How to Get Rid of Sore Throat Fast?

A sore throat is defined as a pain, inflammation, and irritation in the throat. It is caused by viral infection, bacterial infection or any injury. Sometimes a sore throat is a symptom of common cold and lasts for a day or two. Dry air, allergies, outdoor pollution and illnesses like flu, common cold, and chicken pox can all cause a sore throat. The condition will alleviate on its own when the virus dissipates. However, there are certain things that you can do to speed up the healing process. Drinking lots of fluids is the best way to get rid of itchy, scratchy or dry sensation in the throat. Read this article and get some useful tips to get rid of sore throat.

Symptoms of Sore Throat:

  • Headache
  • Stomach ache
  • The common cold
  • Pain in the throat

Causes of Sore Throat:

  • Strep Throat
  • Colds or flu
  • Inflammation in the voice box
  • Inflammation of the tonsils
  • Swollen glands
  • Glandular fever
  • Excessive shouting

Best Remedies to Get Rid of Sore Throat:

1.) Gargle with Salt Water to Treat Sore Throat

This is one of the oldest home remedies for treating sore throat. When your throat is sore, the mucous membranes are inflamed and swollen which causes the feeling of itching and pain. Salt will draw water from the mucous membrane cell, reducing swelling and will help your throat feel better.

Directions to Use Salt Water:

  • Heat a glass of water and mix half tsp of salt to it.
  • Gargle with this warm salt water. When you gargle, make sure it hits the back of your throat.
  • Repeat it throughout the day.

2.) Hydrogen Peroxide to Cure Sore Throat Fast

Hydrogen peroxide is a mild antiseptic and thus helps relieve throat irritation. It is easily  available at drugstores. However, mind the dose of the hydrogen peroxide.

Directions to Use Hydrogen Peroxide:

  • Prepare a rinse by mixing a capful of hydrogen peroxide in a cup of water.
  • Put this mixture in your mouth and swish it around your mouth so that it hits the back of your throat. Spit it after a minute.
  • Use only 3% of hydrogen peroxide.
  • It has a bitter so you can add a little honey to this mixture.

3.) Vapor Rub to Get Rid of Sore Throat Fast

Vapor rub contains aromatic decongestants like peppermint or menthol that will help to soothe the throat and help to heal a cough. Purchase a vapor rub from the drugstore and rub it on your throat and chest that will help you to breathe more easily.

Directions to Use Vapor Rub:

  • Heat 1 tbsp of beeswax in a boiler.
  • Stir it in half cup of coconut oil.
  • Also, add ten drops of peppermint oil to it.
  • Allow it to cool before using it.

4.) Honey and Cayenne Drink to Treat Sore Throat Fast

Honey is the best ingredient to include in teas and other drinks when you have a sore throat. It helps to coat the throat, eases inflammation and helps to suppress coughing. Cayenne is another best ingredient for a sore throat. It contains capsaicin compound which acts as a pain reliever.

Directions to Use Honey and Cayenne:

  • Make a healthy and soothing drink by adding half tsp of ground cayenne pepper and 1 tsp of honey to one cup of boiling water.
  • Allow the mixture to cool and then sip it slowly.
  • If you are very sensitive to hot peppers, decrease the amount of cayenne to 1/8 tsp or less.

5.) Chamomile Tea to Get Rid of Sore Throat Naturally

Chamomile is a fragrant flowering herb that will help to beat cold and sore throat. It contains substances that fight against the infection and soothe the muscles. Drinking a few cups of chamomile tea each day will relieve your throat pain and help you to feel more relaxed. Chamomile tea is very soothing and effective before bed, as it will help you to sleep a little better.

Directions to Use Chamomile Tea:

  • Chamomile tea is available in the market.
  • Prepare a tea by mixing 1 tsp of chamomile tea in a cup of boiling water.
  • Also, add a spoonful of honey and half tsp of lemon juice to make this tea more beneficial.

6.) Garlic Broth to Cure Sore Throat Naturally and Fast

The antiseptic and antibacterial properties in garlic will help to fight infection and build up the immune system. Its medicinal properties will help to soothe a sore throat and fight the respiratory infection as well.

Directions to Use Garlic:

  • Prepare a garlic broth by peeling and crushing 2 garlic cloves and pour it in a cup of boiling water. It will help to ease your throat irritation.
  • Also, add a pinch of salt to make this drink more beneficial for your throat.
  • You can also use clove if you love the taste of garlic.

7.) Licorice Cinnamon Tea to Treat Sore Throat

Licorice contains chemicals that help to ease a sore throat by thinning mucous membranes and will reduce swelling. Cinnamon has natural antibacterial properties that complement the flavor of the licorice.

Directions to Use Licorice Cinnamon Tea:

  • Prepare a drink by mixing 1 tbsp of licorice root and half tbsp of cinnamon with two cups of cold water in a saucepan.
  • Boil this mixture and allow it to simmer for ten minutes.
  • Strain it and enjoy the drink.
  • Add some honey or some lemon juice to make the drink more healthy.

8.) Ginger Water to Get Rid of Sore Throat

Ginger helps to ease an upset stomach and sore throat. It will open up your sinuses and help to clear your throat and nose due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Don’t use dry or ground ginger. Use fresh ginger to get the maximum benefits.

Directions to Use Ginger:

  • Peel and chop 1 inch of fresh ginger root.
  • Put it in a cup and pour a cup of boiling water to it.
  • Allow it to steep for 3 minutes, strain it and then enjoy.
  • You can also add a little amount of honey, lemon or a dash of cayenne to taste.

9.) Chicken Soup to Treat Sore Throat Fast

Chicken soup is the best remedy for sore throat treatment. It has components that will help to heal infections and open the nasal passages. Chicken soup is packed with nutrients. It is a wonderful remedy to ease a sore throat.

Directions to Use Chicken Soup:

  • Prepare a bowl full of chicken soup.
  • Chicken soup has several health benefits since it is  soup is made with a fresh chicken.
  • Strain the solids and enjoy the broth.

10.) Steam to Get Rid of Sore Throat

Steam can help to ease a sore throat and make it easier to breathe. It is a wonderful remedy for a runny nose and other symptoms such inflammation and pain in the throat that are marked by a sore throat.

Directions to Use Steam:

  • Boil a large bowl of water and lean over the bowl so that you can inhale the steam.
  • Don’t put your face right up to it.
  • Cover your head with a towel so that it can create a tent for the steam.
  • Also, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil if you want to make it more soothing.
  • You can also take a hot shower and let the bathroom steam up so that it can provide some relief.