How to Get Rid of Sunburn?

Get rid of sunburn

We all enjoy basking in the sun. Don’t we? Sunburn is a global issue worldwide. A large population of Americans faced with the issue of tanning, which has equally been positive as well as negative. Therefore, one must find ways to get rid of sunburn. Sunburn basically occurs because of excessive presence of oneself in the sun. Sun bath is the best way to get vitamin D and warmth. However, when one spends excessive time in the sun one is ought to suffer from sunburn. Reddening of skin and rashes are the symptoms of sunburn. Sunburn leaves scars on the skin, which makes us feel irritated because of the itching sensation. It interferes with our peace of mind and there is a lot of agitation because of this.

Symptoms of Sunburn:

  • Redness of the skin.
  • Skin that’s warm or hot to touch.
  • Discomfort occurs when skin gets rubbed or touched against clothes.
  • Skin peels or flakes.
  • Extremely dry or wrinkling of the skin.

Get rid of sunburnGet rid of sunburnRemedies to Get Rid of Sunburn:

1. Aloe Vera to Cure Sunburn

We all are well aware of Aloe Vera, a natural gel for cooling the skin. It is a medicinal plant which is nowadays used in cosmetics and lotions. It consists of 150 nutrients and natural elements like vitamin and calcium. It’s used in a number of revitalizing creams which helps to reduce sunburn. Aloe Vera has a lot of medicinal uses too. Calcium, copper, magnesium, selenium, amino acids, sodium, zinc, tannic, are long remedies for sunburn. Apply the gel of the Aloe-Vera on the affected skin regularly until you get relief.

2. Cold Milk Compress to Reduce Sunburn

Cold Milk is one of the most economical ways to reduce sunburn. It helps in getting rid of the heat. Thereby reduces discomfort. It will cool down the affected area and give you relief.

  • Dip a washcloth in the cold milk. Squeeze it and apply it on the sunburn.
  • Leave it on until the washcloth is cold enough, and then change the washcloth.
  • Repeat this until you get satisfactory results.

3. Use Corn Starch or Baking Soda to Get Rid of Sunburn

Corn starch has a cool silky texture. It naturally soothes your sunburn like milk. Try baking soda for quick relief. Both the remedies can reduce the pain and the blazing redness of the burns.

  • In a bowl, add corn starch, baking soda, and cold water. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Make sure the paste has a thick consistency.
  • Apply this paste on the affected skin.
  • Repeat it several times a day until the burns heal completely.

4. Honey for Sunburn Treatment

Honey is a natural antibiotic which helps to capture the moisture in the skin, which is a vital component to treat sunburn. Added to this, an enzyme present in the honey helps to repair damaged skin. Honey also descends inflammation and swelling associated with sunburn.

  • Apply a thin layer of natural honey on the affected areas and allow it to dry on its own. As the moisture in the honey is soaked to the skin, it will increase the healing and minimize the pain. Apply honey two or three times daily for a week.
  • Also, consume one tablespoon of honey with a glass of lukewarm water three times a day to boost the immune system  and speed up healing. In fact, you can eat honey on a regular basis to enjoy good health and glowing skin.

5. Potato to Get Rid of Sunburn

Raw potato is an excellent remedy for relieving sunburn as the natural starches found in potatoes will help draw heat out of the skin. Moreover, it works as a natural bleach that helps to treat the tanning and redness around.

  • Peel two large potatoes and cut them into small pieces.
  • Blend the pieces in the blender to make a paste.
  • Apply the paste on the affected skin and let it dry on its own.
  • Then take a cool shower
  • Repeat the process once daily for a few days until all your symptoms are gone.

6. Mint to Get Rid of Sunburn

Mint naturally soothes whatever it touches and sunburns are no exception. The tannic acid and Theo bromine found in green tea also help relieve the pain and heal damaged skin when applied topically.

  • Boil a cup of water, add fresh mint tea leaves to it.
  • Keep it side at the room temperature to let it cool.
  • Dip a cotton ball in the tea and dab it over the affected skin.
  • Repeat it until you get satisfactory results.

7. Apple CiderVinegar for Sunburn Treatment

Vinegar helps heal sunburn. There is a huge number of people out there who have experience that vinegar mildly held tissues in general. Pure unfiltered apple cigar helps to work best.

  • In a bowl, add a few drops of ACV and water.
  • Apply this solution on the burnt skin.
  • Repeat it until you get complete relief.

 8. Coconut Oil for Sunburn Treatment

Used as a sun block. Interestingly, it helps in healing the sunburn patches of the skin. Lauric acid, a major component of the oil as it promotes the healing of the burnt skin. Popularly used as a sunburn remedy it is a major component in various cosmetic products as it helps in healing skin irritation.

  • Take pure coconut oil in a bowl, mix it with only a few drops of Aloe gel and lavender oil.
  • Rub it on the affected area, as it gets soaked to the skin so that you don’t have to rinse it
  • Note: Don’t use coconut oil immediately after a sunburn. It is wise to give one day gap or interval after a sunburn.

9. Antioxidants to Cure Sunburn

Asthathanin, an antioxidant when taken as a daily supplement is found to provide effective protection against sun damages. As it is known to exist in a number of topical sunscreen products, therefore, it can also be used topically. Other helpful antioxidants include proanthocyanidins, resveratrol, and lycopene.

Dietary sources of antioxidants include whole fresh fruits and vegetables such as raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries. To avoid the danger of excess fructose it is advisable to have fruit intake on a regular basis.

10. Use Plain Yogurt to Cure Sunburn

Plain yogurt contains an abundance of probiotics and enzymes that help heal our skin. When you find yourself red and sunburnt, it can help you recover fast. Make sure it’s truly plain yogurt and not vanilla and it has probiotics. A half cup of plain yogurt should be sufficient to treat facial burns at least, but feel free to use more if you want to cover more area. Wash your hands and apply cool yogurt directly to your burn, and let it sit for at least 5 minutes. When the pain has subsided gently rinse it off with cool tepid water.

11. Water to Treat Sunburn

Sunburn is a very common issue but we do not realize it until it sears our skin. Due to the prolong exposure to the sun our body is dehydrated and our skin burns out. Keep a tall glass or bottle of cold water onto hands at all times to make sure you are keeping yourself full of water which is necessary to heal your skin.

12. Anti-Redness Lotion & Cream to Get Rid of Sunburn

The best and the easiest way to reduce sunburn is by applying anti-redness lotion or cream. Moisturizers and anti-redness cream would prove to be beneficial in reducing sunburn. Use lotion on exposed areas like arms, hands, face, and skin, thereby helping the skin from further burning. It will help in keeping the skin cool and will give a rejuvenating effect which will help to reduce the burning of the skin.

13. Lettuce to Treat Sunburn

The green vegetable not only contains essential nutrients but also has properties that help to cure sunburn naturally at home. Apply a leaf of lettuce on your affected skin. Repeat this until the burns get completely healed.

14. Oatmeal to Get Rid of Sunburn

Oatmeal is one of the best remedies for sunburn treatment at home. It works as an exfoliator. It removes the dead skin and helps you to get rid of the sunburn. Add a teaspoon full of oatmeal in your bath tub. Soak your body in the water for 15-20 minutes. Do this regularly to treat sunburn.

15. Keep your Skin Cool to Reduce Sunburn

Drink plenty of water and keep your body hydrated as much as possible. This helps to retain the glow of your skin. Avoid over exhaustion, heat exhaustion or sunstroke and heat exhaustion. Have proper  intake of liquids and minerals in the form of juices. As well as minerals in the form of iodine.
