How to Get Rid of Stomach Pain?

This article explains about how to get rid of stomach pain. Stomach pain is also known as abdominal pain. These pains are very common that everyone experiences them at one point or another. It starts unexpectedly. When you feel a stomach ache, your whole day spoils. There are a number of factors that trigger stomach pain.  Sometimes it is due to indigestion, infected food or some other factors. When you have a pain in stomach, doctors eventually called it as abdominal pain. No matter what causes the problem, you probably want it to go away. Stomach pain can occur at any age, whether adult or children. It occurs between the chest and pelvic regions.

Usually, the stomach pain is due to a problem in a gut. The organs include the stomach, small-large intestine, liver or gall bladder. Stomach pain can be dull or sharp. Moreover, it also depends on upon climate change, weather and so on. Stomach ache is not considered as a  medical emergency. But is there is a serious problem like ulcers or stomach infection, you need to consult a doctor? Stomach pain can be treated at home by using different remedies.

Causes of Stomach Pain:

  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Acidity
  • Indigestion
  • Ulcers
  • Food allergies
  • Infection in gall bladder

Symptoms of Stomach Pain:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Tightness in abdomen
  • Cramping
  • Pain
  • Indigestion

Remedies to Get Rid of Stomach Pain:

Stomach pain can be moderate to severe. You can use simple home remedies to get rid of stomach pain. If in case you don’t get relief from stomach pain, rush to a doctor.

1.) Rice Water to Treat Stomach Pain

Rice water is an excellent remedy to get rid of stomach pain. It consists of starch and carbohydrates, which provides energy. Therefore, it cures stomach pain. It also relieves inflammation by soothing the membranes inside the stomach. All you need to do is take a cup of white rice and two cups of white rice. Cook the rice with twice amount of water. Long grain rice would be better. After it has been cooked, let it soak for 3 minutes and remove it from heat pan. Pour out the warm water in a separate utensil. You can add honey or salt in it. Drink the water to get rid of stomach pain. Also, you can save that rice for a meal.

 2.) Peppermint to Get Rid of Stomach Ache

Peppermint has methanol and it soothes the stomach pain. Methanol cures the gas pain as it anticipates indigestion and bloating. It activates the stomach lining and relieves the stomach from indigestion. You can chew 3-4 peppermint leaves twice a day. Alternatively, use it is by grinding peppermint leaves to make its paste. Add some salt  and water. Stir it well to drink. Drinking a glass of peppermint juice after meals will help the food to digest more quickly. You can also make  home tablets of peppermint leaves and black pepper seeds.  Have one tablet  with water after taking a meal. It is a natural method to get rid of stomach pain. It doesn’t cause any side effects.

3.) Saline Water to Cure Stomach Pain

Drinking saline water to get rid of stomach pain is very beneficial. The ions present in salt are sodium and chloride. These help to generate the osmotic pressure on the stomach lining. In the counter effect of this,  salt helps in digestion. Salt also promotes the formation of digestive enzymes and maintain the ionic balance of the body. For using this remedy, take a glass of warm water, with a pinch of salt. Stir it well and drink. Do it twice a day to get rid of stomach pain. This remedy is very easy to use as water and salt are easily available. Try this without any side effect and enjoy the amazing results.

4.) Fennel Seeds to Treat Stomach Pain

To get rid of a stomach pain which is due to indigestion, fennel seeds give a quick relief. These seeds are antimicrobial in nature. It reduces pain by anti-inflammatory effects. Fennel seeds  also have diuretic properties. These are best to give relief from gas and bloating which are one of the factors for stomach pain. Add one teaspoon of fennel seed powder in a cup of warm water. Stir it. Drink it sip by sip to relieve stomach ache. Alternatively, you can also chew fennel seeds after your meal. Repeat it 2-3 times a day for better results.

5.) Lemon to Get Rid of Stomach Pain

Lemon also cures stomach pain. It consists of citric acid, which helps in stimulating the production of more hydrochloric acid. Due to increase in the production of hydrochloric acid, it helps to the breakdown of food faster and ease digestion. It is more beneficial to take the lemon water empty stomach  or later during the day. To use this remedy, warm a cup of water and squeeze half a lemon in it. You can also take lemon juice if lemons are not available. Drink it to get relief. The lemons will flush the toxic  materials and purify your body. Try lemon water  to treat stomach pain.

6.) Ginger to Cure Stomach Pain

Ginger is an effective home remedy to get rid of stomach pain. It is carminative and smoothens the digestive tract. Ginger has the potential to relieve stomach pain, indigestion or nausea. Gingerols present in ginger help in relaxing the digestive tracts and  soothes the muscles. It is an anti-inflammatory herb, therefore, stimulates the process of digestion. To cure stomach pain, take a fresh piece of ginger root. Make its drink by adding water. You can also add honey or salt to taste. Drink this mixture  before meals to prevent indigestion, gas and pain. This is an excellent method to cure the stomach problems.

7.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat Stomach Ache

Apple cider vinegar as a home remedy is very effective to treat stomach problems. If you are suffering from stomach pain, it can prove to be the best remedy to resolve your problem. It is an efficient cleanser and cleans the digestive tract. It eliminates  the toxic from your stomach like pectin, potassium and other ions. You will get instant relief from stomach pain by a drinking mixture of one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with half a glass of warm water. It gives very effective results when taken before your meal. Organic or raw  apple cider vinegar gives better results than ordinary ones. Try apple cider vinegar to get rid of stomach pain.

8.)  Yoghurt to Get Rid of Stomach Pain

Yoghurt is also called curd. It can be used to get rid stomach pain. It contains lactic acid and pro-biotic elements. Because of friendly and healthy  bacteria in yoghurt, it has been proven to help digestion and bring relief from stomach ache. It is best, natural remedy to cure pain faster. Take one small bowl of curd. Add salt in it. One can eat it directly and or dilute it by adding some water. Also add some peppermint, coriander to make it delicious. Apply this method at least twice a day to cure the stomach problem. This method is natural has been proven to give instant relief in a stomach ache. Moreover, it has no side effects.

9.) Turmeric to Cure Stomach Pain

As turmeric is one of the herbs which is antibiotic in nature. Turmeric has therapeutic benefits which treat the intestinal disorders. It cures the stomach disorders by stimulating the production of bile from the gall bladder which eases digestion.  To try this remedy, take a half teaspoon of turmeric and dissolve it in a glass of warm milk. Stir it well and drink. If this drink is taken before going to bed, it proves more beneficial. Turmeric kills the bacteria in the stomach and relieves the stomach pain. Also, one should make a habit to put turmeric while cooking the food. Try turmeric to get rid of stomach pain.

10.) Soda to Prevent Stomach Ache

Soda can be used to prevent stomach ache. It actually makes the gas in the stomach to pass out. It helps to ease the upset stomach. Soda contains carbonic gases, which mixes with the other gas in the stomach. It puts a pressure in stomach line and makes to pass the gas out. All you need to do is purchase a soda from the market and drink it. Alternatively, you can drink lemon soda, which contains lemon, salt and soda water. Mix it and drink. This is a delicious drink and helps to get rid of the gas pain. Try this cocktail and notice the excellent results.