How to Get Rid of Spider Veins?

Spider veins are twisted purple, blue and red vessels mainly seen on legs and face, and look like spider web or tree branches. It is also known as agio ectasias or telangiectasis. Spider veins occur due to the result of weak and damaged valves in the skin. There are many factors responsible for this damage including age, heredity, blood clots, taking blood control pills, hormonal changes, standing or sitting for a longer period of time, wearing too tight cloth, constipation, obesity, poor blood circulation etc. At times they can cause complication such as bleeding, skin ulcers, deep vein thrombosis, and phlebitis. Many people go for the surgery but you can get rid of spider veins by doing simple lifestyle changes and using natural remedies.

Ways to Get Rid of Spider Veins:

1.) Cayenne Pepper to Get Rid of Spider Veins

Cayenne pepper is a traditional remedy and it is used by modern science too. It boosts your blood circulation due to capsaicin. Capsaicin is active ingredient and useful for pain relief and circulation. When you take capsaicin internally, it expands your blood vessels and reduces stress on the surrounding capillaries which are important in curing spider veins. It also acts as a catalyst which makes it suitable for herbal blends which multiply the strength of other herbs. Clinical studies have found that cayenne pepper increases the effect of ginkgo bible by 75 percent when used together. This is because cayenne pepper improves the blood circulation, thus provides nutrient to tissue at a fast rate.

  • Add one teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder in a cup of hot water and stir it well. Drink this solution twice a day and get satisfied result.
  • You can include cayenne pepper powder in your cooking food or you can take a supplement, but first consult your doctor.
  • To reduce swelling and pain, you can apply capsaicin gel or cream on the affected area.
  • Consumption of cayenne pepper is not recommended for breastfeeding or pregnant women.

2.) Horse Chestnut Seeds to Get Rid of Spider Veins

Horse chestnut seeds are a rich source of saponins and tannins, it also has anti- inflammatory and anti-swelling properties. It strengthens your veins and reduces the discomforts of spider veins and other veins related problems. Many clinical types of research have found that it improves blood circulation in the legs and decrease inflammation. A study published in Advance therapies report that horse-chestnut extract works very effectively for the treatment of patients with mild to moderate venous insufficiency.

  • You can buy horse-chestnut seed gel in the market, apply it externally on the affected area twice a day.
  • Or you can mix one tablespoon of horse chestnut tincture with ten tablespoons of witch hazel. Apply this remedy to the affected area twice a day.
  • You can also take horse-chestnut supplement but first, consult your doctor about the correct dosage  before  taking it.
  • Pregnant or nursing women don’t ingest horse-chestnut or those who have kidney or liver disease, or you are taking blood thinning medication should avoid this.

3.) Don’t Inhibit Circulation in your Legs

The veins in your legs have to work against gravity to carry blood back to your heart. Some habit makes this process harder for veins to carry blood back, cause to become strained and enlarged and make them visible. You can aid the circulation in your body by practicing the following habit.

  • Don’t stay in the same position for a longer period. Staying in the same position inhibits blood circulation. Whether you are sitting at a desk all the day or standing in front of the classroom for hours at a time. Find time to change your position by taking a walk around your office or putting your feet up between the classes.
  • Don’t cross your legs, especially for women. This cuts off the circulation and puts unnecessary stress on your veins. Sit with your feet flat on the floor to allow veins in your legs to circulate blood and frequently change your legs postures.

4.) Witch Hazel to Treat Spider Veins

Witch hazel is a very effective herb that helps to get rid of spider veins. The tannins and volatile compound present in witch hazel strengthen your blood vessels, which reduces the appearance of bulging veins. Witch hazel helps to tighten distended veins and repair them in their normal structure. It also helps to reduce the swelling and pain.

  • Apply the extract of witch hazel on the affected area and leave it to get dry. You don’t need to rinse it off you can leave it. Use this remedy twice a day until you see the positive result.
  • Or you can boil a cup of water.
  • Add half cup of witch hazel leaves.
  • Steep it for 10 to 15 minutes in a cup of boil water.
  • Remove the leaves and allow the water to get cool.
  • Apply this water with the help of cotton ball on the affected area and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Use this remedy twice a day until you get rid of spider veins.

5.) Ginger for the Treatment of Spider Veins

Ginger is very common herb and found in every kitchen, and it is very effective to get rid of spider veins. Fibrin is a blood protein that builds up in areas where your veins get injured and make your veins more visible. Ginger also improves the blood circulation by lowering your blood pressure. Low blood pressure keeps the minimum pressure in your veins. It also has blood thinning property which makes your heart to pump blood easier. But if you are taking blood-thinning medicine, first consult your doctor about the amount of ginger adding in your diet.

  • Boil a cup of water in a jar.
  • Add one piece of fresh ginger and one to two tablespoon of honey in it.
  • Cover and steep for about 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Then you can take a sip of ginger tea two-three times a day.
  • You can also eat raw ginger if you want.

6.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Get Rid of Spider Veins

Apple cider vinegar is considered as one of the best remedies, it is very good for your overall health. It improves the blood circulation which helps to reduce swelling and pain.

  • Place a saturated piece of cloth with unfiltered apple cider vinegar on the affected area.
  • Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Use this remedy three to four times a day for more than two weeks.
  • Or you can add two tablespoons of unfiltered apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and stir it well.
  • Add some honey if you want, honey will help to enhance the effect.
  • Drink this solution twice a day to get rid of spider veins.

7.) Exercise to Treat Spider Veins

Poor blood circulation is one of the main cause of spider veins, especially on the legs. Exercise help to improve the blood circulation in your body and strengthen your veins. Daily exercise will also  help to fight obesity including other venous problems.

  • You just need to do a simple exercise, walk for at least half and hour more than four times a week. Take a walk around 5 to 10 minutes within every three to four hours.
  • To strengthen your calf muscles, raise yourself up and down with the help of your toe for about 10 to 15 minutes few times a day.
  • Do swimming, jogging and climbing on daily basis to boost your blood circulation.

8.) Massage to Get Rid of Spider Veins

Regular massage on the affected area is very effective to improve the blood circulation and get rid of spider veins. It also helps to reduce pain and inflammation. Use extra virgin coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil because they have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These oils quickly penetrate deep into the skin.

  • Slightly warm the extra virgin coconut or olive oil.
  • Use this warm oil to massage on the affected veins
  • Massage for about 10 to minutes at a time for three to four times a day.

9.) Eliminate Food that Retain Water

Your veins get unnecessary pressure when your body retains extra water and cause them to enlarge and become visible. Avoid taking food that causes water retention. Avoid taking food with a lot of salts. Fried foods, salty snacks, and canned soups can cause you to retain more water. Try eliminating the amount of salt you take in everyday baking and cooking.

Avoid the consumption of too much alcohol. A few beer or wine in a week don’t cause any problem, but taking more alcohol can make your body retain water and strain your veins.

10.) Arnica to Get Rid of Spider Veins

Arnica is very effective and very popular homeopathic medicine. It is very helpful for relieving the aches and discomfort from spider veins. Arnica has several compounds that help to reduce pain and inflammation. It also helps to reduce the bulging appearance of veins.

  • Apply arnica gel or cream on the affected area for two to three times a day.
  • You can also take arnica pills, but first, consult your doctor about the dosage of pills.