How to Get Rid of a Stomach Ache?

Nearly everyone has had a stomach ache at some point in their life. The usual culprit is indigestion. But a stomach ache can occur for a number of reasons. In fact, it is also possible to get a stomach ache from eating too much sugarless gum! This condition can be tricky to deal with as it hinders our ability to concentrate on our daily work and routine. Fortunately, there are many home remedies you can apply to get rid of a stomach ache. Read on to see how.

Remedies to Get Rid of a Stomach Ache:

1.) Soothe Stomach Ache with Heat

When you have a stomach ache or the cramps, sometimes simply using heat can help to soothe the pain. Your stomach ache could be because the abdominal muscles are tight and cramping. The heat will help to soothe and relax these muscles. This remedy is especially useful for those experiencing menstrual pains. Even if you are not, heat is helpful to loosen the knots in your muscles.

  • Use a hot pack to soothe the stomach pain. A hot water bottle works best for this as it exudes just enough heat to not burn yourself. If it is still too hot to place directly on your stomach, wrap it once in a cloth to buffer the heat.
  • Lie down in a comfortable, quiet place and put the hot pack on your stomach. Lie on your back for the best results. You can even curl up on your side as long as the hot pack is in contact with your stomach. Keep it on till it is no longer hot. If you are still experiencing pain, then reheat and repeat.

2.) Fennel Seeds For Stomach Ache

This is a top home remedy used to cure various digestive and intestinal problems. In some cases, a stomach ache will be caused by indigestion. Hence, fennel seeds are an excellent natural alternative to get rid of a stomach ache. This dried seed contains various useful compounds that have anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties. In addition, the volatile oil contained in fennel seeds, called anethole, stimulates the digestive juices. This helps to move along digestion.

  • Simply chew on ½ a teaspoon of dried fennel seeds to combat stomach aches and cramps.
  • Alternatively, prepare some fennel seed tea to help treat the stomach ache. To prepare this tea you will need, 1 teaspoon of dried organic fennel seeds and a cup of boiling water. Put the seeds into a mug and pour in the boiling water. Let it stand to infuse for 5 minutes. Cover it with a lid in the mean time. This will ensure that the important oils do not evaporate. You can either strain and drink this or sip it straight away.

Note: Pregnant women, or anyone on hormone-altering medication, are advised to stay away from this remedy.

3.) Treat Stomach Ache with Lemons

Another classic preparation to get rid of a stomach ache is warm lemon water. The natural acid present in the lemon will stimulate the production of Hydrochloric acid (HCl). This is the stomach acid that plays the primary role in breaking down and digesting the food we eat. In addition, warm lemon water is an excellent way to restore hydration in the system and combat dehydration.

  • To prepare this you will need 1 small lemon, 1 cup of water, and your favorite mug.
  • Heat the water till it is warm, but not boiling. Pour into the mug. Now, squeeze the entire lemon into this water and stir once to blend. Slowly sip away at this concoction and feel your stomach ache to disappear.

4.) Ginger for Stomach Ache Treatment

Ginger is one other home remedy that is excellent to calm a stomach ache. Sometimes, a stomach ache can be the result of nausea. Ginger is a well know cure for that as well. In fact, it is highly recommended for many stomach related issues. It contains various natural enzymes, including gingerol, that help to soothe overactive stomach acid.

  • Prepare some ginger tea to get rid of a stomach ache. You will need a 2-inch piece of fresh ginger root and 2 cups of water.
  • Heat the water till it starts to boil. In the meanwhile, skin, and slice the ginger with a knife. To better release the ginger juice, crush the pieces with the flat side of the knife.
  • Add the sliced and crushed ginger pieces to water. Let it simmer and infuse for 5 minutes.
  • Take it off the heat and strain (optional) into your mug. If you desire, you can add a dash of honey for flavor. Sip slowly on this warm tea.

5.) Black Cumin Seed for Stomach Ache

Stomach aches can make life difficult for you. A constant ache can hinder your ability to concentrate on work and get through your usual routine. Black cumin seeds are an excellent way to get rid of a stomach ache. It contains a compound called cumin aldehyde, which activates the secretion of saliva. It also has a compound called thymol, which helps to promote digestion. Black cumin (also known as black caraway or roman coriander) possesses anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

  • To prepare this remedy, you will need, 2 cups of water and 1 tablespoon of black cumin seeds.
  • Bring the water to a boil. Add in the cumin seeds and leave it to simmer for 5 minutes.
  • After 5 minutes turn off the heat and let it cool down.
  • Strain this tea into a mug and drink. You can drink this every day for a week to see results from a stomach ache.

6.) Cure Stomach Ache with Mint Treatment

Mint is a classic home remedy to get rid of a stomach ache. It contains natural properties that aid to relax tense stomach muscles. It also helps to promote the smooth production of bile, which is beneficial for digestion. Fresh mint leaves can be chewed on to help soothe stomach aches. In addition, chewing mint leaves can help to quell nausea. But if chewing on fresh leaves is unpleasant for you, then brewing mint or peppermint, tea is the best way to harness the healing effect of mint.

  • To brew this tea, you will need a handful of fresh mint leaves. 1 teaspoon of dried mint leaves works as a replacement. You will also need a cup of water.
  • Heat the water in a saucepan till it boils and then add in the mint leaves. Turn off the heat and cover it with a lid so that the essence does not evaporate.
  • Let this steep for 5-10 minutes
  • Strain, if you wish, and slowly sip away at this brew.

7.) Cure Stomach Ache with Probiotic Drink

Probiotics, as everyone knows, are the ‘good’ bacteria that aid the stomach in a smooth digestion. In addition to this  probiotics can help to soothe a stomach ache. But, there is no need to step out and buy any commercial probiotic drink when it can easily be made at home. Follow this homemade probiotic recipe to get rid of a stomach ache. This remedy is especially useful for relief from stomach aches caused by indigestion.

  • To prepare this drink you will need 2 tablespoons plain yogurt, 3 tsp Coriander juice, and 1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder.
  • Add the yogurt in 1 cup of water. Add a pinch of salt and mix well. This will give you a buttermilk type of drink.
  • Now add the coriander juice and cardamom powder to this and mix well.
  • Drink this after a heavy meal to stall indigestion.

8.) Dandelion Root to Cure Stomach Ache

Dandelions are not just used to make wishes. It is also a good home remedy to treat stomach related pains. Any part of a dandelion can be utilized to treat stomach issues. So add in salads, or stir-fries. But, the most effective way to treat stomach aches is to consume the juice extracted from the dandelion root. So make yourself a cup of dandelion tea for this.

  • To make this preparation, you will need 2 teaspoons of dandelion root herb, and 1½-2 cups of water
  • Boil the water and then add the 2 teaspoons of the dandelion herb. Turn off the heat.
  • Cover with a lid and let it steep for 5-10 minutes.
  • If you have a consistent stomach ache then have this tea for 2-4 weeks.

Note: Avoid this remedy if you are allergic to plants like ragweed, daisies, or chrysanthemums.

9.) Get Rid of a Stomach Ache with Chamomile

Another excellent home remedy to get rid of a stomach ache is Chamomile tea. The chamomile flower contains anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to relax the smooth muscle of the upper digestive track. Doing so will lessen the pain of cramping and spasms.

  • For this, you will need 1 teabag of chamomile tea. Or 1-2 teaspoons of dried chamomile, 1 cup hot water, and your favorite mug.
  • Pour boiling water over the teabag and cover your mug. Let it steep for 10 minutes.
  • If using the dried chamomile, place 1-2 teaspoons in your mug. Pour in boiling water and cover with a lid. Let the chamomile infuse for 15-20 minutes.
  • Strain and sip on this slowly.

10.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Cure Stomach Ache

This is one remedy to use to get rid of a stomach ache caused by gas or indigestion. Apple cider vinegar possesses an antibiotic nature which helps to soothe the pain in the stomach. Drinking this can help to promote digestion and disperse the gas.

  • To prepare this home remedy, you will need a cup of warm water and some organic apple cider vinegar.
  • Into the cup of warm water, mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Stir this well.
  • You can add a tablespoon of honey as well.
  • Drink this every 5 hours till the stomach ache has been cured.