How to Get Rid of Sunburn Fast?

Summer is the time of year when people enjoy swimming, fishing, warm weather, blue skies, picnics with family and friends, and many other outdoor activities. But it’s also the time of year when your skin is in the contact of skin most that results sunburn. A sunburn not only gives you an inflamed skin that itches and pains but is harmful for overall health of the body. Overexposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays causes sunburn. It can lead to dry skin, scars, freckles and even skin cancer. The symptoms of sunburn can take up to five hours for sunburn to appear. If you will not treat your sunburn timely, the burn can lead to peeling or blistering skin. Get rid of sunburn is not at all difficult. You need to follow these remedies that will give you relief from all the symptoms of sunburn.

Ways to Get Rid of Sunburn

1.) Cool Water Treatment for Sunburn

Water is the first and the foremost remedy for immediate relief from your inflamed red skin which is caused due to sunburn. Cool water helps to reduce your skin’s swelling by pulling the heat away from your burned skin and relieves the associated pain. Don’t use cold or chilled water. Too cold water constricts the blood vessels which reduces the flow of blood. Here are some ways to use cool water for your sunburn.

  • Drink Water- Sunburn is a result of the dehytrated body, the natural moisture of the skin is sucked bu the sun. Therefore you need to drink lots of water frequently. You need to keep your body hydrated which will help your sunburn to heal faster.
  • Soak in Cool Water- Sometimes your sunburn is at places where you cannot apply a cool compress. Soak them in a cool bathwater for about 15 to 20 minutes. Do not use soap and don’t soak your body more than 20 minutes as it can cause your skin dry and lead to more itching. You can also take a shower if you don’t prefer soaking in cool water.
  • Cool Compress- Take a washcloth and soak it in cool water. Do not use cold water, ice pack, or ice water to soak the cloth. Apply the wet washcloth directly on the affected area and let it sit there for few minutes. Again wet the cloth and reapply for as many times as possible to you. Use this method for 10-15 minutes several times a day.

2.) Aloe Vera to Get Rid of Sunburn

It has excellent an anti-inflammatory properties that can deal with the symptoms of sunburn. It also has soothing properties that can ease the pain associated with sunburn. Aloe Vera consists of 99% of water and the rest of the 1% is composed of about 150 minerals and elements like sodium, vitamins, calcium, manganese, copper, chrome magnesium, zinc, selenium, germanium, iron, potassium, tannins, amino acids etc. Certain elements like tannins and selenium are known as a remedy for sunburns. These are also used in commercially available sunburn products. Aloe Vera is very effective to get rid of sunburn.

  • Take Aloe Vera and cut it into pieces with the help of a knife, then Extract the gel from an Aloe Vera leaf.
  • Store this extracted gel in the refrigerator for about half an hour.
  • Apply a thin coat of this chilled gel on the sunburned skin.
  • Let the skin fully absorb the medical properties of aloe and then allow it to dry.
  • Use this remedy five or six times a day for several days.
  • You can also buy Aloe Vera gel from the market if Aloe Vera plant is not available at your home.

3.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat Sunburn

Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the most effective and quick remedies to get rid of sunburn. It acts as an astringent when it is applied topically for sunburn. The work of an astringent is to shrink or constrict body tissues and reduces the inflammation caused due to sunburn. Apple cider vinegar can soothe sunburn pain and speed up the healing process. It also helps in balancing the pH levels of your burned skin, thus promote healing. The acetic acid present in apple cider vinegar helps to ease itching and inflammation.

  • You can add one cup of apple cider vinegar in your bathtub filled with lukewarm water. Soak yourself in this water for about half an hour. It will help to balance the pH level of sunburned skin and promote healing. Use this remedy once a day.
  • Or you can mix equal amounts of apple cider vinegar with cool water. Soak paper towels in the solution and place them over the affected skin area. Leave it until the towels get dry. Use this remedy several times a day for a few days until your condition improves.
  • If you have abrasions on your skin so don’t use this remedy.

4.) Oatmeal to Cure Sunburn

Oatmeal is a very effective remedy to get rid of sunburn skin. It has soothing properties that help the skin to retain its natural moisture and reduce irritation.

  • Cook oatmeal with enough water until the water gets dry. Then let it cool completely and apply it on the affected area. But do not rub the oatmeal on your skin. Leave it on the skin for about 20 to 30 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water. Use this remedy two or three times a day to get rid of sunburn.
  • Add one cup of oatmeal in the bathtub Filled with cool water and mix thoroughly. Soak in the bath water for about 20 to 30 minutes. Air dry your body and avoid rubbing the skin with a towel, after getting out of the water. Soak in an oatmeal bathtub once a day until you get rid of the sunburn symptoms.

5.) Baking Soda to Get Rid of Sunburn

Baking soda has antiseptic properties that will relieve the itchy sensation associated with sunburn. It can be very soothing on the sunburned skin due to its alkaline nature.

  • Add one cup of baking soda in a bathtub filled with cold water, and stir well. Soak in the bathtub for about 15 to 20 minutes. Use pat dry or allow your body to air dry at its own after getting out of the bath. Use this remedy once a day until you get the positive result.
  • Or you can mix four tablespoons of baking soda with enough water to make a thick paste. Apply this thick paste with the help of cotton ball on the affected skin. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. Then wash it off with cool water. Use this remedy once or twice a day for several days to see the positive result.

6.)  Black Tea to Get Rid of Sunburn

Black tea is full of antioxidants that are very beneficial for treating sunburned skin. It has tannins that help to protect the skin from UV radiation damage and reduce inflammation. Black tea is very effective to get rid of sunburn.

  • Dip two or three teabags in a pot of hot water. Allow it to sit for a few minutes.
  • Then remove the tea bags and let the liquid cool.
  • Soak a cloth in the solution and gently dab it on the affected skin.
  • Leave it on until it gets dry complete then reapply it three to four times.
  • Use this remedy daily for a few days until your condition improves.

7.) Coconut Oil to Get Rid of Sunburn

Coconut oil is full of skin-nourishing fatty acids, It also works an excellent moisturizer to reduce the symptoms of sunburn. It is rich in vitamin E which works as an antioxidant and help to reduce the inflammation caused by sunburn. Coconut oil is very light, that why it is  absorbed quickly by the skin and provide results within a few days.

  • Do this three to four times a day for several days to promote healing
  • Apply some coconut oil on the affected area and gently massage it.

8.) Honey to Treat Sunburn

An enzyme present in honey helps to repair damaged skin. Honey works as a natural antibiotic and helps to trap moisture in the skin, which is essential to get rid of sunburn. It also decreases inflammation and swelling caused by sunburn.

  • Apply a thin layer of natural honey on the affected area and let it dry on its own. It speeds up the healing process and minimizes the pain, as the moisture in the honey is absorbed into the skin. Use honey two or three times a day for a week.
  • You can also take one tablespoon of honey with a glass of lukewarm water three to four times a day to boost the immune system and speed up the healing process. Or you can eat honey on a regular basis for good health and glowing skin.

9.) Potato to Get Rid of Sunburn

Raw potato is very effective for relieving a sunburn because of the natural starches found in potatoes. They help to draw heat out of your skin.

  • Take two large potatoes and peel them.
  • Cut them into small pieces.
  • Blend the pieces of potatoes in a blender to make a paste.
  • Apply this paste on the affected area and let it dry on its own.
  • Rinse it off with cool water.
  • Use this process once a day for a few days until all your symptoms are gone.

10.) Milk to Cure Sunburn Naturally

The protein, fat, and pH in milk have an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect on the skin. That can help to give relieve from the various symptoms of sunburn.

  • Mix one cup of milk with four cups of water. Then add some ice cubes to this mixture.
  • Dip a clean cloth in the milk solution and apply it to the affected area. Leave it for half an hour.
  • Then, gently  rinse your skin with a soft towel.
  • Use this remedy every four hours for a few days to see the positive result.
  • The cold temperature will constrict blood vessels and help to reduce the swelling, while the milk will create a protein film that will help to ease the pain.