tree oil to make a solution, apply this dilution on affected part and leave it for next ten to fifteen minutes before you wash it off with water.

10.) Oatmeal to Get Rid of Razor Bumps

Oatmeal has the anti-inflammatory and soothing effect on the skin. It helps to reduce irritation and inflammation on the skin caused by razor bumps. It is also one of the effective and natural home remedies to get relief from razor bumps

  • Take some plain yogurt and mix it up with a equal part of finely powdered oatmeal, and then mix some honey with it to make a mixture.
  • Apply the same mixture on irritated skin.
  • Leave it for around half an hour, and then wash it off with some lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this treatment one or two times a day for next two to three days regularly.

We recommend you to use a good quality of shaving cream and blades with following appropriate techniques of shaving. We advise you to shave after taking a shower or bath; it softens your skin and prevents it from razor bumps in an effective way.