How to Get Rid of Stomach Fat?

When it comes to losing fat everyone can agree that a flat tummy is their dream! No matter who you are, losing the excess stomach fat to have a flat stomach is something everyone desires. To get rid of stomach fat and have that dream-tummy, you will require perseverance and a little bit of hard work.

If we were to understand intrinsically what belly fat means, we would realize that everyone has it. Yes, even the skinny people! While the fat around the abdominal region is not harmful (except for your favorite pair of jeans from college) it becomes harmful when there is an excess of white fat. This white fat – called visceral fat – is known to produce stress hormones like cortisol, and inflammatory substances called cytokines. Fortunately, it is easy to burn fat of this nature with simple cardiovascular exercises. Let us now explore various methods by which you can alter your diet and lifestyle without too much of a hassle.

Ways to Get Rid of Stomach Fat:

The most common factor in gaining weight is an unhealthy lifestyle. The healthiest way to get rid of stomach fat is to make a few changes in your diet and lifestyle.

1.) Cut Carbs to Lose Weight

Cutting, or limiting, carbohydrates are a very effective way to lose fat. If you want to get rid of stomach fat fast, stay away from refined carbohydrates and junk foods. These contain unnecessary salt and offer “empty calories”. These do not serve to fill you up. For a more filling meal, stick to the whole grain section of your menu (like brown rice or whole wheat pasta) or avoid grains altogether!

2.) Salt to Get Rid of Stomach Fat

Salt is a big no-no if you are looking for easy ways to burn stomach fat. Some of the fat that we can see is actually water retention. Sodium is one of the biggest villains in water retention. The higher the salt intake in your diet, the more water you retain. As a result, your belly may look fatter than it really is. Stop adding salt to your food. Or reduce it to the minimal amount. Pay greater attention to food labels for their sodium content. And avoid fast foods as much as possible! The salt content in these foods is very high, making them prime villains in water retention.

3.) Hydration is Key to Burn Stomach Fat

It may be strange to get advice saying, “drink more water!”, when water retention is one reason for your stomach appearing fatter than it is. But studies have shown that drinking more water actually helps to avoid water retention.

Keeping your body hydrated by drinking water throughout the day lets it know that it is unnecessary to retain any water for its functions. It serves another purpose to aid in weight loss. By drinking more water, you keep yourself feeling full and this reduces your appetite. This helps in reducing your calorie intake and increases weight loss. And as a bonus, drinking more water aids in detoxing your body and washes all the impure toxins out-of-the-way. So go ahead and have your 8 per day!

4.) Fiber Up for Weight Loss

Eating plenty of dietary fiber, as shown by numerous studies, aids in weight loss. One such study showed that an increase of fiber by 14 grams led to a 10% decrease in calorie intake. There is evidence that soluble dietary fiber helps get rid of stomach fat. The best way to get more fiber is to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Stock up on the dark, leafy vegetables for a good source of fiber. Kale, lettuce, and broccoli are practically calorie-free. In addition, they’re also loaded full of vitamins, as well as being super filling on the appetite. Some legumes are also a good source of fiber. Cereals, like oats, can also be a good source of fiber. Even if you make no changes in your lifestyle, you should upgrade your diet to a high-fiber one. This helps you maintain your weight with ease.

5.) Tea to Get Rid of Stomach Fat

Loaded with antioxidants and other beneficial substances, green tea is the healthiest beverage. This beverage contains important antioxidants. These antioxidants boost metabolism to get rid of stomach fat. Drink a cup of green tea after a short exercise session to help your body burn fat faster. The best part is that you can either drink the tea or take green tea supplements and still get the same results.

If you want to take a break and change-up from just plain old green tea, here is a list of other tea that helps get rid of stomach fat and other fat in a similar manner:

  • Rooibos: A red, naturally sweet tea that cuts new fat-cell growth. It contains powerful fat-melters called polyphenols and flavonoids. These chemicals also aid in boosting metabolism. Just having this tea regularly will help get rid of stomach fat, with no extreme diet or exercise required.
  • Oolong tea: Sipping on this Chinese tea preparation can help burn through a pound in just a week with no extra exercise required. Similar to green tea, it contains antioxidants that boost metabolism.
  • White tea: This tea works in a myriad of ways to burn fat. It boosts lipolysis whilst simultaneously blocking new fat cell growth. It is rich in catechins, the type of antioxidant that triggers release of fat from the cells, and this tea also helps speed up the liver’s ability to turn fat into energy.

6.) Go Nuts to Reduce Stomach Fat

Nuts have the advantage of being packed with high contents of dietary fiber. With over 7 grams per 100 grams serving size on an average, nuts and seeds provide a hearty amount of fiber. In addition, they provide a bonus of healthy fats and proteins. Try any of these nuts or seeds to go along with your meals by adding them to your morning cereal or as a salad topping. This is a fantastic and tasty way to get rid of stomach fat. You can also have them as a quick energy-boosting snack.

  • Almonds, walnuts, and pecans, preferably eaten raw.
  • Pine nuts: Nuts are a great source of mood-boosting magnesium.
  • Chia seeds: These contain about 10.6 grams of fiber per ounce. Add these tiny seeds into your yogurt and leave for 10 minutes before eating.
  • Flaxseed: Try adding a teaspoon of ground flaxseed into your morning oatmeal or cereal.
  • Pumpkin seeds, or sesame seeds, sprinkled on top of salads for the added fiber and a delicious crunch.

7.) Magnesium Rich Foods for Weight Loss

In a 2010 study by USDA researchers, it was found that when people who had difficulty sleeping took magnesium supplementation, they were able to sleep peacefully through the night. A regular sleep pattern is necessary for long-term weight loss. Without enough magnesium in the body, the part of the brain that regulates melatonin is thrown off track which then disrupts sleep. Magnesium-rich foods are known to be extremely weight loss friendly.

Add these to your diet to help burn and get rid of stomach fat: Protein-rich fish and nuts, lentils, soy and black beans, fiber-rich grains like bran

8.) Protein to Boost Weight Loss

Protein is an essential building block to losing fat. Most of all, around your abdominal area. Our bodies will produce more insulin as we age. Consequently, the fat-storing cells lose their ability to respond to this properly. And as insulin promotes fat storage, it leads to an increase in fat, especially around the stomach. A diet high in protein will help to fight insulin resistance and cut down fat better. Some studies showed that for every 10 grams of fiber you eat, your belly will carry 4% less fat.

Some ways to increase protein intake are by adding these to your diet: Eggs, Lean meats, Milk, Low-fat Yogurt, and Fish. If you’re not one for the animal byproducts, try these vegan alternatives: Tofu, Seitan, Green Peas,  Quinoa, Soy milk, and other such options.

9.) The “Calorie Shifting” Diet to Lose Fat Easy

A relatively new method, calorie shifting is noted to be one of the most effective ways to get rid of fat.  It goes against most existing dieting methods. How it works is by raising the natural metabolism in your body. And results can be achieved by minimal-to-no exercise. By raising the metabolism in the body, it triggers your fat to burn quickly, and you will have no difficulty in burning extra belly fat.

This is a great option for those individuals who live busy lives and need to lose weight in a quick but safe, healthy manner.

10.) Burn That Fat Naturally!

Of course, for a long-term weight loss and weight management plan both diet and exercise go hand-in-hand. Vigorous exercise trims all types of fat including visceral fat. With the right diet, one does not need more than 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day to get rid of stomach fat, and other fat.

Make sure to get 30 minutes of exercise for at least 5 days of the week. You can do this by going for walks (as long as it’s brisk enough that you work up a sweat and your heart rate is faster than normal). You can get the same results by jogging for about 20 minutes, 4 days a week.

There is no rule that you must spend your time in a gym. Try adding something fun once in a while to your routine to break the monotony. Try different dancing classes, or book yourself into rowing. Maybe go rafting along a river, or even just playing soccer will help get your required portion of the exercise.